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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

There have been a lot of new accounts some have liked the Amico some not. I think any added traffic to AA is good because on either side of that coin they probably love gaming in some form. This Forum/website has some great stuff in it for a bunch of different folks with different interests. 


His point though is that people are coming here just for the sake of being negative and complaining.  Big difference.

Here's the other...


A few taco eating asshats that have been banned from numerous Amico threads because they aren't mature or capable enough to follow simple rules (not my rules... AA's) have been bragging on YouTube and Twitter that they make fake accounts and read every line... using quotes and trying to purposely make me and the system look bad.  They take screen captures and send them to Pat the NES Skunk from the PU Podcast and Pat requests them to do so.  You can read it for yourselves.


So lets stop the charade fellas.  No one is kidding anyone.



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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Lol no you would be accused of being an account made to make it seem more popular and drive up excitement.


Is that true? Nope. But that's why I'm tired of conspiracy posts as it just drives wedges and discourages stuff. Glad you are here and showing your passion. This site has a lot to offer so don't be afraid to explore it some!

This Amico stuff has me so pumped up that I got my Wii back out and connected up to my TV for the first time in a many years. Fired it up, put the Wii Sports CD in and aaaaaaaaaahhh. CD read error. Tried other CD's and the same thing. Researched the issue and found you can typically fix the issue by cleaning the laser. Build my homemade Wii cleaning CD and ........ nothing. Looks like the laser and or CD needs to be replaced. Not chasing that rabbit down that hole. Hey Tommy, do you think you could get a man in need an Amico a lot sooner than October? Can you ship one out tomorrow?

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6 minutes ago, NTV said:

This Amico stuff has me so pumped up that I got my Wii back out and connected up to my TV for the first time in a many years. Fired it up, put the Wii Sports CD in and aaaaaaaaaahhh. CD read error. Tried other CD's and the same thing. Researched the issue and found you can typically fix the issue by cleaning the laser. Build my homemade Wii cleaning CD and ........ nothing. Looks like the laser and or CD needs to be replaced. Not chasing that rabbit down that hole. Hey Tommy, do you think you could get a man in need an Amico a lot sooner than October? Can you ship one out tomorrow?

I played some Hasbro games and Wheel of Fortune on the Wii myself recently. Wife beat me. When we rolled the real dice me and little guy stomped a mud hole in her.

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1 hour ago, ColecoJoe said:

UGH .. I like oldschoolretrogamer, I enjoy his channel when he goes trash digging but you see what happens when Tommy is the influence?


Wow.  Kinda insulting don't ya think?  I'm sure @OldSchoolRetroGamer is mature and capable enough to make up his own mind about things. 



1 hour ago, ColecoJoe said:

In the past I would never post anything critical of any other AA member UNTIL i was totally bothered and turned off by how Tommy acted when the Pat & Ian video came out and I restrained myself for a long time before I began to challenge him.


Sorry to hear you drank their Kool-Aid of lies as well. Thought you may have been smarter than that.  "See what happens when PAT is the influence?"



Ironic huh?


The way I acted to them?  You mean by PRAISING them, being respectful and congratulating them on Twitter?  Please.  You've been influenced and fooled by a couple of charlatan cowards trying to make a few extra bucks on YouTube.


I guess your definition of "challenging" me is putting up your passive aggressive tired dopey memes and declaring that no one has a deck of playing cards anymore.


Although what I find most interesting about your confession is that you are driven to come to Amico threads to cause conflict and "challenge" me. 

And THAT is the part of the @OldSchoolRetroGamer post that you don't get.  He was pointing out that people coming together to talk about something they LIKE and are excited about is cool and fun and interesting.
People who go on threads to complain, argue and "challenge" people because they are "bothered" and "turned off" by them... is dumb.

I know... I know... here comes the "Tommy paid off OldSchoolRetroGamer" or "OldSchoolRetroGamer is a shill" or fanboy or "Tommy can't criticism" line.  It has nothing to do with that.  I'm simply trying to explain what he was talking about and describing in his post.  The subject doesn't matter.  I'd be making the same argument if this was a "how to make pasta" thread.

