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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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6 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


None of the games we have shown so far are going to initially appeal to our target audience.  I've only shown the games we have to give "red meat" to the only folks who are paying attention at this point (and that we're spending zero money to get in front of).  Imagine the pushback I'd be getting if I showed a bunch of hyper-casual games over the past year.  :)

I'm at the point I want to start seeing the casuals! BUT I do know if you started with that it wouldn't have been as well received here, AND at this point I would be saying, "When can we see some of the reimagined games?" 😋


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The CEO of the company with a thing to prove and sell is not "a regular guy like you or me." I'll go back to ignoring everything with *mico in the name, at least until there's something of substance to talk about. If you had been a long-standing member of this forum for more than one month, you might feel differently about it turning into a quasi-advertising platform. Or being told your opinions are wrong because you "just don't understand" and "don't want family fun." 

I think that one cheerleading thread is more than enough. 

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Same few with the same tactics , 

Disguised as a discussion thread but with the same undertones and innuendo’s.  This  A playground thread for trolls and a place to play another taco game. 

A Independent Amico Discussion Thread this is not. who’s kidding who. 
it’s a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls. To gather together and play there game with our community. 

Just people who like to bring others down.  







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Are you kidding me ,

years years of people here pushing 

homebrews nicknacks farkles ext.  Here in AA and Intellivision section. 

Man now it’s different because it’s Tommy and IE.  


Get real bother.  
you can’t pick and choose who it’s ok for and who it’s not ok for.  
Tommy is just like the rest of us.  


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4 hours ago, skaredmask said:

Can't Teach this....




When you got to break through this.....






Loved that first one!  Had forgotten about that ad.  Love it.


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2 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Yeah I know that's why I asked in the Q&A when we could expect a more casual friendly game. The retro reimagined is cool, but I want to see some of the Wii Sports type stuff.


Well except Cloudy Mountain. Think I want to see that more than anything.

By E3 we'll be showing a bunch of the casual stuff.

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1 hour ago, roots.genoa said:

Thank you SO MUCH! Thanks to you I found the video I was referring here just before Tommy Tallarico started his Q&A thread:

I clearly remembered that Tommy didn't like the Wii controllers and wanted to put them back together, but I had forgotten he also claimed graphics were important even for casual gamers back then!

At least it proves people can change, since his behaviour in the video is basically the one he criticizes today among hardcore gamers.

Yes!  Thank-you for finding this video.  I've been looking for it for awhile!

Yeah... I've continually talked about how I didn't like the Wii when I first heard about it and played it.  And yeah... 25 years ago in my early 30's graphics were just as important as gameplay.  I couldn't have understood or created something like Amico 20+ years ago.  You really need to "take the journey" in order to get from point A to point B.  My tastes in games have definitely changed.  Back 20+ years ago seeing graphics go from blocky 3D to texture mapped goodness was super cool.  Now... it doesn't seem to take that much of a jump... so it's not as exciting as it once was.



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On 2/2/2020 at 8:24 AM, Rev said:

It was fine for kids of the 70’s and 80’s.   But with the current generation of overly sensitive snowflakes it will be to be too much. 

Quit dicking around on message boards and fulfill customers' paid orders...


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5 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

They were obvioulsy talking about WarioWare in terms of gameplay, not the Japanese art direction we know you dislike. -_-


5 hours ago, SegaSnatcher said:

Exactly, it was the gameplay I was talking about, not the artstyle.  I'm sure INTV could take Warioware style gameplay mechanics and add their own spin on it in terms of presentation.


8 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


My mom would never play that game.  Grandparents would never play that game.  Non gamers are very highly unlikely to play a game like that.  As I've said a million times... folks need to step outside their own bubbles and realize that what hardcores think is ""casual" is not considered casual by non-gamers.  It's the reason some folks here find it difficult to understand what we're doing and why others are so excited about what we're doing.



I think his comment was about gameplay.

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1 hour ago, digdugnate said:

to keep this back in the scope of the discussion, i remember there being talk of Microsurgeon being one of the games that was mentioned with the Amico. 


