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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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6 hours ago, Spriggy said:

Nope. Just as bad. A complete copy of the original recipe.

Kangaroo pee?


I do wonder if the Fasters would get edited out. Might send the wrong message in a E or E10+ rated game even.

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15 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

And tell us... what about all the posters over in the Taco Thread?  How come you're not bitching about them?  Where are all your screen grabs, demeaning MEME's, borderline illegal libel claims that they spout on a daily basis?

He was one of the main contributors to that stupid thread in the beginning.  I quit following it because it was nothing but taco posts.  I honestly didn't find it funny.  It was annoying.  Then he comes over pretending to be interested in the Amico and starts posting about bacon.  Maybe he is better off posting on the Food Network Forums?  When I apposed to something the two NES dolts were ripping on about the Amico, I said they were two guys probably living in their parents basement, ala Stepbrothers.  He called me out on that and later on said the same thing about a few people on this forum to which I didn't respond.  But as I see it, that's being a hypocrite.

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9 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

I think it's time too to move them. This is a classic gaming forum after all and Amico is a new beast. Plus all the smaller Amico threads with this one and the Q&A seems to be drowning out the retro stuff.

If that's the case... should probably move that negative taco thread over as well.  Talk about "clutter" and giving the AA forums a bad name.  

Interesting that you never addressed that thread in my response.  Any thoughts?



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On 4/4/2020 at 4:41 PM, jaybird3rd said:

That would be a question for @Albert.  So far, I think the Amico discussions have benefited from being in the Intellivision subforum, simply because of the significant overlap between the two user communities.  But as we get closer to the release date, and as the marketing begins to address a wider audience, I expect that the two will diverge.  I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of a dedicated subforum, and I'll happily help to migrate the Amico-related threads.  But again, it's Albert's decision.

I'm fine with creating an Amico-specific subforum if people feel there would be enough traffic to warrant it.  Where are people thinking this forum would slot in?  A subforum of the Intellivision forum or somewhere else?



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Modern seems about right since that’s what Amico is aiming for. Not being pigeonholed as a “retro” console. 

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58 minutes ago, Albert said:

I'm fine with creating an Amico-specific subforum if people feel there would be enough traffic to warrant it.  Where are people thinking this forum would slot in?  A subforum of the Intellivision forum or somewhere else?



In the modern gaming area with the other modern consoles makes the most sense - and it will allow us Intellinerds to venture out and see more of your great site 



Edited by fdr4prez
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1 hour ago, Albert said:

I'm fine with creating an Amico-specific subforum if people feel there would be enough traffic to warrant it.  Where are people thinking this forum would slot in?  A subforum of the Intellivision forum or somewhere else?



+1 for Modern Gaming subforum.

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13 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

If that's the case... should probably move that negative taco thread over as well.  Talk about "clutter" and giving the AA forums a bad name.  

Interesting that you never addressed that thread in my response.  Any thoughts?




Alright.  Not often I get on my virtual soapbox.  As some of the mods no doubt know, I usually reply with cheeky memes, emojis or a few sentences.  I might be covering ground that I've mentioned in the past, but it's relevant here.

I've been in law enforcement since 1996 .. near on 24+ years.   I'm now occassionally black hearted, cynical, wary and cranky.  But I'm also proud, honest, stead-fast and resilient.  I no longer roll around on the ground with the cockroaches of society and am behind closed doors running operations.

Just the other day, one of my troops was spat in the face by a said cockroach, who stated he had the virus that everyone is talking about currently.  After everything, the statement was a hoax and my officer returned back to work the next day, as if nothing had happened.

Why this preamble?  To show people that we are on a virtual forum (and a fantastic one at that!!), on our keyboards, reacting in our own personal ways, both good and bad.  Some of us are clinical and courteous, some are down right rude, some are in the middle, some are cheeky (😉) , some are right and some are wrong.  Oh ... and some wear very big tinfoil hats!

In the end .... they're just f#cking words.  I'm not talking about extreme racism or threats of violence ... that's a no brainer and wrong.  I'm just talking about opinions and the reaction to said opinions.

SOME PEOPLE JUST NEED TO CHILL THE HELL OUT!  I've been called every name under the sun at work, straight to my face.  I have one very large eyebrow and have been called out on it.  Who cares.  God bless them.

We can all go home and sleep soundly after typing on our little keyboards, without fear ... in 99% of cases.  If the mods don't like what I've said, they smack me soundly .. and I'll comply without complaint.  It's their house, not mine.  Sure I might cheekly rebel some time later ... but I do that expecting recourse.  My decision.  Hopefully I learn from that.


