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9 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

We are not quite 7 months out from release. When do you think we should start seeing (assuming they show more) footage of complete games?


I think it would have helped to have their own sounds and music too in the trailers.

I've showed a lot of early audio for things like Breakout, Moon Patrol, Missile Command & Night Stalker... but if it doesn't sound perfect (y'know... I kinda have a thing for audio) then I don't want to show it because as an audio person its just one more reason for the haters to declare to their online buddies and fake YT accounts how much I suck.   :D


Complete footage of games will be shown when our actual real marketing and advertising start in the late summer/early fall.  You guys gotta realize that we're just showing all of this stuff to give folks a peak inside (a diary if you will) of how the console is being made.  No need to pick apart everything at this point... I clearly state on every video that it's all just preliminary unfinished stuff.  I'm not being critical of anyone... I'm just informing everyone that any of the things we are showing now are just for the uber fans and followers who are interested at this point and our REAL marketing and advertising doesn't start til later in the year and will be MUCH different and polished and we would NEVER show an "unfinished" game in any of those things.

Hope that helps folks understand what the goal is.





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3 minutes ago, mr_me said:

I don't think Amico Shark Shark looks slow.  Only the shark should at least be as fast as you to start.  When it comes on the screen you really want to get out of it's way.  At more difficult levels the shark gets faster and hungrier.  It's also agile and turn on a dime.


What's the inkblot is about.  Is it the end of a round?


As you know the angle with Amico is multiplayer.  Couples who want to play games together, parents who want to play with their kids. 

You nailed it.


Shark! Shark! has a total of 12 different unlockable levels and locations and each get a little more difficult.  I'll be explaining a lot more in the Q&A thread today. 

And yes... as you said... people want to play TOGETHER.  Unlike when they play on their phones.  I bet no one in here has ever heard me say that huh?




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Some footage comparisons.







Shark! Shark!







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Anyone who wants to follow the CPUpodcast saga here is I think all their videos about Amico. If they've talked about it more in their podcasts you all are on your own to find that as I don't listen to it. 











Love them or hate them I don't care. BUT can everyone at least not joke or speculate about mental health, going nuts, or hanging themselves please and thank you.



Love them or hate them I don't care. BUT can everyone at least not joke or speculate about mental health, going nuts, or hanging themselves please and thank you.

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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Anyone who wants to follow the CPUpodcast saga here is I think all their videos about Amico. If they've talked about it more in their podcasts you all are on your own to find that as I don't listen to it. 









Love them or hate them I don't care. BUT can everyone at least not joke or speculate about mental health, going nuts, or hanging themselves please and thank you.

Thanks for collecting these.


Yeah people need to refrain from metal health and hanging jokes.


I do want to share my experience with Pat and Ian.


I met them both at Too Many Games a few years back.  Both were super nice and Ian even took a picture with me.

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10 minutes ago, Michael Garvey said:

I met them both at Too Many Games a few years back.  Both were super nice and Ian even took a picture with me.

Many times meeting folks face to face is a more pleasant experience.. as they are not hiding behind a keyboard.

Not sure if hiding behind a keyboard makes some more bold and shows more their real personalities or it is an act to drum up an audience.

I love the internet but much prefer meeting folks face to face 1st... then as time goes on maybe their behind the keyboard approach towards someone will be a tad more personable. 

Maybe one day this will all iron out and Pat & Ian will meet some of you all here along with Tommy and have a discussion offline and smooth things over.

Yeah I am an optimist... just the way I roll.


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5 minutes ago, AtariSociety said:

Many times meeting folks face to face is a more pleasant experience.. as they are not hiding behind a keyboard.

Not sure if hiding behind a keyboard makes some more bold and shows more their real personalities or it is an act to drum up an audience.

I love the internet but much prefer meeting folks face to face 1st... then as time goes on maybe their behind the keyboard approach towards someone will be a tad more personable. 

Maybe one day this will all iron out and Pat & Ian will meet some of you all here along with Tommy and have a discussion offline and smooth things over.