Having played a bunch of this as a kid on the 994a, i keep meaning to look up info to see if there's updated screenshots or if it will even be a 'thing' still. 

No screenshots yet, but may be showing something early in the fall.  We're still not certain if it's going to be a launch title or not.  If I had to guess... probably not.  But it's definitely in the pipeline.

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32 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

The CEO of the company with a thing to prove and sell is not "a regular guy like you or me." I'll go back to ignoring everything with *mico in the name, at least until there's something of substance to talk about. If you had been a long-standing member of this forum for more than one month, you might feel differently about it turning into a quasi-advertising platform. Or being told your opinions are wrong because you "just don't understand" and "don't want family fun." 

I think that one cheerleading thread is more than enough. 

Calling out someone based on title is not really useful. It's not going to get anyone anywhere if you say "I don't want the developer of this to talk to me about what he developed."


The problem with calling on authority like this, is you place him on a pedestal and define him by that title. You create a now impenetrable barrier between the end user and the product developer. You've muted the person in charge of something that is being developed for an end user. That would be the most anti-consumer thing you could ask for. It's quite possibly the most opposite ideal anyone should attempt to set in the indie development market (not the big 3). 


I'm not sure what the purpose was of commenting on the age of my account. It just comes off as another smug comment to invoke seniority... Which is... An appeal to authority... Which is a lot like deferring to title... Which you implied you don't support with Tommy. I'm getting a general sense of self-importance here and it also looks like you do not want new members of this forum. I won't apologize that my interest in Amico brought me here.

Edited by 1001lives
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2 hours ago, SegaSnatcher said:

I use to love this show, too bad it doesn't exist anymore.

It does still exist.  I'm just not on it anymore.  Oddly... I'll actually be a live guest on it tomorrow evening. 




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5 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Here's an interesting video that was uploaded today.

In case it's deleted, here's a record of the video.


TITLE:  The Intellivision Amico is a scam. False "sold out" hype and youtubers shilling & selling the story.


Description:  Tommy Talerico we know your cock is small. Quit selling junk to autistic beta male adults and work on cock enlargement.  This system is no different than the marketing scheme for Revenge of the Bird King. Take notice of which ebay seller(s) end up selling and relisting, relisting, relisting... Not sold out not limited just a marketing hype scheme. False sense of rarity and demand. Intellivision is GAY, TOMMY.

The video itself is just some random thing they uploaded.  But the name of the video, the video description and their comments say it all.

Given the title of the video and the timing... I wonder if this person has been a part of this thread at some point?

This is the level we are dealing with here.

Yeah... yeah... everyone is going to tell me to just "chill" or ignore it.  Those folks would be missing the point.  I could care less about idiotic crap like this.  And whether you believe me or not... it doesn't bother me.  I actually laugh to myself knowing how much these fools focus on Amico and me... to the point that they feel the need to do things like this.

I only bring it up here to once again showcase the level of immaturity and hatred some people have.

Have fun engaging with these folks.



I'm not sure what the point of posting this video in here is.  This is an independent discussion thread, not a thread for constant calls to action to deal with anyone who dares to question the sacred product.  I would appreciate it if you would please stop using this thread and your own Q&A thread to keep bringing forum participants into battles that don't need to be fought.  Nobody here posted that video and this seems to just be another form of trolling to incite a reaction.   

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Once again, if you don't openly support Tommy and the Amico, you're a troll. Wonderful. 

1 hour ago, 1001lives said:



I'm not sure what the purpose was of commenting on the age of my account.  

Because hopefully you understand that someone who has supported this forum for a long time isn't merely naysaying Amico for the fun of it.


I'm glad Amico brought you (and a number of new people) here, but there is SO MUCH more to this place than Amico. Some of us posters who have been here a long time are concerned about this forum becoming a place for advertising. Some of us are actively concerned about new, niche consoles, because we have been burned more than once. Some of us think the Amico might be a cool thing but have been turned off by the behavior of others. Obviously, some long timers are excited, and are into the possibilities the Amico offers. Some long timers here are actually WORKING on this thing, which is cool. 


