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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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15 hours ago, Swami said:

Could be it's actual Bomberman sequel under a different name, but it's hush hush due to negotiations and what not, so, probably much ado about stuffing.

If Amico has the best bomberman/dynablaster game available, what difference does it make what it's called.  We're not talking about pacman or star wars.



He's already indicated here he doesn't like the name bomberman but we shall see what happens.

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2 hours ago, fiudr said:



I also think since I'm nearsighted and wear glasses to see my TV, that constantly looking back-and-forth between the controller and the TV screen would be very annoying if not impossible for me. I have difficulty even when I'm playing board games, as cards right in front of me are hard to read if I'm wearing my glasses for distance, but without them, I can't see the other side of the table/board. I think those that wear glasses will find this a thing of concern.

Card games and board games on amico, just like physical games will give you time to adjust.  They could zoom large text for cards on the controller if they wanted.  Otherwise it's the same problem as playing the physical games.


Action games like missile command or night stalker use the touchpad but there's no need to look at it all.


2 hours ago, digdugnate said:


The fact of the matter in my eyes is that this console/concept is really no different than the Atari VCS- a pretty-ish box to play new-ish versions of games we saw 35 years ago.


Is atari planning to do remakes of old games for their box.  Do they have new games in development for it.  The retro titles are only a fraction of the new games planned for Amico.  Its library of new games is one of the things that distinguishes is it from atari.

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10 minutes ago, mr_me said:

If Amico has the best bomberman/dynablaster game available, what difference does it make what it's called.

No difference, but I can understand some people may be disappointed. Since Intellivision already got high profile licenses, and there was talk of Sonic and MLB for instance, one can find strange they went for Dynablaster when Bomberman is probably not that hard to get (even though it's more expensive of course). In the end it won't matter indeed, mainly because the mainstream audience doesn't care (and probably doesn't even know Bomberman).

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2 hours ago, mr_me said:

Card games and board games on amico, just like physical games will give you time to adjust.  They could zoom large text for cards on the controller if they wanted.  Otherwise it's the same problem as playing the physical games.

Has there been talk of this zoom feature? Even with that if you can zoom the screen is so small I fear that would be clunky at best. Plus some wouldn't like to strictly be limited to card/board games if buying a new piece of hardware.


They also make large print playing cards. So it wouldn't be the same necessarily plus you can position yourself optimally when playing physical board games. I would be more worried that those with vision problems won't be able to enjoy a game like Skiing that has a tiny sprite with tiny flags.



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They can do anything they want.  If they want, they can represent the king of hearts with a K two inches high and scrolling through the cards of a hand, if they want.


Someone with vision problems can sit as close to the TV as they want.  I've seen people work at their computers with their face two inches from the display.  People have complained that the objects/sprites in Amico games are too big.

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1 hour ago, mr_me said:

They can do anything they want.  If they want, they can represent the king of hearts with a K two inches high and scrolling through the cards of a hand, if they want.


Someone with vision problems can sit as close to the TV as they want.  I've seen people work at their computers with their face two inches from the display.  People have complained that the objects/sprites in Amico games are too big.

They can display it but has the zoom been mentioned or is it, "They could do this if they wanted too," talk?


If the screen was the size of a WiiU pad it would help a littl. Those small screens would be a pain to do that and would only be helpful in card and dice games. Going from say racing on the track to a QTE on the controller for a pit stop will suck and wouldn't allow zooming/make it harder most likely.


In all fairness the card and dice games probably shouldn't be the problem. It's any action like game and QTE stuff that would be problematic.


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1 minute ago, MrBeefy said:

They can display it but has the zoom been mentioned or is it, "They could do this if they wanted too," talk?


If the screen was the size of a WiiU pad it would help a littl. Those small screens would be a pain to do that and would only be helpful in card and dice games. Going from say racing on the track to a QTE on the controller for a pit stop will suck and wouldn't allow zooming/make it harder most likely.


In all fairness the card and dice games probably shouldn't be the problem. It's any action like game and QTE stuff that would be problematic.


The Amico controller's screen is apparently 0.05 inches smaller than the screen on the Sega Nomad. That's definitely big enough... assuming your vision isn't compromised. If it is, well, not sure what a better option would be aside from a bigger screen.

