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32 minutes ago, save2600 said:

Baseball, YES! Bullshit, NO!  🤣


I would love to hear all about that!👍


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6 minutes ago, SegaSnatcher said:

Tommy said you will be able to buy seperate controllers, so will you also be able to buy a charging dock for the extra controller, or will you have to just use the console to charge your extra controllers? 

Might be able to charge via USB too? 


I know there was talk about directly hooking it up to the console too.

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26 minutes ago, SegaSnatcher said:

Tommy said you will be able to buy seperate controllers, so will you also be able to buy a charging dock for the extra controller, or will you have to just use the console to charge your extra controllers? 



I just went to the q&a thread and searched for "charge".


Edited by mr_me
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9 minutes ago, SegaSnatcher said:

Nice, so they will have a docking station after all.   Thanks for the link.

You know if I looked at my initial post I could have told you charging via USB. :P


But now I can add the charging dock info!



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49 minutes ago, wolfy62 said:


I would love to hear all about that!👍


I believe they are planning two. MLB and something else.  Although there was also an MLB for the INTV ECS, so a little murky on if it is based on that or one of the more modern incarnations. 

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On 2/4/2020 at 9:25 AM, m-crew said:

Same few with the same tactics , 

Disguised as a discussion thread but with the same undertones and innuendo’s.  This  A playground thread for trolls and a place to play another taco game. 

A Independent Amico Discussion Thread this is not. who’s kidding who. 
it’s a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls. To gather together and play there game with our community. 

Just people who like to bring others down.  








4 hours ago, fiudr said:

So only people who are diehard cheerleaders for Amico should be posting?


Before I begin, I want to make it clear that I am absolutely not a troll. I have been a member in here for many years, though not particularly active until recently. I am very excited for this system. I came very close to backing the founder's edition but financially it was bad timing for me with Christmas bills factored in.


But having said that, I, like many, have reservations and questions about the system. The Amico is very different from what we've seen before, and it's natural that people will have their doubts after seeing things like the Ouya fail. Of course, the average non-gamer like the Amico is being marketed to has never heard of the Ouya. But people in general will be cautious of any new system like this that requires you to buy into it's ecosystem. I'm behind this system because I think it has huge potential. But you can never truly predict how the public will accept something new.


To be honest, I'm rather disappointed in how Tommy has been reacting to some of the negativity or cynicism. Those who are obviously just attacking the Amico and wanting it to fail should just be ignored by Tommy. Yet Tommy engages them in online squabbles and fires insults back at them like a common poster. But Tommy is not a common poster - he's the CEO of a company trying to sell a new product. And I'm not referring to Tongtgd. I'm talking about things like that Youtube video "The Intellivision Amico is a scam". That's obviously 100% false and the poster of that video should be ashamed. Tonytgd has been fairly cynical with his questions, but has remained civil imo. I've seen how things can go down in forums - his posts were tame. He just asked lots of questions and posted cynical opinions the Amico followers and Tommy didn't like. So he was met back with hostility.


If I didn't know better, I would not believe that Tommy is the CEO of a company that is trying to get a brand new system launched. Of course I want to see the head of a company engage their customers. I think that's important and something the Atari VCS is immensely lacking - a relationship with their customers. But the way Tommy reacts to any negative or even doubtful posts is concerning to me. IMO he should not even be engaging with Youtube posters like the one who posted that "Amico is a scam" video. There are obviously those who just want to see the system fail, because that's how some people are on the internet these days. But it's not professional to see a CEO get into back-and-forth squabbling matches throughout the day in forums and Youtube comments. Focus on answering questions. When a discussion starts going the wrong way, stop responding and leave it at that.


And just because people ask difficult questions doesn't mean they want to see the system fail. I asked in the other thread about my concerns with the controllers and specifically how batteries factor in. That doesn't mean I'm a "hater" or "troll" or want to see the system fail. I'm behind this 100%. But I'm old enough to have seen plenty of new products not go as planned and with a system like this where everything from the ground up seems to be doing things differently, of course I am cautiously optimistic. I think it would do well for Tommy to remember that it's only natural for people to have doubts about a product like the Amico. That doesn't make them haters. Ignore the obvious haters like the one who posted that Youtube video - don't get caught up in the back-and-forth arguing because it looks unprofessional. Those who generally want to take the time to come in and ask questions or have a discussion with you - I think it would look better for the company and to others if you remained a bit more reserved with a touch of humility, and remain willing to be patient with the cynical posters. Cynical posters aren't necessarily haters. Many have just been burned before and are more likely to play it safe with new products.