I think a number of you would benefit from the realization that it's OKAY if someone else doesn't dig the same things you do. As long as the questions are respectful, it's okay to disagree, or hell just flat out QUESTION things. I'm sick of long time forumites being written off for concern trolling or whatever, particularly by new folks who are here to cheerlead for a new product that they're excited about. Not everything is "trolling," not all concern is bad, and we don't need more drama or sales pitches all day long.  


I've let my subscription to AtariAge lapse over the way the drama that has been infused to our little corner of the world has been handled. I'm not a mod, and don't ever wish to be, but it's the only way I feel I can let my voice be heard about how poorly the inter-forum drama has been handled. To some of us, this constant Amico nonsense is quite trying, especially to those of us who may have been interested in the damn thing at first. I used to be a fan of the main drivers behind this thing! Now, after the interactions here, not so much. I certainly never used to care about which particular mods were assigned to what section, but again, now I feel I have to keep an eye out. It's really all too bad. 


Love Amico if you want. Cheerlead it. But have a touch of respect for others who might have a different, or even opposing viewpoint. 

Edited by dj_convoy
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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

I'm at the point I want to start seeing the casuals! BUT I do know if you started with that it wouldn't have been as well received here, AND at this point I would be saying, "When can we see some of the reimagined games?" 😋


I would say Tommy has been showing mostly re-imagined retro games here because AA is for the most part a retro forum, so that is what is going to spark the most interest here.

When he does Mom 2.0 I imagine he will show off a completely different set of games and talk console strengths that will appeal to to that demographic. While my mom might be truly excited by the revelation of a version of Yahtzee on Amico (Seriously; that is her 'must have' game on any system) and my sister would likely be interested in the time limiting parental controls, detailed information on either would not generate the same hype here I expect.

Likewise I expect when he hits E3 the gaming talk will be more on the exclusive EWJ and the totally-not-Ecco games for the Amico, because these are games more well known across multiple platforms where a concentration on showing off retro games might get it unfairly labelled and dismissed as a variation of a Flashback console.

You cannot fault Tommy for playing to his audiences, and sharing tidbits that he feels will generate the most interest for the upcoming console in these various groups.

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4 minutes ago, dj_convoy said:

Because hopefully you understand that someone who has supported this forum for a long time isn't merely naysaying Amico for the fun of it.


I'm glad Amico brought you (and a number of new people) here, but there is SO MUCH more to this place than Amico. Some of us posters who have been here a long time are concerned about this forum becoming a place for advertising. Some of us are actively concerned about new, niche consoles, because we have been burned more than once. Some of us think the Amico might be a cool thing but have been turned off by the behavior of others. Obviously, some long timers are excited, and are into the possibilities the Amico offers. Some long timers here are actually WORKING on this thing, which is cool. 


I think a number of you would benefit from the realization that it's OKAY if someone else doesn't dig the same things you do. As long as the questions are respectful, it's okay to disagree, or hell just flat out QUESTION things. I'm sick of long time forumites being written off for concern trolling or whatever, particularly by new folks who are here to cheerlead for a new product that they're excited about. Not everything is "trolling," not all concern is bad, and we don't need more drama or sales pitches all day long.  

Formulated, rational discussion is not the same as crafting insults, and now literally saying that Tommy can't speak because of his title, and saying someone who is excited for a new console concept is "cheerleading." How about we call you doomleading? Doomleader! It's just a useless moniker designed to label in a disparaging way. All for defending the idea of the Amico.


This verbiage is designed to dig at the person supporting an idea. It's not conducive to actual critical thinking - nor is it actually improving anything you are discussing. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing - wondering why an Amico thread has positive Amico support or discussion is another thing entirely. Furthermore, saying "I'll just be ignoring all Amico stuff again!" just doesn't add much.


Once more - it does not matter how concerned you are. You have spent nothing. You have invested nothing. This is not an Indiegogo, or a Kickstarter. This has nothing in common with any of the past machines you are conflicted about and it's kind of a false comparison.


If you had invested time and money into the Ouya, or the Chameleon, I could understand (money you never got back) - but bringing the same concerns here when this is not the same situation is why you come off like you are "concern trolling." If we just keep saying "Well remember bad things happen, we're just concerned bad things happen" it's doomleading. Or, I should say, it's the same as "cheerleading."


