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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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1 hour ago, spoonman said:

I'm sure I'll get a lot of hate for saying this, but I'm a huge INTV fan. As a kid I owned one, as well as an Atari VCS, and ColecoVision.

The new versions of classic INTV games certainly do intrigue me, but I don't see myself spending $220 - $250 to play them. If they instead released an "Intellivision Old & New Collection", (which might contain original emulated INTV classics, as well as the new remakes with more colors, better sound, more features), for the PS4/Switch/Steam. I'd gladly pay $29.99 for that.


I know I know.. The Amico controller is a must.. LED lights, RFID, touch screen, etc.. Well the Switch can do touch screen, NFC wireless, motion controls, and 3D aiming via iR camera in JoyCon, and the PS4 DualShock 4 has dual analog sticks, a digital pad, 10 digital buttons, touchpad, 2 analog buttons, 2 pressure sensitive buttons, LED light bar, motion controls via six axis (3 axis gyroscope, 3 axis accelerometer), speaker, 3.5mm headphone jack, and you also have the ability to use ANY Android/iPod/iPhone device as a Second Screen.

I don't think you get it. This isn't just about releasing a pack of games and calling it a day. He's already well aware of everything the other consoles offer. He may be chatting with us like any other forum user but he has more experience in this industry than you realize apparently.


Tommy is trying to build a new ecosystem within a new platform using a family friendly name that was once a pretty dominant force in gaming (that hasn't been dragged through the mud like Atari's name). His goal isn't to hawk his wares with some cheap software on pre-existing platforms. It's to offer an entirely new, curated gaming space, that functions as a completely unique experience than the current consoles on the market. And by doing that, he can attempt to tap into the same markets the Wii did, or tap into entirely new markets. Especially markets that do not own a game console.

Edited by 1001lives
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1 hour ago, spoonman said:

Aren't those 3 billion casual gamers content with gaming on their phones?


No... they aren't. 


Most folks hate the in-app purchasing, constant ad's, always trying to get your credit card, slowing down your phone, notification pop-ups, ZERO curation in the store, 1,000 new games a week... mostly pieces of junk, ZERO couch co-op (except for Jackbox, Space Team, a few others), CRAPPY non-tactile controls (try playing a simple 4 direction game like Pac-Man on mobile) and I could go ON and ON and ON. 




Why would they want to buy a new console to play games which are very similar to what they can already play? 


A few reasons.


1.  Because the games are NOT similar.  You may think they are because you can't see through the graphical aspects.  You're making a ton of assumptions without ever having played a single game.  MOST of the games we are making are NOT capable of being played on a mobile device for a great number of reasons.


2.  BECAUSE THEY CAN'T PLAY COUCH CO-OP.  99.9% of the millions of mobile games are a solitary experience.  You and a screen... that's it.  Yes there is "online multiplayer" but that isn't what we're talking about.  Please go to our website and read it.  I think you will be much for informed as to what we're doing and how we're doing it.  www.IntellivisionAmico.com

You should also go over the massive Amico Q&A thread as a lot of your questions have already been answered and you can feel free to ask more.




And going back to "granny"... They love their Wii Sports! Bowling and Tennis in particular is what is always playing on Wii's at retirement and assisted living (homes). What would make them want to ditch their still functional Nintendo Wii + Wii Sports? Will the Amico have games such as those? I'm honestly curious here.


Because it's 14 year old technology and our tech is much better and updated.  Why do folks upgrade their Playstation 2 from 14 years ago?  New games, new experiences.  And besides... our entire platform is based around the Wii Bowling moments.  Not just some pack-in tech demos that weren't even completed games on their own.  The price of our games is much cheaper as well.  I could go on and on... but hopefully you get the point.

And yes... to answer your question we have a LOT of games such as those. 

If you're interested in finding out more and have other questions, I'd like to recommend going to the Q&A thread.




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11 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Maybe but both go a long together because how many play mobile vs how much money is spent on mobile keeps coming up.


No one has talked about how that cam still be misleading. The 'hardcore' market shows itself to be willing to spend more money on their games amd consoles. There may be more casuals but they spend less and the Amico will triple their gaming expenses.


How much total dollars is brought up but I don't think anyone has brought up the data I just did. That's why I was getting tired of hearing about the data.


The only thing priced on this for casuals is the games. The console is priced for more 'hardcore' gamers than casuals. The $150-$180 mark was only doubling casual expenses, but now its tripled. If you get a limited one its basically quadrupled. No one talks about that dollar data.

It's been pointed out by others that most casual gamers don't spend a dime on their games.  So all that money spent is concentrated on fewer people.  There are casual gamers willing to spend money and according to Amico research it's mostly women.  People here are speculating on how much more they are willing to spend on something that's a better experience, can be shared with the entire family, and marketed specifically to them.