I'm hoping this doesn't come across the wrong way, because I am very excited to see what this system has in store for us, and this is the first video game system in a long time that I am hoping to own for Christmas.



First of all where do you get this from my post? Those who I'm referring to know who they are and the community here know who they are... It's not the negatives that is the issue it's the undertones  and  innuendo’s of their post's that are(Verbal irony).  This has been going on with the same few since Tommy started his thread.. And really who are you tell someone how things should be done. (who to interact with , post or is not professional) .     

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1 hour ago, m-crew said:


First of all where do you get this from my post? Those who I'm referring to know who they are and the community here know who they are... It's not the negatives that is the issue it's the undertones  and  innuendo’s of their post's that are(Verbal irony).  This has been going on with the same few since Tommy started his thread.. And really who are you tell someone how things should be done. (who to interact with , post or is not professional) .     

I'm a perfect example of someone who initially came out being extremely critical of the Amico, but through the months I've slowly started changing my stances on a few things I took issue with before, there are still many questions I have and a couple of potential concerns, but there has been a couple things announced/revealed that have taken my interest.  Just know not everyone who starts off super critical is a lost cause, people can change.  At the end of the day I'm a gamer and I just want to play fun games. I don't have any brand loyalties. I own a 3DO so that should tell you a lot lol. It really doesn't take a ton of games to convince me to make a console purchase.  

R-Type is still my most anticipated game for Amico, this is one of those games that could convince me to buy the Amico sooner rather than later.


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11 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

When we first announced Amico it was probably around 80% negative.  If I never did anything and only engaged with the 20% who liked it... it wouldn't have helped.  Instead... I went right to the sources of the confusion or negativity and asked to talk to them a little more so I can give them more info and describe our vision and dream and goals.  It has worked extremely well and we have really turned the perception around.  I would say that we probably have 80+% positive now.  Where would we be if we never did anything and took the route of Atari where they only do a handful of friendly interviews a year, don't really allow anyone to play the machine, put out controlled posts and pictures every few months, go dark for months at a time, etc.



FWIW, inasmuch as that was a response to my post, I'd like to clarify that wasn't my advice. 


My advice was not to ignore the negative, but to concentrate on the reasonable critics and trust that the people who matter to your business will be able to recognise unreasonable criticism for themselves. It's simply not possible to have a constructive conversation with an unreasonable person. Anyone who tries often comes out worse for wear from it. 

Yes, your presence has turned opinion around, but I think that your transparency and willingness to share deserve much more of the credit for that than your willingness to expend energy going toe-to-toe with trolls that are fully able to discredit themselves. 

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7 hours ago, wolfy62 said:


I would love to hear all about that!👍


I personally would like to see a RBI like baseball game. I loved the 1st on on the NES.

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14 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

This statement displays the point Im trying to make.  Now you may be reading my responses in some kind of combative or smart ass way (seems to be a lot of that going around here)... but I'm only trying to have a respectful dialog.  I'm sure the stuff you have done was an amazing journey and you definitely have my respect from going from a thought in your head to delivering to customers.  You definitely know more than most.  But you are way off in thinking that our product has to be in production by mid-July to get in the stores by 10/10.  You're not even close.  Maybe if we were only doing about 5,000 - 10,000 consoles.  But not the amount that we have orders for.


Again... you are mischaracterizing what me and my team are doing.  To say we need to just concentrate on building stuff is insulting to some extent.  Taking a few minutes here and there to respond to critics or to positive folks isn't taking our eye off the ball... especially when we work 20 hours a day... 7 days a week.  There have been a LOT more folks to appreciate that we take the time... then don't.  Most of the "dont's" appear here actually.


Now I'm curious... which products have you created?  Would love to purchase a few in support of what you're doing (if I don't already own them).

I purposely didn't mention what I do because I didn't want to be seen as advertising, but since you asked...