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Someone said card games are a problem even though no card games have been shown.  I'm just saying it doesn't have to be a problem.  I bring small print close up to my face all the time looking under my glasses, in order to read them.  In the one example we've seen so far where the touch screen is used ie. Sideswipers; it doesn't look like seeing the display would pose a problem in order to play the game.

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6 hours ago, fiudr said:

The problem with this though is that Tommy is dominating this thread.

I typically only post when people give misinformation or try to call me out.  If there was less misinformation and people calling me out.... then I wouldn't need to be posting here at all.




6 hours ago, fiudr said:

As we all can easily see, he feels the need to defend the system every single time somebody posts something even slightly suggesting some hesitation or concern.


Not true.  See... here I am clearing up misinformation again.  Wouldn't have need to posted if you hadn't posted misinformaton.  :)


When someone says Dynablasters is not a well known game... then it's fair to have a discussion on it.  If you don't want to see or hear me... there is an ignore button.  This means that everything you are complaining about in your post has gone away.  YOU have the power to do it.  Why complain and hold me at a different standard than anyone else here?  What if I went over to the Taco thread and started complaining that the same 4 or 5 people are DOMINATING the hate for Atari?  I've actually tried posting some alternative thoughts and opinions about Atari (nothing to do with Amico) and I was told to leave.  My mere presence there dripped of self promotion to them.


6 hours ago, fiudr said:

The result is Tommy dominating 2 different threads, still leaving us without an "independent" thread to share our thoughts.

There are lots of places on the internet I don't go.... just go there and discuss all you want.  Nothing stopping that.  Reddit, 4Chan, Resetera... they all love "discussing" Amico without me. 



6 hours ago, fiudr said:

If he wasn't so defensive, this wouldn't be an issue. But every post that appears in any way negative or just doubtful or concerned, and he posts a half-page response, that then gets quoted two more times in full by other posters.

So what you're saying is that I shouldn't be allowed to speak my thoughts and opinions in here.  You would prefer I be silenced because my thoughts may not line up with yours.  There is politically terminology for this, but I'm not going to break the rules that AA has set forth.



6 hours ago, fiudr said:


It would be nice if out of courtesy he would allow posters in here to share their thoughts, good, bad or indifferent, without needing to respond every single time.


Now you're just exaggerating... which is a shame because it weakens the point you're trying to get across.  There are pages of thoughts/ideas here that I've never posted about.  It's only when people get things wrong that I post in here.



6 hours ago, fiudr said:

Because what happens once the system is launched? I guarantee there will be some negative professional reviews out there, and he will not be able to respond to each and every one of them. At some point, he has to let people discuss the system without his interference.


And they do... every day... all over the internet and you don't see me chiming in.  Check out some of those places if you don't want to see me respond.  OR... as suggested above... just hit the ignore button and you'll never see another one of my posts again.  Super simple.  Not seeing the issue here.  You have the power to grant your wish.


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6 hours ago, digdugnate said:

The fact of the matter in my eyes is that this console/concept is really no different than the Atari VCS- a pretty-ish box to play new-ish versions of games we saw 35 years ago.

Here's a good example... I could list the many many ways we are completely 100% different than the Atari VCS.  It's not even in the same realm.

But I won't... because aside from the obvious facts... it's a horse that was beaten to death in the first few pages of my Q&A.



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7 hours ago, fiudr said:

The problem with this though is that Tommy is dominating this thread. It's fine that he's dominating the Q&A thread since it's purpose is to be able to ask him questions about the system. However, this thread was created to get away from some of that - to be able to discuss the system, good and bad, without him dominating it. The idea being he has his own dedicated thread where he can post to his heart's content.


Yet he dominates this thread too. As we all can easily see, he feels the need to defend the system every single time somebody posts something even slightly suggesting some hesitation or concern. The result is Tommy dominating 2 different threads, still leaving us without an "independent" thread to share our thoughts. If he wasn't so defensive, this wouldn't be an issue. But every post that appears in any way negative or just doubtful or concerned, and he posts a half-page response, that then gets quoted two more times in full by other posters.


It would be nice if out of courtesy he would allow posters in here to share their thoughts, good, bad or indifferent, without needing to respond every single time.


Because what happens once the system is launched? I guarantee there will be some negative professional reviews out there, and he will not be able to respond to each and every one of them. At some point, he has to let people discuss the system without his interference.


