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Tommy Tallarico

Intellivision Amico - Tommy Tallarico introduction + Q&A

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2 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

Well, there are also a lot of people who work from home even if their job is not 'essential', you know? 😅

Yes there are , that was just a general quote ,still there are way more people that can't work from home then can. Consider yourself lucky. But if this continues even people that are fortunate enough to work from home will be effected as well.  I'm just hoping people and governments take this serious and listen to what needs to be done to reduce the curve and beat this covid-19 ..  Stay Safe and Help those that need help in times like this... Toronto the largest city in Canada is a ghost town right now.. Just like many many cities and countries around the world.. ❤️ 

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20 minutes ago, Saldo said:


Voglio anche commentare l'accessibilità di Tommy che ha mostrato alle persone in questo thread. Non sapevo nemmeno chi fosse fino a quando non ho letto questa discussione. Sono impressionato dal suo lavoro su tutti i sistemi, VGL, e come musicista / compositore in generale. La sua disponibilità a rispondere alla domanda delle persone (e praticamente a tutte quando si presentano) è inaudita per un CEO di un'azienda. Adoro leggere i suoi commenti e quanto a volte possano essere grezzi! Questa accessibilità vale anche per gli altri dipendenti di Intellivision che impiegano del tempo per commentare.



I wanted to express my opinion. I agree exactly with what you wrote ... I also felt the same feeling about Tommy and his group ... also about being ... so present ... EXCEPTIONAL!

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15 minutes ago, Swami said:

Close to 3000 VIP orders with about half being multiple orders, so, I’d say roughly 5000 VIP consoles plus the 2600 FEs. 

so getting close to 7800.

We should have had a BELL sound off at 5200, then 7800... haha


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1 minute ago, AtariSociety said:

so getting close to 7800.

We should have had a BELL sound off at 5200, then 7800... haha



I'm assuming this week it'll surpass Lynx and Jaguar (not in sales, just, as a numerical equivalence).


Honestly, there's only one metric that matters: When Amico reaches "Atari Speaker Hat". 

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1 hour ago, IntelliMission said:

If Tommy had promoted the Wii U and the Virtual Boy, both would have sold 100 millions.


I can already picture him saying that the Wii U gamepad was "bringing back the huge controllers from the good times of the original Game Boy" and that the Virtual Boy visor had "so many cool things I just can't talk about right now".

When Amico becomes a huge success I want Intellivision to buy Vectrex and I'll bring that one back next!!!!!!!!!



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1 hour ago, m-crew said:

Considering that only essential workers are working at this time and countless of people without work or laid off at this time and no income. Those numbers sold in two hours are amazing with no and very little marketing. Hopefully this Covid-19 will be on the down swing here in Canada(and the world) soon. Stay Safe and hopefully this will pass sooner then later... 

Yeah.  It's been really great.

I can't tell you how many people told us how screwed we were going to be and even though it wouldn't be our fault... it will still look like a huge failure, etc.

But I went with my gut and was hoping that folks wanted to feel GOOD about something for a change.  So tired of everything being so negative everywhere I turn. 

But yeah... imagine if this wasn't going on!?!?  We probably would have twice the sales!

And let me stress.... ZERO dollars spent on advertising!  Imagine when the time comes to start spending millions and thousands of influencer moms & kids are speaking to their tens of millions of followers.

This is only the beginning my friends!  So glad to have you all on board from the beginning.  We'll all be telling stories someday about our time here.

And yet the hardcore elitist haters will continue to try and ruin us and make their hate filled videos.  They can try all they want.  This rocket ship is taking off and there is NOTHING they can do to stop it!



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2 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Yeah!!  Those are just the ORDERS... doesn't represent the number of consoles.  Almost half the orders so far are multiple consoles!!  One person even bought more than @cmart604 who is now in 2nd place.  Shameful.   :D


Wait. What? You mean today’s orders or total including FE? I take that very personally. 😂 No, but seriously.... @nurmix I need an update. 😎

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1 hour ago, Jeffrey Bouchard said:

I would like to know this as well. Can the extra controllers and or charge stations be preordered?