As for the taco thread.  It's fantastic imo.  Juvenial at times?  Of course.  And I'm guilty of that.  But FFS ... it's just human nature when a shitshow rears it's head.  If you can't understand that, then .... your blind to societies ways.

If you think that gives this legendary forum a bad name, then your delusional.  You don't understand the history of this place.  I may have only joined in 2017, but I've followed this place at work since the iconic Atari landifll thread back in '05.  This place IS Atari.  Fullstop.  Some informative but juvenial "Taco" thread changes nothing!


My last point.  If you want respect for anything your trying to accomplish, you must lead by example and be open and honest.  If you start resorting to tactics of your detractors, then you'll lose.  If you say nothing in times of trouble, then you lose.  If you lie, then you lose.  Practice what you preach.  Just a general statement.


Can you tell I had a shitty night at work and on my second morning coffee!? 😌  *steps down*

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14 hours ago, atarifan88 said:

I quit following it because it was nothing but taco posts.  I honestly didn't find it funny.  It was annoying.  

Same here.   Thought I was the only stick in the mud who didnt see the funny in it.

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1 hour ago, Spriggy said:

As for the taco thread.  It's fantastic imo.  Juvenial at times?  Of course.  And I'm guilty of that.  But FFS ... it's just human nature when a shitshow rears it's head.  If you can't understand that, then .... your blind to societies ways.  If you think that gives this legendary forum a bad name, then your delusional.  You don't understand the history of this place.  I may have only joined in 2017, but I've followed this place at work since the iconic Atari landifll thread back in '05.  This place IS Atari.  Fullstop.  Some informative but juvenial "Taco" thread changes nothing!



Yeah.  I agree.  That's exactly my point as well.  That's why I used the comparison that I did.

Unlike other fuddy duddies here... I wasn't really saying things should actually be removed or taken down.  I was drawing a comparison of the same exact thing they always do that they all of the sudden have issues with.

Everyone has silly fun at Atari's expense over at that thread... especially the folks here who love to leave their little HAHA's whenever I'm attacked.


But if THEY don't like something... then all of the sudden they become the AA forum police and whine to the mods that clear jokes have all of the sudden become offensive and that I'm somehow dragging this place down on the outside world because of it.  Please.  Stop acting like a bunch of whiny two-faced hypocrites.


So yes... as Mr. Spriggy said in so many words.


Put your big boy pants on fellas... it's only words and meme's.  I know some of you might be getting a little stir crazy cooped up in your houses lately... but it might be a good time to take a step back from policing the fun others are having in a video game forum.




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10 hours ago, fdr4prez said:

In the modern gaming area with the other modern consoles makes the most sense - and it will allow us Intellinerds to venture out and see more of your great site 



There's some pretty cool stuff!  :) Some of my favorite threads are the game time tracker/'what are you playing'/'what did you finish' ones; it's neat to me to see what other folks are playing.


i also found some neat youtube channels like the 'Battle of the Ports' one that i try to check.

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I was just thinking about Microsurgeon- this game scared the willies out of me when I was but a tiny Pooka.


Microsurgeon TI-99/4A Game over


Neat shooter, and the 994A gave some neat speech/sounds.  I think this was one of Imagic's more imaginative games- heaven knows it was better than the 994A cart port of Demon Attack.

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1 hour ago, digdugnate said:

There's some pretty cool stuff!  :) Some of my favorite threads are the game time tracker/'what are you playing'/'what did you finish' ones; it's neat to me to see what other folks are playing.


i also found some neat youtube channels like the 'Battle of the Ports' one that i try to check.

I need to check out the time tracker one. It is always fun to hear about what others are playing.

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Just now, MrBeefy said:

I need to check out the time tracker one. It is always fun to hear about what others are playing.

Modern - https://atariage.com/forums/topic/300211-what-have-you-actually-played-tracker-modern-edition-2020/

Classic - https://atariage.com/forums/topic/300232-what-have-you-actually-played-tracker-for-2020-season-13/


@carlsson does a bang-up job tracking the stats for all us weirdos.  Times don't have to be scientific-precise, but close is good.  :)  You'd enjoy participating, I think!


I usually do a write-up on the stuff I play, depending on the week and how pressed for time/stressed out at life I am. 