Yeah I am an optimist... just the way I roll.


The reason I use my real name in here is because Tommy said people hide on the internet and if they were more open (like on Facebook) they'd not be able to hide in the shadows and would have to act pleasant and not be so volatile. 


I write the way I talk so you all know I like to chat a lot and have some of the silliest jokes ever.


Sometimes my girlfriend turns up the radio in the car to signal it time for me to sit back and shut up.



Edited by Michael Garvey
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8 minutes ago, Michael Garvey said:

The reason I use my real name in here is because Tommy said people hide on the internet

I agree and that's why I use my real name on social media. Here I use my nickname which is easier to pronounce, but it's very easy to find out my real name.

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9 minutes ago, Michael Garvey said:

The reason I use my real name in here is because Tommy said people hide on the internet and if they were more open (like on Facebook) they'd not be able to hide in the shadows and would have to act pleasant and not be so volatile. 


I write the way I talk so you all know I like to chat a lot and have some of the silliest jokes ever.


Sometimes my girlfriend turns up the radio in the car to signal it time for me to sit back and shut up.



Nah she just needs to work on her active listening.


Just now, roots.genoa said:

I agree and that's why I use my real name on social media. Here I use my nickname which is easier to pronounce, but it's very easy to find out my real name.


It isn't always good to use your real name though. I don't use it because I have a little one. I've seen people from these forums go to other places wanting to know their name etc. etc. I'm sorry but that is kind of uncalled for.


Plus this is a nickname I've created for myself which I've used for around decades now. Depending the site changes how much info I give out. Using a real name or not doesn't change I have opinions, critiques, or praise. It also doesn't make it more or less valid either.


In regards to the meeting in person vs videos. They are trying to entertain. This goes both ways when it comes to gushing praise or hard criticisms.

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So when looking at the then and now pictures I posted I really like the new ship design. I'm sure many of the original game will like the more retro looking one, but this is a little newer looking at the player color schemes looks more creative that having just a solid white, blue, red, yellow ship like Night Stalker had.


The new one of Shark Shark looks washed out, but I think that is a good thing. While the old footage colors were more vibrant, I think that it would be hard to tell the difference between the background and foreground. I like the new look of the shark too.

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42 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Nah she just needs to work on her active listening.



It isn't always good to use your real name though. I don't use it because I have a little one. I've seen people from these forums go to other places wanting to know their name etc. etc. I'm sorry but that is kind of uncalled for.


Plus this is a nickname I've created for myself which I've used for around decades now. Depending the site changes how much info I give out. Using a real name or not doesn't change I have opinions, critiques, or praise. It also doesn't make it more or less valid either.


In regards to the meeting in person vs videos. They are trying to entertain. This goes both ways when it comes to gushing praise or hard criticisms.

I like your take on this subject. 


I debated whether to use my real name or not because I know people try to find out where you live and threaten you (I think it's called DOXing).


In the end I figured that people would still do that if they were mean like that and I cant live in fear forever. 


As to the validness of people's post...I treat everyone's comments as 100% valid and honest and I try very hard to read them with an eye to their point of view.  Some of the longer posts I can't get through but that's because I have a short attention span and has nothing to do with their actual viewpoint. 

Edited by Michael Garvey

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2 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Love them or hate them I don't care. BUT can everyone at least not joke or speculate about mental health, going nuts, or hanging themselves please and thank you.

I wrapped the video links in a spoiler tag so they don't take up the entire page.


And to clarify: I don't think anyone here made anything resembling a "joke" about suicide or hanging.  We don't permit such "jokes" here.  The only post which even comes close is this one from a few pages back which, when viewed in context, looks like nothing more than an allusion to the old expression "giving him enough rope to hang himself," or variants thereof.  Seeing someone evoke that expression and concluding that it must have been intended as a "suicide joke" is a bit of a stretch.