Anyway... I look forward to your next epic "challenge".  I just hope you'll give me something better than "no one has playing cards" that takes me longer than 12 seconds to completely debunk.

p.s.  If I "bother" you so much and you love Amico so much (so much so that you must come here everyday to read or post here) then just hit that IGNORE button so you will never need to hear or see me again!  Super easy!  No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read my posts.  Your medicine is only one click away.  :D


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25 minutes ago, NTV said:

This Amico stuff has me so pumped up that I got my Wii back out and connected up to my TV for the first time in a many years. Fired it up, put the Wii Sports CD in and aaaaaaaaaahhh. CD read error. Tried other CD's and the same thing. Researched the issue and found you can typically fix the issue by cleaning the laser. Build my homemade Wii cleaning CD and ........ nothing. Looks like the laser and or CD needs to be replaced. Not chasing that rabbit down that hole. Hey Tommy, do you think you could get a man in need an Amico a lot sooner than October? Can you ship one out tomorrow?

Sure!  I'm on it!







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4 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


Wow.  Kinda insulting don't ya think?  I'm sure @OldSchoolRetroGamer is mature and capable enough to make up his own mind about things. 




Sorry to hear you drank their Kool-Aid of lies as well. Thought you may have been smarter than that.  "See what happens when PAT is the influence?"



Ironic huh?


The way I acted to them?  You mean by PRAISING them, being respectful and congratulating them on Twitter?  Please.  You've been influenced and fooled by a couple of charlatan cowards trying to make a few extra bucks on YouTube.


I guess your definition of "challenging" me is putting up your passive aggressive tired dopey memes and declaring that no one has a deck of playing cards anymore.


Although what I find most interesting about your confession is that you are driven to come to Amico threads to cause conflict and "challenge" me. 

And THAT is the part of the @OldSchoolRetroGamer post that you don't get.  He was pointing out that people coming together to talk about something they LIKE and are excited about is cool and fun and interesting.
People who go on threads to complain, argue and "challenge" people because they are "bothered" and "turned off" by them... is dumb.

I know... I know... here comes the "Tommy paid off OldSchoolRetroGamer" or "OldSchoolRetroGamer is a shill" or fanboy or "Tommy can't criticism" line.  It has nothing to do with that.  I'm simply trying to explain what he was talking about and describing in his post.  The subject doesn't matter.  I'd be making the same argument if this was a "how to make pasta" thread.

Anyway... I look forward to your next epic "challenge".  I just hope you'll give me something better than "no one has playing cards" that takes me longer than 12 seconds to completely debunk.

p.s.  If I "bother" you so much and you love Amico so much (so much so that you must come here everyday to read or post here) then just hit that IGNORE button so you will never need to hear or see me again!  Super easy!  No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read my posts.  Your medicine is only one click away.  :D




Now I'm hungry for pasta.


Is there a forum for that?


Why do you have to go and mention pasta?


I'm trying to lose weight. 

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6 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Anyway... I look forward to your next epic "challenge". 

Hows this?



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Just now, ColecoJoe said:

Hows this?



Perfect!  Passive aggressive, tired and dopey.  Just like I described. 

Trifecta!  Great job. 



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2 hours ago, ColecoJoe said:

UGH .. I like oldschoolretrogamer, I enjoy his channel when he goes trash digging but you see what happens when Tommy is the influence? Can't somebody just have an account since 2017 and get bothered by Tommy's posts to start responding all of sudden without it being a conspiracy? In the past I would never post anything critical of any other AA member UNTIL i was totally bothered and turned off by how Tommy acted when the Pat & Ian video came out and I restrained myself for a long time before I began to challenge him.


Yeah the whole conspiracy thing is lame. Seems to be a recurring theme around these parts, where if someone is critical of the amico they must hate it or something. Or maybe just maybe they want it to be as best as it can be? people criticizing the system on a message board isn't going to effect anything stuff that's going to effect is like that switch 51 games thing that came out. it's very different from the Amico but idiots don't know that, they hear simple games multiplayer and they think oh look it's the amico no need for it anymore. what intellivision should do about this is make sure they're marketing is not so focussed on simple games that their grandpa can play needs to be more because then people are always going to point to this new switch game. 

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24 minutes ago, ColecoJoe said:

Hows this?