We are trying our hardest to keep the 2 pack controllers and base under $100.  And yes... they would be available to pre-order around launch.  But I just don't have an exact price yet and don't want to say anything so that folks end up disappointed if it's higher.  Trying my best though. 



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4 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

We are trying our hardest to keep the 2 pack controllers and base under $100.  And yes... they would be available to pre-order around launch.  But I just don't have an exact price yet and don't want to say anything so that folks end up disappointed if it's higher.  Trying my best though. 



Thanks for the information.

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49 minutes ago, Saldo said:

Didn’t P&I say Tommy would be lucky to sell 5,000 units way back in their initial video?...!!!  Guess they were wrong.  Ordered a wood grain and Tron...I mean graphite black units.  

I’ve spent over a month reading this thread from the beginning.  Just wanted to say that I am a PC gamer at heart, but we do have a Wii ( for the family) and PS3 (for me to play PS games that aren't on the PC..love me some Uncharted!!).  The Wii was the only system I have been able to get my wife to play.  She kicked everyone’s ass in bowling!  I’m hoping the Amico will get her to play again, as the Wii hasn’t been turned on in years. My kids are in their twenties and no longer live at home, and like I said I’m a PC gamer.

I also want to comment on Tommy’s accessibility he has shown to the people in this thread.  I did not even know who he was until I read this thread.  I’m impressed by his body of work on all systems, VGL, and as a musician/composer in general.  His willingness to answer people’s question (and pretty much all of them as they come up) is unheard of for a CEO of a company. I love reading his comments and how raw they can be sometimes!  This accessibility also goes for the other employees of Intellivision that take the time to comment.



Hi Saldo!,


Thank you so much for your support and personal story.  YES!!!  I look forward to getting a picture of you and your wife playing Amico and video games TOGETHER AGAIN!!!!!!!!


I really appreciate that you appreciate my accessibility and involvement here.  Hearing those words makes it all worth it.

I feel I do get too raw and emotional sometimes (especially on the negative stuff)... but I always wear my heart on my sleeve and will never try to be a "phony" or a "suit".  Hopefully that will eventually play to our advantage down the road.  So sick of where the industry has gone and hoping that me & our amazing team can truly make a difference.  Not only in the game industry... but the whole world.


Thank-you again for your kind message.  Hope to see you around these parts more!



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17 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

When Amico becomes a huge success I want Intellivision to buy Vectrex and I'll bring that one back next!!!!!!!!!



Nahh tommy buy the rights to the name and any software they own. But go after that company thatsvtrying to do a laser vector based projection gaming unit ... refine the tech and sell it as an extension to the amico 

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I was reading through the comments on the madlittlepixel video and it’s amazing how many people are saying these are “mobile game” quality. What does that even mean ? It’s become a catch phrase and nothing else. I understand people watching the video and making snap judgements as we all do sometimes,  but as a fan who understands and appreciates all of the features this console will offer to families and friends who love to play together and compete , play coop and have fun with simple games that I personally will want to play for many hours (as opposed to mobile games that are mostly solo play , no high scores , no coop , no local high scores , in app purchases to essentially buy high scores and grab our cash etc ...are of no interest to me). I could have the same game on mobile , give it the Amico treatment for coop, VS, high scores etc and it’s like NIGHT and DAY even if it’s essentially the same game . For example the SideSwipoers game shown recently is a game I will likely play for many hours with my family and friends but if I play the same game on my phone, I would likely play for 10 minutes and be done. Without multiplayer , coop , vs and local high scores I lose interest fast and I’m sure I’m not the only one. But I understand that some don’t care or don’t see this as a difference. I am guessing  that most people commenting on these YouTube channels are either huge fans of the console that will buy console no matter what , or people that mostly play alone or online and that leads to the “this is a mobile game “ comment and these people are not interested in the Amico . It’s really all of the casual gamers in between these two categories that are the big target of the Amico.  But those of us who do understand and appreciate the type of gameplay offered on the Amico will LOVE it !!  Whew !!! 😂 

Edited by Cranker
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50 minutes ago, AtariSociety said:

Is that the new total?