Being an intelligent, well educated consumer doesn't require you interact directly with the product developer. But it's something Tommy is allowing you to do. Slamming him over and over that this is "concerning" because of past machines, or because he accepted $100 dollars from people who willingly gave it up for pre-order, like what you did, and I also started out by doing in the other thread, is useless and doesn't advance any positive, proactive discussion. I realized this quickly.


We just have to hope for the best and keep asking questions and discussing and see where things end up. No one is making you spend any money on Intellivision or devote any time to any of these threads. You should not complain about what you willingly subject yourself to. 


If you think there are other developers or other people you'd rather be in charge of this - by all means, believe that. But if someone coming here to talk to hardcore fans and being excited about his product comes off as too sales-pitchy, you don't have to put up with it. You have options, other threads, etc. 

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I think that something that most (or all) of us can agree on, regardless of our own personal opinions about the Amico, is that we are in an odd "holding" area of the information about this system. We know quite a bit about the generalities, but very little about the absolute specifics. And many of these specifics are things that cannot be told right now (because they may not be known), or won't be told right now (because they cannot be shared as of yet), and so every day, these threads turn into something along the lines of identical questions being asked or similar concerns being raised which results in wheel-spinning and very little progress made to actually glean new information one way or another.


In that absence of new tangible information, all we have is repetition of things already known, beating our heads against the wall of speculation, and the occasional slinging of snarky comments or silly memes at one another. The best conversations in here (and other places) really have been right after actual info drops. Although I enjoy the content here and in the Q&A thread, they both feel very much like wading through a daily mess just to get that one small nugget of... "Oh, that's cool." At least until all the other shoes start to drop, it's a looooong way till E3. Think I'll have a drink.

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8 minutes ago, pesh42 said:

it's a looooong way till E3. Think I'll have a drink.

I dunno. As I get older, it feels like these 4 months are gonna fly by.

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8 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Here's an interesting video that was uploaded today.

In case it's deleted, here's a record of the video.






His entire channel is 5 videos in ~24 hours.  4 out of 5 are about tearing people down.  More than anything, this shows who he is.



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8 hours ago, skaredmask said:

 My story I'm 37,Husband,Father, I have the Coolest 6 year old daughter ever!


  I was born in 1982 and grew up on Atari, Commodore, Tandy, Celcovision, Nintendo. In my youth Video games were more passive than an Active part of my life. Games where what you you played once you got your homework done or before you went to bed or what you played in your free time or were friends were over. Other than that most of my time was outside playing baseball, adventuring or bumming around. I remember asking my parents "Just one more game before bed" Playing with my dad on the commodore 64 or Atari,playing asteroids or PAC-man. 


  In my early twenty's I was a  ""hardcore gamer"" and a avid ""collector""  I had huge collection and I even joined Atari age in my later twenty's at that time. I used to be online playing Kill zone 3  or whatever game that came out that looked interesting to me and spending hours playing fallout 3 or fallout 3 getting all that loot and stuff and trying to get my friends online to play World of Warcraft or Guild wars.


  When I turned 31 my world of gaming changed with the birth of awesomeness my daughter. during this time or lack of there of I noticed I couldn't game like I used too so I started buying more arcade like games that I could play for moment before I went to bed or the little breaks in between times were I could slip it in my schedule. The game's that I noticed that that I could enjoy was easy pick up and go games like Street fighter,Mortal Kombat,Splatter or some random indie games from PlayStation network that mainly didn't play that well but didn't take a time invest to play.   


 My wife and I lives on a limed tight budget and time. Most of our money and time goes to my daughters needs in terms of grocery's and school projects,house maintenance and car maintenance AKA the price of living and there always something that needs to be done. My wife and I are still interested in playing games and want to include my daughter with our games so we can do something different with her but we really can't budget all the stuff that is necessary for a new game system and feel like we were forgotten about. I actually bought a Macintosh Classic II for our family so we can play games like Arkaniods and it's simple but still challenging game play that doesn't require a lot of time to have fun with but still kid appropriate.