I...uh... I'm gonna have to work farkle into my vocabulary now, but in a gravely Patrick Steward English accent (though Sean Connery will do in a pinch, with an extra chewed over and much maligned "fahrerkle")..


Make it so, Number 1. 


::sits down, puts his regressed inner nerd back in the box::

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Man the VCS Supporters are going to be so mad when they find out that @ColecoJoe wasn't Tommy undercover but really a CUPodcast insurgent (or worse P&I themselves) playing the long game to lure in that unsuspecting nice Amico robot in an effort to destroy him.







APRIL FOOLS! Joe isn't like that.


And for Farkles sake everyone chill their truffles...




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There once was a village long ago.


Someone wanted move there and decided to ask a shopkeeper who had lived in town his whole life how things were in this particular town.


Before the shopkeeper answered he asked the stranger how life was like in their town.


"Oh it was terrible. Everyone always was negative and had so many problems. People would gossip and they all where a part of their own little groups"


The shopkeeper replied "you'll find much the same here"


A few days later another person wanted to live in the town and went to see the shopkeeper who promptly asked this newcomer how life was like in their previous town.


"Oh everyone was so nice and friendly. We all got along and would help eachother out when there were times of trouble. They were a wonderful group."


The shopkeeper replied "you'll find much the same here"

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6 minutes ago, RetroAdvisoryBoard said:

I...uh... I'm gonna have to work farkle into my vocabulary now, but in a gravely Patrick Steward English accent (though Sean Connery will do in a pinch, with an extra chewed over and much maligned "fahrerkle")..


Make it so, Number 1. 


::sits down, puts his regressed inner nerd back in the box::

*Engage* your dice rolling controller!

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4 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


Folks said the same thing about the Wii as well... didn't they. 


Lucky for us we're smart folks and do tons of market research and focus group testing and strategy meetings with the biggest retailers in the world that says the exact opposite of what you stated above.


But what do I know?  I'm just winging it.



I'm not sure I would call it "winging it", but this is your first attempt at launching a console or even a physical consumer product, isn't it?  I'm sure that must be an incredibly difficult learning curve for even a very seasoned CEO. 


I never connected my Wii to the Internet even once and I'm sure many other people didn't either.  Also, Wii games were complete on discs and to the extent the system needed firmware updates, Nintendo put them on whatever the latest game releases were.  Not sure how that is in any way similar to a system that requires an Internet connection and apparently won't have actual physical games that can be played off physical media without an Internet connection or access to servers that may or may not still be around at some point in the future.  

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5 minutes ago, bojay1997 said:

I'm not sure I would call it "winging it", but this is your first attempt at launching a console or even a physical consumer product, isn't it?  I'm sure that must be an incredibly difficult learning curve for even a very seasoned CEO. 


I never connected my Wii to the Internet even once and I'm sure many other people didn't either.  Also, Wii games were complete on discs and to the extent the system needed firmware updates, Nintendo put them on whatever the latest game releases were.  Not sure how that is in any way similar to a system that requires an Internet connection and apparently won't have actual physical games that can be played off physical media without an Internet connection or access to servers that may or may not still be around at some point in the future.  

True.  But since the Wii, most of the adult population in the US has:

  • set up a Netflix account (or use a family member's...)
  • downloaded an app on a phone
  • set a digital/smart thermostat
  • figured out how to adjust the date/radio/XM/bluetooth syncing on their car dashboard system.

In 2006-2010, it was just a different set of expectations.. the iPhone didn't show up until the end of 2011.  Smart devices weren't ubiquitous until just the last 5-6 years.  New cars only started to get standard touchscreen displays within the last 4-5 years.  I figure most Amico owners will be able to figure out the instructions to get it synced to their internet, something like 98% of the North American population has internet access, so it isn't going to be too novel.  


But, the UX will need to be extremely user-friendly, no doubt.  And there will be some owners who need more guidance - I'm sure Customer Support will be there or a quick installation guide like most anything requiring set-up/assembly.  The games won't play off servers, since you don't need to maintain internet access, so as long as they can get to them to download, players/owners have access.  If everything goes under?  Well, cross that bridge when we get to it.  Even the biggest industry players are moving more and more content to a digital-dependency system.