Any consumer when choosing a video game system will ask how much are the games.  And seeing the savings in software will make the investment in hardware worthwhile.  Amico is affordable (two controllers, five games included) and the price increase doesn't change that.


10 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Oh yeah they don't need all of that market. I think they would have better chances if they kept it around the $150 to $180 mark. I would be curious to see the original controllers since that sounds like the extra $50 cost was to upgrade those.

You've probably used resistive touchpads before.  Capacitive touchpads are much more responsive, and more reliable and durable.  The touchpad is going to be a key interface for action games so being as responsive as possible is not an option.



3 hours ago, spoonman said:



It's deifntely getting a physical copy? And it'll be priced the same as the digital download EWJ.. $9.99 or less?

Does Amico use discs, cartridges, SDcards.. Has it been announced or shown yet?

Physical games will cost more, as they should.  The type of media hasn't been announced yet.

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4 hours ago, spoonman said:

It's deifntely getting a physical copy? And it'll be priced the same as the digital download EWJ.. $9.99 or less?

Does Amico use discs, cartridges, SDcards.. Has it been announced or shown yet?

Didn't see this - 


Tommy already tweeted about this. It's getting a physical release, launching in 2021. We don't know what the media format is. Most likely something that interacts with USB. Hopefully a cool looking Intellivision flash drive that stores the game. 

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Looking at the content about Dual Shock 4, which I do enjoy holding and using for simple games with digital controls (as all those features thankfully didn't add much weight)... 


Personally, I'd be thankful if most Amico games would only use 1 or 2 buttons and not the 4 available.... And that there were plenty of 2, 4, and 8 direction games that didn't use the 64 possible directions (though those'll be great for free roaming/open screen games, hopefully including something like food fight!). And I'm sure my non gamer friends would be even happier...  Something is missing between casual action gaming on the phone (which is only decent for one and two touch action games placing one or two fingers on the screen, still missing the feeling of tactile feedback even for those games) and most modern action games (from dual stick to mouse and keyboard based), and I think controls, not graphics or sound, are at the center of that... I hope Amico developers don't fall into the trap of unnecessarily using too many controller features... 

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Two of the four shoulder buttons are meant to make the Amico controller ambidextrous.  So you can use the disk with your right thumb or your left thumb as you prefer.  Although a game could be programmed to use all four shoulder buttons I doubt they would, but you never know.  And the touchpad could be the primary action button as well.

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9 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

p.s.  Here's the link to those statistics some were looking for...



Never trust bacon facts from a vegan. :P


What is the vegan equivalent to bacon?

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7 hours ago, spoonman said:

106 million PS4 systems sold

45 million Switches sold

41 million Xbox One systems sold


192 million total for current gen console gamers


So by your data only 8 million people game on PC?? My data shows that being between 1 and 2 billion people playing games on their PC. 

Remember.. Causal games. If you're going to count mobile phones that ship with Snake you also must count people playing solitaire, or those awful Facebook games on their PC. 


And are we not counting previous gen consoles which so many people still play? I'm guessing there are millions of families who still play their Wii.. Xbox 360, PS3.. Even the classics such as NES. Portables too, such as 3DS, are still being played. 



It's deifntely getting a physical copy? And it'll be priced the same as the digital download EWJ.. $9.99 or less?

Does Amico use discs, cartridges, SDcards.. Has it been announced or shown yet?

Not officially announced what the type of media it will be yet.

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6 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

No.  You can't take the amount of consoles sold and assume that they are all individuals.  There aren't 192 million total people playing console games.  Most hardcores have 2 systems (and PC) which cuts the amount of individual people in half from the consoles "sold" numbers above.

Still don't understand what the argument with the numbers is though?  The fact still remains that 3 billion people are NOT hardcore gamers or consider themselves gamers at all.  Console gaming doesn't come within 10% of that... no matter how you add up the numbers.  There is nothing wrong with recognizing that 3 billion people play casual games and that we feel we know the reason and are going to be marketing and attempting to capture a percentage of that.

I'm really at a loss here.  What's the issue?

You are right the casual market is huge. My thing was strictly how much per person does a casual gamer spend on games in a yeah and how much a hardcore gamer spends on games in a year.


I'm worried the higher priced console will scare off casuals if it ends up doubling their video game expenses (for console alone and 5 games). The games are perfectly priced for the casual market. That was what my thing is with the numbers. Not that there isn't a bigger market or not. It was more of will the casuals spend more upfront.


If you can get them to buy it upfront I don't think the game prices will be a deterent. 

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Let's try to refrain from making comments about other thread participants, complaining about the discussions, and littering the thread with obnoxious pictures, please.