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1 minute ago, digdugnate said:

Modern - https://atariage.com/forums/topic/300211-what-have-you-actually-played-tracker-modern-edition-2020/

Classic - https://atariage.com/forums/topic/300232-what-have-you-actually-played-tracker-for-2020-season-13/


@carlsson does a bang-up job tracking the stats for all us weirdos.  Times don't have to be scientific-precise, but close is good.  :)  You'd enjoy participating, I think!


I usually do a write-up on the stuff I play, depending on the week and how pressed for time/stressed out at life I am. 

Man this forum still has some cool surprises. Been here for over a decade and lurked longer and still find cool things.

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44 minutes ago, ASalvaro said:

an update of this game would be cool on the Amico 


I love that game but 1) I don't really see the point of "updating" (at least visually) a game that looks retro on purpose 2) it's a really difficult game for Amico's target demographic.

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2 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

I love that game but 1) I don't really see the point of "updating" (at least visually) a game that looks retro on purpose 2) it's a really difficult game for Amico's target demographic.

i would leave the graphics alone but update it for co-op in some kind of way and your second point is true but i think there needs to be at least a couple 2d platformers on the system 

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1 hour ago, ASalvaro said:

i would leave the graphics alone but update it for co-op in some kind of way and your second point is true but i think there needs to be at least a couple 2d platformers on the system 

Looks pretty cool. But yeah difficulty would go against the easily accessible part. I too would like to see some platformers. Check out Micro Mages or Magicat on Steam. MM goes up to 4 players. Magicat is only 1 player but it is simple fun that would be an Amico friendly game.

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4 hours ago, ASalvaro said:

i would leave the graphics alone but update it for co-op in some kind of way and your second point is true but i think there needs to be at least a couple 2d platformers on the system 

On reddit he mentioned a "unique platformer" that he expects to show in about four or five months.  They've already announced caveman ninja, spelunker, miner 2049er, lode runner, beauty and the beast.


Game difficulty is one thing but what they're talking about is difficulty learning the games and complex controls.  People complain that golden age arcade games are difficult with average play times designed to be three minutes; gameplay and controls are otherwise simple in most cases.  I know with side scrolling platform games of the late eighties early nineties, there's often a lot of content to get through and people want to complete them without too much difficulty.

Edited by mr_me

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1 hour ago, mr_me said:

On reddit he mentioned a "unique platformer" that he expects to show in about four or five months.  They've already announced caveman ninja, spelunker, miner 2049er, lode runner, beauty and the beast.


Game difficulty is one thing but what they're talking about is difficulty learning the games and complex controls.  People complain that golden age arcade games are difficult with average play times designed to be three minutes; gameplay and controls are otherwise simple in most cases.  I know with side scrolling platform games of the late eighties early nineties, there's often a lot of content to get through and people want to complete them without too much difficulty.

I'm more interested in the new and unique one. Ones like Joe and Mac and have been released plenty of times.


Funny thing about Lode Runner is there is a pretty decent looking version "Legacy" on Steam I have on my wish list. I haven't bought it yet, but I'm mainly interested in the create a level feature to mess around with. Be neat to see something similar on Amico and seems to have decent reviews. Lode Runner Legacy

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On 4/4/2020 at 7:15 AM, mr_me said:

Card games and board games on amico, just like physical games will give you time to adjust.  They could zoom large text for cards on the controller if they wanted.  Otherwise it's the same problem as playing the physical games.


Action games like missile command or night stalker use the touchpad but there's no need to look at it all.


You don't know this - it's just your assumption. You haven't seen the games in play and haven't seen the controller and how it works with various games.


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On 4/4/2020 at 11:29 AM, mr_me said:

Someone said card games are a problem even though no card games have been shown.  I'm just saying it doesn't have to be a problem.  I bring small print close up to my face all the time looking under my glasses, in order to read them.  In the one example we've seen so far where the touch screen is used ie. Sideswipers; it doesn't look like seeing the display would pose a problem in order to play the game.

I didn't say card games are a problem on the system. How could I know that yet?


What I said was I play modern board games, and with a handful of cards in my hand or in front of my play area, I can't focus on the cards close to me unless I remove my glasses, since I'm nearsighted, but then if I do that there's no way I can see across the board to see components on the far side of the board near other players. So it's a back-and-forth with lifting the glasses up to see close-up, and then using the glasses for seeing the board. This is why bifocals exist but I hate them and I watch too many movies and am too young to saddle myself with such annoying lenses.


So I imagine any games that would require you to look back and forth between the controller screen and the TV would be a problem for those who wear glasses for either far-sightedness or near-sightedness.


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