This is a more general observation, but certain people here seem to have a habit of reading posts that were obviously written in an aphoristic or rhetorical way, blowing them completely out of proportion, and getting into a gigantic righteous snit about them.  It's one of the things that has made these threads so volatile, and it's getting tiresome.  This applies to the "rope" comment, and also to Tommy's comment about how easy it is to make unfair criticisms while hiding behind a screen name, which still seems to have some peoples' panties in a bunch months after the fact.  One of the characteristics of grownups is that they can choose not to assume the worst of intentions in others, and they can also choose to walk away from disagreements or differences of opinion instead of bearing petulant, months-long grudges about them.  It would be very helpful if we could see more of that here.

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10 minutes ago, Michael Garvey said:

I like your take on this subject. 


I debated whether to use my real name or not because I know people try to find out where you live and threaten you (I think it's called DOXing).


In the end I figured that people would still do that if they were mean like that and I cant live in fear forever. 


As to the validness of people's post...I treat everyone's comments as 100% valid and honest and I try very hard to read them with an eye to their point of view.  Some of the longer posts I can't get through but that's because I have a short attention span and has nothing to do with their actual viewpoint. 

I don't know if you have any kids, but the reason anymore is for that. In fact at other places I'm known as ____ "Mr. Beefy" _____. But I know those guys a lot more and have met up and interacted with them for YEARS. Plus with having some things published in games I wanted my real name in there too. My YouTube account uses my real name. I just never log into it. :P


Unfortunately, doxing happens and its usually over stupid things. I posted a picture of my kid in the other thread and self reported it for removal because people started to want to know names of people, where they live, and what they did. 


I think anyone excited for Amico is excited, I think anyone that hates it hates it, I think anyone with concerns don't necessarily love or hate it but are expressing what they think. Comments like this.....


In regards to the word hater.  I don't think it's being overused in this context at all.  ANYONE who has negative and hateful things to say about a video game system they have NEVER played is either immature... or a hater.... I would guess that 90% of them are probably both.


Can easily be changed to.....


In regards to the word fanboy/cultist.  I don't think it's being overused in this context at all.  ANYONE who has positive and loving things to say about a video game system they have NEVER played is either immature... or a fanboy/cultist.... I would guess that 90% of them are probably both.


But why? If you are excited be excited, if you want to be able to discuss what you like or dislike great, if you want to hate it go right on not liking it. 








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1 minute ago, jaybird3rd said:

I wrapped the video links in a spoiler tag so they don't take up the entire page.


And to clarify, I don't think anyone here made anything resembling a joke about suicide or hanging.  We don't permit such "jokes" here.  The only post which even comes close is this one from a few pages back which, when viewed in context, looks like nothing more than an allusion to the old expression "giving him enough rope to hang himself," or variants thereof.  Seeing someone evoke that expression and concluding that it must have been intended as a "suicide joke" is a bit of a stretch.


This is a more general observation, but certain people here seem to have a habit of reading posts that were obviously written in an aphoristic or rhetorical way, blowing them completely out of proportion, and getting into a gigantic righteous snit about them.  It's one of the things that has made these threads so volatile, and it's getting tiresome.  This applies to the "rope" comment, and also to Tommy's comment about how easy it is to make unfair criticisms while hiding behind a screen name, which still seems to have some peoples' panties in a bunch months after the fact.  One of the characteristics of grownups is that they can choose not to assume the worst of intentions in others, and they can also choose to walk away from disagreements or differences of opinion instead of bearing petulant, months-long grudges about them.  It would be very helpful if we could see more of that here.

Don't know how to do that (spoiler/hidden content), but would if I could. The comment I was mainly referencing (hanging) was in the other thread. It was a quote about how nuts Ian was acting in a serious way and the next reply was given enough time (and rope) it will resolve itself. Came across as related to all the mental health commentaries on Ian than him as a podcaster. I personally didn't find it funny. If the comment was about professional suicide I would get the figurative nature of it and that is why I didn't report Tommy's post about professional suicide. I work with depressed and suicidal people on the daily. Someone called out my video on the Last Post and I'm glad it was removed and I personally apologized to that person too. We don't always think about how those things come across and need to be reminded of that.