Agree with this very strongly.  I thought that the rule was that anyone (including Tommy) could clarify factual inaccuracies in the thread but that everyone was permitted to share opinions and impressions without constantly being questioned or attacked.  I mean most of what Tommy has been posting here has been arguments about how the impressions or opinions of various forum participants are incorrect.  In fact, I haven't seen much in the way of factual corrections at all.  The past few days has literally been consumed with Tommy making claims about some obscure regional name for Bomberman being very prominent in Europe as a separate franchise without any real factual support for that contention.  The irony is that behavior like that is literally why numerous forum members in the other thread were banned and yet Tommy is permitted to keep posting snarky and personal attacks on anyone he disagrees with.  It really needs to stop.  Tommy is the CEO of a company that is actively selling a commercial product and taking deposits on something that literally doesn't exist yet.  Frankly, everyone should be entitled to question every aspect of that endeavor and express whatever opinions and impressions they have on that commercial product without fear of reprisal.  There are such things as incorrect facts, but impressions and opinions are by their very nature subjective and nobody should be attacked for having impressions and opinions that are contrary to the CEO of a commercial enterprise, especially one that continues to solicit deposits for a product that is six months from release in a best case scenario where the entire economy doesn't collapse given the unprecedented challenges being posed by the pandemic. 

Edited by bojay1997
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I was super pumped about the Amico and watched their reveal/preorder videos... and now I’m mostly disappointed. I’m REALLY not digging the art style of most of the games being shown. They all have that really flat Flash look to them, with one or two exceptions. I was hoping we’d see more great pixel art, like Stardew Valley or Owlboy or something. They just don’t look very compelling to me, especially Shark Shark.  Maybe down the road other releases will change my mind. 

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8 hours ago, fiudr said:

The problem with this though is that Tommy is dominating this thread. It's fine that he's dominating the Q&A thread since it's purpose is to be able to ask him questions about the system. However, this thread was created to get away from some of that - to be able to discuss the system, good and bad, without him dominating it. The idea being he has his own dedicated thread where he can post to his heart's content.


Yet he dominates this thread too. As we all can easily see, he feels the need to defend the system every single time somebody posts something even slightly suggesting some hesitation or concern. The result is Tommy dominating 2 different threads, still leaving us without an "independent" thread to share our thoughts. If he wasn't so defensive, this wouldn't be an issue. But every post that appears in any way negative or just doubtful or concerned, and he posts a half-page response, that then gets quoted two more times in full by other posters.


It would be nice if out of courtesy he would allow posters in here to share their thoughts, good, bad or indifferent, without needing to respond every single time.


Because what happens once the system is launched? I guarantee there will be some negative professional reviews out there, and he will not be able to respond to each and every one of them. At some point, he has to let people discuss the system without his interference.

People make all kinds of pronouncements about what they claim to want, without ever thinking through what it would actually look like in the real world.  Do you say you want a place where you're free to express your opinions (within the rules, of course), outside of the Q&A format of the other thread?  Well, you already have it, because that's what you're doing now, isn't it?  Nobody has deleted or censored anyone's posts unless they violate the community guidelines—which everyone has already agreed to abide by—and nobody is going to.  Do you say that you want to express your opinions "without reprisal"?  Well, how would that actually work?  We'd have to set up the thread so that some people can read it and respond to it while Tommy cannot—which, as I said before, would be the kind of blatantly unfair exception that we've never made before for anyone else.  Even that wouldn't solve the "problem," though, because other Amico enthusiasts could always respond and say the same thing that Tommy would have said, so you'd have to block them as well.  In practice, you'd end up blocking anyone whose opinion differs from yours.


You might respond by saying, "oh, no, we'd only want to block people who are too defensive or insistent about it", but I can say with certainty that some of you wouldn't be happy even with that.  We often get moderator reports from certain people here whenever someone writes a post which offers rebuttals or counterarguments against something they've said, even though no rules were broken in the process.  Those people are not reporting those posts because any violation of the rules took place (which is what the moderator reports are supposed to be for); they simply don't like that someone dared to cross them or prove them wrong.  You might also respond by asking, "but why can't Tommy at least show us the courtesy of not being so dominating in his responses?"  Unfortunately, the people on the "anti-Amico side" have done nothing to earn that kind of courtesy.  Their collective behavior—both here and elsewhere—has been so childish and immature, so atrociously awful, that they've not only invited, but demanded the kinds of responses that they're now whining and complaining about.  It would have been great if everyone could have remained entirely factual and dispassionate about everything, so that Tommy didn't have to do anything but occasionally offer pinpoint corrections, but certain "critics" have since made that impossible.  As I said before, if anyone is unhappy about this contentious situation, those "critics" are the ones you need to blame, because they're the ones who are responsible for creating it.