Know sold was 2600 FE... and last I saw 1000 VIP had sold in 30 minutes.  

Had not seen new totals since then.

Is the 5000 VIP or a mix of FE and VIP?


Yeah... we blew past the 5K mark around noon I believe.  :)


To them I say...



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2 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Yeah... we blew past the 5K mark around noon I believe.  :)


To them I say...



4 hours in on the VIP, what's the total?

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3 minutes ago, Cranker said:

I was reading through the comments on the madlittlepixel video and it’s amazing how many people are saying these are “mobile game” quality. What does that even mean ? It’s become a catch phrase and nothing else. I understand people watching the video and making snap judgements as we all do sometimes,  but as a fan who understands and appreciates all of the features this console will offer to families and friends who love to play together and compete , play coop and have fun with simple games that I personally will want to play for many hours (as opposed to mobile games that are mostly solo play , no high scores , no coop , no local high scores , in app purchases to essentially buy high scores and grab our cash etc ...are of no interest to me). I could have the same game on mobile , give it the Amico treatment for coop, VS, high scores etc and it’s like NIGHT and DAY even if it’s essentially the same game . For example the SideSwipoers game shown recently is a game I will likely play for many hours with my family and friends but if I play the same game on my phone, I would likely play for 10 minutes and be done. Without multiplayer , coop , vs and local high scores I lose interest fast and I’m sure I’m not the only one. But I understand that some don’t care or don’t see this as a difference. I am guessing  that most people commenting on these YouTube channels are either huge fans of the console that will buy console no matter what , or people that mostly play alone or online and that leads to the “this is a mobile game “ comment and these people are not interested in the Amico . It’s really all of the casual gamers in between these two categories that are the big target of the Amico. That’s where the marketing dollars will go.  But those of us who do understand and appreciate the type of gameplay offered on the Amico will LOVE it !!  Whew !!! 😂 


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2 minutes ago, Cranker said:

I was reading through the comments on the madlittlepixel video and it’s amazing how many people are saying these are “mobile game” quality. What does that even mean ?

I wonder how many people saying this are Sony or JRPG fans in general...

Because, well, Final Fantasy 7 is a mobile game these days...

Yeah, a bunch of people swear it was one of the best JRPGs ever. Not my personal favorite, it was ok...


Mobile Game Quality = They love it, and will want to play it for at least 23 years!

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57 minutes ago, Cranker said:

I was reading through the comments on the madlittlepixel video and it’s amazing how many people are saying these are “mobile game”

quality. What does that even mean ? It’s become a catch phrase and nothing else. I understand people watching the video and making snap judgements as we all do sometimes,  but as a fan who understands and appreciates all of the features this console will offer to families and friends who love to play together and compete , play coop and have fun with simple games that I personally will want to play for many hours (as opposed to mobile games that are mostly solo play , no high scores , no coop , no local high scores , in app purchases to essentially buy high scores and grab our cash etc ...are of no interest to me. I could have the same game on mobile , give it the Amico treatment for coop, VS, high scores etc and it’s like NIGHT and DAY even if it’s essentially the same game . For example the SideSwipoers game shown recently is a game I will likely play for many hours with my family and friends but if I play the same game on my phone, I would likely play for 10 minutes and be done. Without multiplayer , coop , vs and local high scores I lose interest fast and I’m sure I’m not the only one. But I understand that some don’t care or don’t see this as a difference. I am guessing  that most people commenting on these YouTube channels are either huge fans of the console that will buy console no matter what , or people that mostly play alone or online and that leads to the “this is a mobile game “ comment and these people are not interested in the Amico . It’s really all of the casual gamers in between these two categories that are the big target of the Amico.  But those of us who do understand and appreciate the type of gameplay offered on the Amico will LOVE it !!  Whew !!! 😂 

Hardcore elites.  Anything that isn't Call of Duty or Fortnite is crap.  I get it.  They don't think the system is for them.  They judge everything based on what they are playing now.  Most console gamers absolutely HATE mobile games.  They think they are the WORST without even understanding how many more people in the world prefer something simple and not realistic looking.  That is why I call them elitists.  They don't realize they are the HUGE minority... yet they act like they should be in control and decide what everyone else should play. 