Also while you are at it could you also put the list of videos in Tommy's post as hidden content? Its just a visually distracting as my post. Thank you and please look again at that post in the Q&A again. Thanks again.

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3 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

I don't know if you have any kids, but the reason anymore is for that. In fact at other places I'm known as ____ "Mr. Beefy" _____. But I know those guys a lot more and have met up and interacted with them for YEARS. Plus with having some things published in games I wanted my real name in there too. My YouTube account uses my real name. I just never log into it. :P


Unfortunately, doxing happens and its usually over stupid things. I posted a picture of my kid in the other thread and self reported it for removal because people started to want to know names of people, where they live, and what they did. 


I think anyone excited for Amico is excited, I think anyone that hates it hates it, I think anyone with concerns don't necessarily love or hate it but are expressing what they think. Comments like this.....


In regards to the word hater.  I don't think it's being overused in this context at all.  ANYONE who has negative and hateful things to say about a video game system they have NEVER played is either immature... or a hater.... I would guess that 90% of them are probably both.


Can easily be changed to.....


In regards to the word fanboy/cultist.  I don't think it's being overused in this context at all.  ANYONE who has positive and loving things to say about a video game system they have NEVER played is either immature... or a fanboy/cultist.... I would guess that 90% of them are probably both.


But why? If you are excited be excited, if you want to be able to discuss what you like or dislike great, if you want to hate it go right on not liking it. 








Well I have to be honest I dont like either side using absolutes so yeah "anyone" and "never" should be avoided (sorry Tommy I know it was your post..and one I probably 'liked' too)


Also I have 2 kids (21 an 19) who live with their mom.  They lived with me for years and we switched.



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1 minute ago, Michael Garvey said:

Well I have to be honest I dont like either side using absolutes so yeah "anyone" and "never" should be avoided (sorry Tommy I know it was your post..and one I probably 'liked' too)


Also I have 2 kids (21 an 19) who live with their mom.  They lived with me for years and we switched.



Ah they probably are at the age they think they are adults and don't realize how much more they got to go! Least that has been my experience in working with that age range. :P

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Also @jaybird3rd might be a good idea to post something similar in the other thread too about that. I know the stuff goes both ways and not everyone pays attention to this thread. If you did and I missed it I apologize.


All I will say about the conspiracy theories etc. is that I love the idea of the Amico, I think it has great potential, but there are some concerns I have about it too. If that makes me a hater or whatever, so be it. As far as misinformation goes I think I've done a good job with the first post so much that the CEO had to correct things I put up that he himself said previously. So, as far as me and some others who have been labeled as wanting this thing to fail goes. I don't think that is accurate. I've spent too much time on that first post and listening to to many videos/podcasts/whatever of the Amico talk to have it as updated as possible. That is way to much time for me to spend on something I deliberately want to fail.


But I know dj was called out in the other thread for Youtube posts, and when he posted something here was deleted and I'm guessing banned from this thread too. I know I haven't seen the comments about dj or flo removed or anyone banned from the Q&A for those posts. Wedges are being made in the community and I think it would help your mod job if BOTH sides would cool it. I'm not saying dj's post shouldn't have been removed, but I think if his was all the posts about flo and dj should have been removed and those people banned from the respective thread too, because that is also what is making those grudges you mentioned continue.


So yeah comments like the, " In my ongoing burden and mission to ensure things in this thread are corrected...:D" don't come across well either. I know I can be a smartass too. I just want a thread EVERYONE can discuss that isn't associated with Intellivision, nor gets in the way of the Question and Answer/lets keep it positive nature of the Q&A thread. This thread and the previous one that was locked isn't going to make or break their release nor is it a conspiracy. Thanks again for the mod job. My job is dealing with people and teens and the various drama that goes with it so I get a mod job can be underappreciated as well as crappy at times. So thanks again.

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If you're called a hater then I guess I'm friends with a hater now.