I can't help but wonder what those people really want: do they merely want the freedom to express their opinions, as they claim, or do they want the freedom to express their opinions AND the guarantee that those opinions will never be challenged or questioned?  I'm sorry I have to be the one to say it, but that's not how free speech works, or has ever worked.  Nobody ever promised any of us that we would be free to say whatever we want without reprisal, just as nobody ever promised us that we would be guaranteed an audience.  That would be completely contrary to the spirit of a free, voluntary exchange of ideas, and of discussion forums like this one.  Nevertheless, I honestly have the impression that this is what they actually want.  They may insist that they're simply miffed by the way in which Tommy said something, or that he's being too "unprofessional" or "bullying" in his responses, yet they'll tolerateand give "likes" toequally "unprofessional" or "bullying" remarks from others that they happen to agree with.  (Besides, if anything that Tommy has said here really triggers you that badly, then the Internet must be an unbearable hellstew of horrors for you, because you'll find much worse just about anywhere else.)


If there is anyone who simply can't stand to see what someone else has to say, the forum offers controls for that: they have the ability to ignore a given member's posts, and they can even ignore entire threads if they choose.  If that isn't enough for them, they're also free to start their own discussion forum where they can say all day long that "Tommy is a big old meaniehead" to their heart's content, and where they have the power to ban anyone who dares to disagree.  I hope they have fun.

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57 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

I was super pumped about the Amico and watched their reveal/preorder videos... and now I’m mostly disappointed. I’m REALLY not digging the art style of most of the games being shown. They all have that really flat Flash look to them, with one or two exceptions. I was hoping we’d see more great pixel art, like Stardew Valley or Owlboy or something. They just don’t look very compelling to me, especially Shark Shark.  Maybe down the road other releases will change my mind. 

I too love the look of Stardew. It will always look good over time. It has been mentioned that pixels, anime, cutesy chibi style are not well thought of. So that leaves vector graphics, and graphics that look like XBoxLA, or like you mentioned...Flash...🤢🤮.


In case anyone doesn't know Stardew here is a picture. Great art, great casual game that would be up Amico's alley minus the pixel art. It is on every platform known to man, but could easily use the touchscreen for inventory to make it fit the exclusive nature.


Love the simplicity of Pokemon Go too. Super casual but in the anime/manga style. I figured catching that market would be a great appeal to the younger gamers/potential gamers.



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1 hour ago, bojay1997 said:

Agree with this very strongly.  I thought that the rule was that anyone (including Tommy) could clarify factual inaccuracies in the thread but that everyone was permitted to share opinions and impressions without constantly being questioned or attacked.  I mean most of what Tommy has been posting here has been arguments about how the impressions or opinions of various forum participants are incorrect.  In fact, I haven't seen much in the way of factual corrections at all.  The past few days has literally been consumed with Tommy making claims about some obscure regional name for Bomberman being very prominent in Europe as a separate franchise without any real factual support for that contention.  The irony is that behavior like that is literally why numerous forum members in the other thread were banned and yet Tommy is permitted to keep posting snarky and personal attacks on anyone he disagrees with.  It really needs to stop.  Tommy is the CEO of a company that is actively selling a commercial product and taking deposits on something that literally doesn't exist yet.  Frankly, everyone should be entitled to question every aspect of that endeavor and express whatever opinions and impressions they have on that commercial product without fear of reprisal.  There are such things as incorrect facts, but impressions and opinions are by their very nature subjective and nobody should be attacked for having impressions and opinions that are contrary to the CEO of a commercial enterprise, especially one that continues to solicit deposits for a product that is six months from release in a best case scenario where the entire economy doesn't collapse given the unprecedented challenges being posed by the pandemic. 

Then just hit IGNORE on all my posts and you'll never need to hear or see from me again.

Problem solved.


Isn't it so great to have options.


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8 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Then just hit IGNORE on all my posts and you'll never need to hear or see from me again.

Problem solved.


Isn't it so great to have options.