  This is why my wife pre ordered the Amico cause while our gaming has change it's not gone and while there is mobile gaming there really isn't a easy way to learn or tech someone how to play games (especially a 6 year old)by looking over there shoulder or give them praise when they do something cool or spectral cause you probably missed it. My dad saw how I got the high school or I saw how he got his and that simple premised is what keep those games alive far passed what there were supposed to. Some people even have camcorder tape of them betting the scores back in the day. I strongly believe that my wife and I are the demographic that Tommy is targeting and other parents/kids/teens are looking for that excitement.

I feel like I'm in a similar situation with my gaming amd that is why the Amico is so interesting to me. I hope it surpasses the excitement here.

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8 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Here's an interesting video that was uploaded today.

In case it's deleted, here's a record of the video.


TITLE:  The Intellivision Amico is a scam. False "sold out" hype and youtubers shilling & selling the story.


Description:  Tommy Talerico we know your cock is small. Quit selling junk to autistic beta male adults and work on cock enlargement.  This system is no different than the marketing scheme for Revenge of the Bird King. Take notice of which ebay seller(s) end up selling and relisting, relisting, relisting... Not sold out not limited just a marketing hype scheme. False sense of rarity and demand. Intellivision is GAY, TOMMY.

The video itself is just some random thing they uploaded.  But the name of the video, the video description and their comments say it all.

Given the title of the video and the timing... I wonder if this person has been a part of this thread at some point?

This is the level we are dealing with here.

Yeah... yeah... everyone is going to tell me to just "chill" or ignore it.  Those folks would be missing the point.  I could care less about idiotic crap like this.  And whether you believe me or not... it doesn't bother me.  I actually laugh to myself knowing how much these fools focus on Amico and me... to the point that they feel the need to do things like this.

I only bring it up here to once again showcase the level of immaturity and hatred some people have.

Have fun engaging with these folks.



Maybe he meant Intellivision is gay in the sense of being happy that the preorder went so well? Which you should be!


Rest of it....well that's pretty obvious what was meant.


I won't say chill but one obnoxious video won't tank you and most people won't like that type of video. Especially one like that and done in that manner.



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5 hours ago, Flojomojo said:

A discussion question about economics and pricing: 

Given that flagship smartphones cost more than $800, a fast food lunch is $10, a retro mini system approaches $100: what is a reasonable stating price for something that is trying to break in? Is $200 still the magic number, or has inflation allowed that to creep upwards? Or does value come from what is actually shown?

For me the $180 was the magic no brainer purchase. $200 I didn't like as much. The current $230ish is starting to move out of what I personally would like. Mainly because I could buy a Switch for about that price and know me and my wife would have a blast on that. I'm fairly confident in my parenting to keep crap out of my home so that isn't the huge draw.


I think a family who doesn't game the same way I have over the years could be different though. They wouldn't be as interested as me in terms of the other consoles. 


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5 hours ago, digdugnate said:

My apologies to @MrBeefy for derailing the thread.  


I have enjoyed (for the most part) reading the discussions in this impartial thread.


5 hours ago, Spriggy said:

I don't see it as a derail DD, but more of an observation.  However, I too will follow suit and apologies for one of my usual cheeky retorts.   Feel free to send me too the corner with no bacon for a week.


5 hours ago, digdugnate said:

no... bacon?  😪 


as a funny aside in a way, last fall i had a bit of a heart scare that ended up with a procedure to get stuff sorted. cured meats were one of the things the cardiologist said that I needed to cut out of my diet.


i'm still eating bacon.  ;)

My bacon loving heart forgives you. My heart will forget such transgressions if given copious amounts of bacon. Feel free to throw in a taco or two. And Spriggy I find your reports funny.



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5 hours ago, digdugnate said:

to keep this back in the scope of the discussion, i remember there being talk of Microsurgeon being one of the games that was mentioned with the Amico. 


Having played a bunch of this as a kid on the 994a, i keep meaning to look up info to see if there's updated screenshots or if it will even be a 'thing' still. 

I've heard enough of this game I guess I need to track it down and buy a copy. It sounds super intriguing.

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