To me that would be cool.  I like all people's opinions in here and I only can't read some posts because they a really long (still working on that one that has some bold words)


I like varied content and I like varied opinions. 


A few people say things like all of you don't listen or no one is going to read this which makes me sad.  I'm trying my best to read it all and absorb it all.


I know sometimes tensions get high in these two forums and I'm still trying to understand why.  It might have to do with some of the things you mentioned that happened in the past.


If I ever come across mean or not listening to others point of view let me know.  It's actually a big help when someone tells you what you're doing is wrong (constructive criticism) and I welcome it.


.....I bet a few people will now message me that I post too much......



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2 minutes ago, Michael Garvey said:



If you're called a hater then I guess I'm friends with a hater now.




To me that would be cool.  I like all people's opinions in here and I only can't read some posts because they a really long (still working on that one that has some bold words)


I like varied content and I like varied opinions. 


A few people say things like all of you don't listen or no one is going to read this which makes me sad.  I'm trying my best to read it all and absorb it all.


I know sometimes tensions get high in these two forums and I'm still trying to understand why.  It might have to do with some of the things you mentioned that happened in the past.


If I ever come across mean or not listening to others point of view let me know.  It's actually a big help when someone tells you what you're doing is wrong (constructive criticism) and I welcome it.


.....I bet a few people will now message me that I post too much......



Lol you are EXCITED and that's great. Yeah it has been alluded to before. If you dig back this is the SECOND thread of this nature I started.


I know I can be a smartass sometimes. I find getting it back like with the Amicow stuff or whatever Spriggy has to say about me funny. But yeah there have been things said and a lot of people are holding on to stuff from both sides. I was glad Utopia called out my post. If you get that way I will call you out, but honestly right now you just come across as excited and having fun.


Glad you are here and posting. Besides now I know the way to get you to stop asking questions is to turn the radio up. 😉



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6 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Lol you are EXCITED and that's great. Yeah it has been alluded to before. If you dig back this is the SECOND thread of this nature I started.


I know I can be a smartass sometimes. I find getting it back like with the Amicow stuff or whatever Spriggy has to say about me funny. But yeah there have been things said and a lot of people are holding on to stuff from both sides. I was glad Utopia called out my post. If you get that way I will call you out, but honestly right now you just come across as excited and having fun.


Glad you are here and posting. Besides now I know the way to get you to stop asking questions is to turn the radio up. 😉







Also one of my favorite movies if all time..


P.S. my girlfriend fell asleep watching it .



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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Comments like this.....


In regards to the word hater.  I don't think it's being overused in this context at all.  ANYONE who has negative and hateful things to say about a video game system they have NEVER played is either immature... or a hater.... I would guess that 90% of them are probably both.


Can easily be changed to.....


In regards to the word fanboy/cultist.  I don't think it's being overused in this context at all.  ANYONE who has positive and loving things to say about a video game system they have NEVER played is either immature... or a fanboy/cultist.... I would guess that 90% of them are probably both.


But why? If you are excited be excited, if you want to be able to discuss what you like or dislike great, if you want to hate it go right on not liking it. 


Um... no.  Not even close.


A hater is what I explained.


What you explained is a LOVER.


Kinda the exact OPPOSITE of a hater.




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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

If the comment was about professional suicide I would get the figurative nature of it and that is why I didn't report Tommy's post about professional suicide.

Can you please find me the specific quote where I talk about professional suicide?  I don't recall saying anything about that.




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45 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

So yeah comments like the, " In my ongoing burden and mission to ensure things in this thread are corrected...:D" don't come across well either.

The poster was declaring that we had a horrible day and was asking how we were going to do to recover.  The only time I try to post in here is to clear up bad information.  Literally a part of the rules of this particular thread.


Folks are smartasses to me all the time.  But if I bust someones balls it doesn't come across well?  Oh well.  Too bad.  That's my personality.  Folks can block me if they'd like. 


But for some reason they just can't.  I guess I just must be THAT interesting and entertaining to them.



I didn't break any forum rules by stating that and I would think that by putting a smiley face after the comment that it was in clear jest anyway.