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12 minutes ago, RetroAdvisoryBoard said:

the iPhone didn't show up until the end of 2011.

?  The iPhone was released in 2007.

Edited by IntyFanMatt
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3 minutes ago, IntyFanMatt said:

?  The Iphone was released in 2007.

Why didnt they ever make a piephone?


I would love a phone that you could eat.


Thw slogan could be "easy as pie..phone"

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1 minute ago, Michael Garvey said:

Why didnt they ever make a piephone?


I would love a phone that you could eat.


Thw slogan could be "easy as pie..phone"

Sounds good. I’ll take apple a la mode. 

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So we can set up Netflix, download apps, connect to smart cars, set up our internet, digital thermostats, set up fitbits and smart watches, streaming devices, Amazon Echos, ebook readers....


But we have yet to crack parental controls on the Switch. I hope everyone is taking the time in quarantine to work on that.

Edited by MrBeefy

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17 minutes ago, RetroAdvisoryBoard said:

True.  But since the Wii, most of the adult population in the US has:

  • set up a Netflix account (or use a family member's...)
  • downloaded an app on a phone
  • set a digital/smart thermostat
  • figured out how to adjust the date/radio/XM/bluetooth syncing on their car dashboard system.

In 2006-2010, it was just a different set of expectations.. the iPhone didn't show up until the end of 2011.  Smart devices weren't ubiquitous until just the last 5-6 years.  New cars only started to get standard touchscreen displays within the last 4-5 years.  I figure most Amico owners will be able to figure out the instructions to get it synced to their internet, something like 98% of the North American population has internet access, so it isn't going to be too novel.  


But, the UX will need to be extremely user-friendly, no doubt.  And there will be some owners who need more guidance - I'm sure Customer Support will be there or a quick installation guide like most anything requiring set-up/assembly.  The games won't play off servers, since you don't need to maintain internet access, so as long as they can get to them to download, players/owners have access.  If everything goes under?  Well, cross that bridge when we get to it.  Even the biggest industry players are moving more and more content to a digital-dependency system.

I agree with most of your points, but this sort of cuts against the whole argument for Amico over the other consoles, including Switch, that are out there right now.  I mean, if the only differentiation is that the Amico is slightly cheaper than the Switch or the PS4 or Xbox One (although the latter two already hit $200 this past Black Friday with controllers at $40, so I'm sure MSRP on these consoles and controllers will drop for good once the new consoles hit later this year), allows use of smartphones as controllers (as a parent, I personally hate this idea knowing how hard my kids are on their Switch controllers and existing iPads) and is made up only of family friendly curated games that allow local multiplayer and aren't particularly complex, I'm just not sure how appealing that will be to people that don't already have a console.  It's sort of like asking someone to go most of the way they would go in owning one of the big three consoles, with few additional benefits and a lot of down sides.  From my perspective, dropping the Internet requirement and selling true physical media rather than some hybrid that may contain a physical piece of media that doesn't really contain the whole game would go a long way toward differentiating the Amico from everything else that is out there.     

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50 minutes ago, bojay1997 said:

I'm not sure I would call it "winging it", but this is your first attempt at launching a console or even a physical consumer product, isn't it?  I'm sure that must be an incredibly difficult learning curve for even a very seasoned CEO. 


You're incorrect on that assumption. 

And not only me... but folks on the team who worked directly on the hardware for PlayStation 1, 3, 4... original Xbox, the Wii, Wii fit, N64 & SNES. 

You can also include the Mars Rover, Blackhawk Helicopter and Nuclear Subs...  I'd say we know a thing or two about hardware and consumer products.  :)




I never connected my Wii to the Internet even once and I'm sure many other people didn't either.  Also, Wii games were complete on discs and to the extent the system needed firmware updates, Nintendo put them on whatever the latest game releases were.  Not sure how that is in any way similar to a system that requires an Internet connection and apparently won't have actual physical games that can be played off physical media without an Internet connection or access to servers that may or may not still be around at some point in the future.  

Because it's 2020 and not 2006. 

Ask Netflix, Disney+, Amazon & HULU how it's working out for them.


Also... our physical media only need an internet connection once for about 10 seconds.  It doesn't need to be constantly on and connected.  This isn't an XBox.   :D





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