Once it is out and their non gaming friends are playing it... they'll finally pick up a controller and start having fun.  They'll finally get it.

The SAME exact thing happened with the Wii.  People absolutely HATED IT when it was announced and the trailers were going around.  And that was Nintendo!  Their own fans were turning on them.  And I'll be honest... I thought it was a dumb idea at the time and that they would be out of the hardware business within a few years.  And then I saw my mom asking about it... and I was like... Wow!  My mom wants to play a video game?!?!?  I instantly got excited about the system... just based on that.

These folks will change quickly when those types of things happen to them.  But right now they gotta be all tough and continue the narrative that mobile games suck... even though only 7% of all people who play video games are playing on consoles or PC's.



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2 hours ago, 1001lives said:

Imagine Pat and Ian right now in their room with their microphones refreshing this thread with red faces. "No no no no! This can't be happening!"

I've wondered if they ever thought about getting sued if they keep spreading misinformation, slander and harassing Tommy?   It would be wise for them to back down and talk about something else.  Maybe, I am thinking way too much about this.   

I think at this point, word of mouth really helps the Intellivision Amico.  I'm thinking they could cut the marketing budget down to a quarter.  I'm happy good information is coming out for this system. 

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10 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Yeah... we blew past the 5K mark around noon I believe.  :)


To them I say...



Hopefully later today you guys get past the atari vcs GoFundMe preorders and whatever the eestimste online and walmart gamestop pre orders are. 


Because pat said you guys won't be able to top atari because no one knows intellivision unlike atari. Lol  that was in a video months ago I think during the 5k quote or after. Lol 

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4 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Hardcore elites.  Anything that isn't Call of Duty is crap.  I get it.  They don't think the system is for them.  They judge everything based on what they are playing now.  Most console gamers absolutely HATE mobile games.  They think they are the WORST without even understanding how many more people in the world prefer something simple and not realistic looking.  That is why I call them elitists.  They don't realize they are the HUGE minority... yet they act like they should be in control and decide what everyone else should play. 

Once it is out and their non gaming friends are playing it... they'll finally pick up a controller and start having fun.  They'll finally get it.

The SAME exact thing happened with the Wii.  People absolutely HATED IT when it was announced and the trailers were going around.  And that was Nintendo!  Their own fans were turning on them.  And I'll be honest... I thought it was a dumb idea at the time and that they would be out of the hardware business within a few years.  And then I saw my mom asking about it... and I was like... Wow!  My mom wants to play a video game?!?!?  I instantly got excited about the system... just based on that.

These folks will change quickly when those types of things happen to them.  But right now they gotta be all tough and continue the narrative that mobile games suck... even though only 7% of all people who play video games are playing like they are on consoles or PC's.



They long for the days of snes genesis and saturn and try to rip on intellivision.  Smh. Graphics are not the problem on mobile and I'm sure the amico hardware is more than capable to deliver great lokming games 

 99% of mobile is crapware but they have many gems just unfortunately you have to dig deep for them or they have ads. 


Mobile lacks multiplayer and most of those games single player  leaves alot to be desired. 

Edited by Nolagamer
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42 minutes ago, cmart604 said:

Wait. What? You mean today’s orders or total including FE? I take that very personally. 😂 No, but seriously.... @nurmix I need an update. 😎

Total including FE's.  You were at the top of the FE (by 1) but someone surpassed the total today.  You're now 1 behind.  :)



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