Folks are starting to take this stuff WAY too seriously I think.



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3 hours ago, Michael Garvey said:

The reason I use my real name in here is because Tommy said people hide on the internet and if they were more open (like on Facebook) they'd not be able to hide in the shadows and would have to act pleasant and not be so volatile. 


I write the way I talk so you all know I like to chat a lot and have some of the silliest jokes ever.


Sometimes my girlfriend turns up the radio in the car to signal it time for me to sit back and shut up.



ha.... yeh I know about hearing issues.

I used to tell everyone, as I am always the driver in this house, that my right ear is deaf from driving daily with my wife commuting 150 miles a day back in the 1990s.  




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6 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Can you please find me the specific quote where I talk about professional suicide?  I don't recall saying anything about that.




Here...going to bold it and italicized it. Like I said I had no problem with that comment. It was the one in the Q&A thread from a different user.


4 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


In my ongoing burden and mission to ensure things in this thread are corrected...



Actually it was the exact opposite.  It was an AMAZING day and we received thousands of pre-order and mailing list sign-ups.  So a HUGE win once again for us.

By "insane" amount of comments you mean about 300.  With a percentage of those telling them to give it a rest and they look bad (from their own fans) or a good majority coming from the same 4 taco blowhards that got banned from the Amico threads because they were incapable of following the simple forum rules.  Y'know... the same guys who constantly bad mouth the AA forums, create fake accounts on YT and declare to the outside world that I have the mods in my pocket and they are protecting me.  Anyone here like to question that?  Please do so.


I don't know... I still kinda like our 62,000 views with only 150 dislikes.  :)


All of those pack-in videos yesterday were unlisted except the last one and it came out at 9pm eastern on a Friday night.  For the roughly 3,000 people who saw it... only 16 dislikes.  Again... I like our odds.  We weren't expecting a ton of traffic on any of those (especially the last one as it was just a recap of the unlisted videos that went our earlier throughout the day) as our pre-order numbers are already way over expectations and we still have 2 major days next week before it opens.  We have probably spent about $100 on advertising over the past week (boosted a post on Facebook & Instagram to ensure all of our followers saw it).  Again... absolutely off the chart numbers.  Imagine how it will all be multiplied when we start our multi-million dollar marketing campaign to families.

Pat & Ian continue to commit YouTube suicide as all other YouTubers have started attacking THEM for what is pretty obvious to anyone who is not a fanboy of theirs.

Here are just a few examples just from our GREAT day yesterday...










If folks aren't aware and you don't want to watch the videos (I'd recommend the top one from Tipster as it has the most relevant and detailed info), it all started when they gave wrong information about Amico on one of their podcasts and I politely and respectfully corrected the bad information via Twitter.


Their fragile and immature egos took that as "criticizing" them and from that point on they trash me and machine every chance they get by continuing the lie that I attacked them and continuing to get information about Amico WRONG because (as everyone knows) they are too lazy to actually do any kind of research on the things they are talking about. Much easier to just sit around with all their stuffed animals and spout off whatever comes to their elitist and biased brains. I've asked them repeatedly to just talk with me about the system (either on or off air) or to just interview me on their show and ask me any and all the tough questions that they complain that no one else does (most folks will ask me the tough questions and I've answer them... but they always leave that out as it doesn't fit into their narrative). Of course... they refuse to talk to me. People should ask themselves why that is. I guess they don't feel they are able to match wits with me... especially considering how much they talk out of their asses and refuse to listen to anyone giving them proper information about the console. The entire thing is a rouse because they think that the more they crap on it the more money they will make on YouTube. They've already admitted it on air and those clips are referenced in some of the videos above. They talk about other people being "shills" yet they purposely trash us just so they can make an extra $10 a week on their YT channel. Pathetic. 


If anyone is at all interested in seeing the unlisted video response I posted to them (and showing the timeline of their lies) you can view the very detailed video here: 



Anyway... so yeah... we had a GREAT day yesterday.






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