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5 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Why do folks upgrade their Playstation 2 from 14 years ago?  

I don't know why. I didn't upgrade mine. 🙄







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6 minutes ago, jaybird3rd said:

Let's try to refrain from making comments about other thread participants, complaining about the discussions, and littering the thread with obnoxious pictures, please.


Apologies Jay.  I have no wish to get into ANY silly to-and-fro's with anyone in here, hence my lack of verbiage.  I thought a gentle jovial pictorial outlining unwarranted repetitive statements, agreed albeit a little cheeky, would hopefully turn on a light-bulb to some people in here .... for @MrBeefy's thread's sake.  I guess not.

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6 minutes ago, Spriggy said:

Apologies Jay.  I have no wish to get into ANY silly to-and-fro's with anyone in here, hence my lack of verbiage.  I thought a gentle jovial pictorial outlining unwarranted repetitive statements, agreed albeit a little cheeky, would hopefully turn on a light-bulb to some people in here .... for @MrBeefy's thread's sake.  I guess not.

I understand, and I agree that the discussion has been a little too cyclical recently, but it was just getting to be a bit much.  (Not so much your post, but the post(s) you were quoting.)

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6 hours ago, m-crew said:


wow a viscous circle.  

Like when you squash a slug with a soup can.

LOL, autotype. 🤣

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4 hours ago, 1001lives said:

Didn't see this - 


Tommy already tweeted about this. It's getting a physical release, launching in 2021. We don't know what the media format is. Most likely something that interacts with USB. Hopefully a cool looking Intellivision flash drive that stores the game. 

Or Intellivision cart shaped usb drive you can plug into the side of the console (but USB port). 

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4 hours ago, 1001lives said:

We don't know what the media format is.

It's Vinyl. Probably sized like a 45 single. That button on the front of the unit photos we've seen before makes the top pop up like a top loading CD player, but instead it's small records.

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11 minutes ago, 1001lives said:

lol, Thank you. Vaguely remembered something somewhere tried a similar thing. If I had any artistic ability, I would have shopped an Amico with it's top half popped up and a crudely "drawn" insides shown with said software.


Back on the topic, I am thinking SD Card type thing more than USB. But I think this is a June reveal type question in the end.

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How about a game on 33s


Spinning  this right know.  🎸🤟🏻😎






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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Never trust bacon facts from a vegan. :P


What is the vegan equivalent to bacon?

Tofu. Any vegan food equivalent question can usually be answered with 'Tofu' 😁



1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

I don't know why. I didn't upgrade mine. 🙄







Quite honestly I still use and never bothered upgrading from my PS2 either. PS1 to PS2 was a huge jump, and that upgrade I had no problems with, but after 2 I was just not that interested in what the PS3+ offered. PS2 graphics are still pretty decent, games are quite cheap now, and there is an astoundingly  huge selection of great titles available for the console. I could probably play it for another 20 years and still be discovering new games that I like.

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For me the last console I bought for myself (not including the ones for my kids )was PS1

Now it’s  the Amico FE !!!
I did win a Dreamcast with all the accessories but they are still brand new in there boxes.  


Edited by m-crew
spelling mistake as usual ... lol I have Bad eyesight even with glasses on.
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18 minutes ago, Tavi said:

Tofu. Any vegan food equivalent question can usually be answered with 'Tofu' 😁



Quite honestly I still use and never bothered upgrading from my PS2 either. PS1 to PS2 was a huge jump, and that upgrade I had no problems with, but after 2 I was just not that interested in what the PS3+ offered. PS2 graphics are still pretty decent, games are quite cheap now, and there is an astoundingly  huge selection of great titles available for the console. I could probably play it for another 20 years and still be discovering new games that I like.

I upgraded my PS2 with a mod chip so now it plays everything like it should have in the first place. 

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I have a collection of over  1000 records (really lost count). I would love if IE came out with a soundtrack of there exclusives games and release a SE pressing on vinyl to add to my collection..  I think Atari did this back in the eighties...  

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1 hour ago, Swami said:

Or Intellivision cart shaped usb drive you can plug into the side of the console (but USB port). 

You may be right with this theory, that would be great. Hope it comes in a gatefold box and collector overlay cards. (like hockey or baseball cards).

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1 hour ago, Tavi said:

Tofu. Any vegan food equivalent question can usually be answered with 'Tofu' 😁

I never could eat Tofu, I've tried just doesn't taste right . But I have eaten in Vegan Restaurants and some of the meals and dishes are delicious.  Tavi have you eaten Tofu or had dinner in a Vegan Restaurant?  


 My brother gave me his PS2 and games when he upgraded to the PS3  but I always traded them away for Intellivision/Atari 2600/Coleco games.  Maybe I shold of keep them just to have.

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