You know the cool thing about the 'Ignore' button?  You can use it, too!  That way everyone's happy.   😮

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39 minutes ago, digdugnate said:

You know the cool thing about the 'Ignore' button?  You can use it, too!  That way everyone's happy.   😮


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55 minutes ago, digdugnate said:

You know the cool thing about the 'Ignore' button?  You can use it, too!  That way everyone's happy.   😮

Um.. no.  I don't need to.  I'm fine to read what anyone has to say.  I'm okay with things like free speech.


I don't whine when others disagree, I prefer to just counter with facts, data and sometimes opinion.


Unlike some of you... I don't mind having conversations with people that have a difference of opinion and I don't mind engaging with them either.


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this thread is full of people who pretend they were/are excited for the Amico but all it really is a meeting place for the people who probably bash the Amico on youtube in the comments section every chance they get

Edited by ASalvaro
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7 minutes ago, ASalvaro said:

this thread is full of people who pretend they were/are excited for the Amico but all it really is a meeting place for the people who probably bash the Amico on youtube in the comments section every chance they get


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2 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

I was super pumped about the Amico and watched their reveal/preorder videos... and now I’m mostly disappointed. I’m REALLY not digging the art style of most of the games being shown. They all have that really flat Flash look to them, with one or two exceptions. I was hoping we’d see more great pixel art, like Stardew Valley or Owlboy or something. They just don’t look very compelling to me, especially Shark Shark.  Maybe down the road other releases will change my mind. 

I agree.  My biggest disappointment has been how similar the aesthetic is to those Hasbro remakes and some of the early Jaguar remakes in the 1990s.  A lot of bright colors and flashiness, but not a lot of depth or unique style.  We keep hearing that it's early, but a lot of these titles don't look that different from the first reveals so far and I suspect we aren't going to see a massive face-lift in six months.

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24 minutes ago, ASalvaro said:

this thread is full of people who pretend they were/are excited for the Amico but all it really is a meeting place for the people who probably bash the Amico on youtube in the comments section every chance they get

The Q&A thread is full of people who are encouraged to troll Pat & Ian....



It is my opinion that this isn't good for AtariAge. "We....over at the AA." Gives the impression that it is an AtariAge prerogative to make fun of them. I think it makes AA look bad and worry that it will lead to AA being the middle and focal point. Which it isn't AA that has a problem with Tommy/CUPodcast. It is them between each other and should be left that way. CUPodcast uses their media/videos/podcasts to say whatever about Tommy/Amico. Tommy should be using his own forums/videos/podcasts/interviews to do the same thing and not AtariAge. That's my opinion for whatever that's worth.


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For whatever it's worth, I've said much the same thing—not always about the CUPodcast specifically, but about YouTube drama in general:


On 3/30/2020 at 6:01 PM, jaybird3rd said:

I still think the best thing for us to do is to ignore [Pat's and Ian's] negativity instead of amplifying and encouraging it; hopefully they'll realize that it isn't getting them what they want.


On 3/30/2020 at 3:30 PM, jaybird3rd said:

Don't post their videos, don't post pictures or memes poking fun at them ... don't pay them any attention whatsoever, because that's what they thrive on, and it will only encourage more of the same.  (We certainly don't need any of that drama in here, either.)


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9 hours ago, mr_me said:

If Amico has the best bomberman/dynablaster game available, what difference does it make what it's called.  We're not talking about pacman or star wars.



He's already indicated here he doesn't like the name bomberman but we shall see what happens.

Right. Could be he didn't like Bomberman, so he chose Dynablaster as the title. We have no idea what kind of licensing deals he has going on and it makes sense because of the corporate nature of the negotiations and contracts.

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1 hour ago, jaybird3rd said:

For whatever it's worth, I've said much the same thing—not always about the CUPodcast specifically, but about YouTube drama in general:


If you've warned/encouraged them why not delete/hide their comments, ban them, or wrap them in a spoiler tag like you did with my list of videos? Here are two more I think since you posted that.


I know DJ's post/ban from the thread was for holding a grudge. It is kind of obvious that the grudges go both ways. DJ was called out here....but it wasn't deleted.


Or there's this....Sounds like a grudge.



Or Intellimission grudge against Flo here?




I work with kids and this isn't any different. Drama goes two ways usually.


I'm stepping away from this for the rest of the day unless that interview today reveals something new. Instead I'm going to have some fun and play the fun Evil Magician Returns II homebrew for the 2600.

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