Unfortunately I can't talk about numbers but they are quite good.   We got our stuff on all the big videogame journalist sites, all the big youtubers, and seen by millions.  My thread over in classic gaming general on here has over 1.3 million views.   Here's some videos.   I did all of the electronics, programming, PCB design, firmware and HDL code.   These systems have a pretty decent amount of relatively modern hardware in them, and are not some simple clone boxes.  They are a ground-up recreation that I have done by reverse engineering the original hardware using custom fixtures and such.


So far, I have done the Analogue NT Mini,  Super nt, Mega SG, and currently the Pocket.  These are NES (and 17 other things), SNES, Genesis/SMS/game gear, and Gameboy/GBC/GBA respectively.  What sets them apart is modern HDMI with zero lag scaling, various enhancements, and no compromises on quality.   These are ground-up and do not use clone chips or anything like that.  It's a 100% new recreation by me.  The pocket is the world's first handheld FPGA system with an extremely insane LCD, which can be docked to output HDMI.


Super nt:




Mega SG:









Some of these videos have over half a million views, and there's tons and tons more of them on youtube.  I just picked some of the ones at the top of the list.  If you search, these products have been featured on dozens and dozens of the top news sites, and the Mega SG made it into Time magazine's top inventions of 2019.  These products have appeared in several print publications also.



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12 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Such a head of reason. There's a reason I like you.


@ColecoJoe  Head of reason today .... gone tomorrow.  😊


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2 hours ago, kevtris said:

So far, I have done the Analogue NT Mini,  Super nt, Mega SG, and currently the Pocket.

I haven't bought one so far but the Pocket is (one of) my most anticipated systems coming this year, mainly because it's handheld. I voted for it on the Twitter poll mentioned in the other thread because the Amico was leading far ahead anyway (I tend to always side with the minority). ^^ I'm also hoping for a PC Engine adapter and I would be very sad if you said it would never happen... T_T

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2 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

I haven't bought one so far but the Pocket is (one of) my most anticipated systems coming this year, mainly because it's handheld. I voted for it on the Twitter poll mentioned in the other thread because the Amico was leading far ahead anyway (I tend to always side with the minority). ^^ I'm also hoping for a PC Engine adapter and I would be very sad if you said it would never happen... T_T

He doesn't have a PC Engine core yet.   

Fear not though,  Pocket will allow for open source FPGA cores to be ported and there is a pretty decent TG-16/PC-Engine core available, so you never know someone might eventually port it.

Edited by SegaSnatcher
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10 hours ago, m-crew said:


First of all where do you get this from my post? Those who I'm referring to know who they are and the community here know who they are... It's not the negatives that is the issue it's the undertones  and  innuendo’s of their post's that are(Verbal irony).  This has been going on with the same few since Tommy started his thread.. And really who are you tell someone how things should be done. (who to interact with , post or is not professional) .     

How about backing off there a bit with the attitude? I'll remind you again what you said, as I quoted in my post:


"Disguised as a discussion thread but with the same undertones and innuendo’s.  This  A playground thread for trolls and a place to play another taco game. 

A Independent Amico Discussion Thread this is not. who’s kidding who. 
it’s a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls. To gather together and play there game with our community. 

Just people who like to bring others down."


And I was trying to point out that this is not true - that this thread is not just "a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls."


And as far as your last sentence, it's called an opinion. I have as much of a right to post my opinions in here as you do as long as I remain civil.


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3 hours ago, kevtris said:

the Pocket

Oh sugar!!!  I'm going to keep my eyes on that.  I'll need a system that can play Game Gear games reliably without leaking capacitors and flaky sound board so this will fit my needs.

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13 hours ago, fiudr said:

How about backing off there a bit with the attitude? I'll remind you again what you said, as I quoted in my post:


"Disguised as a discussion thread but with the same undertones and innuendo’s.  This  A playground thread for trolls and a place to play another taco game. 

A Independent Amico Discussion Thread this is not. who’s kidding who. 
it’s a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls. To gather together and play there game with our community. 

Just people who like to bring others down."


And I was trying to point out that this is not true - that this thread is not just "a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls."


And as far as your last sentence, it's called an opinion. I have as much of a right to post my opinions in here as you do as long as I remain civil.


Deflection is all im going to say, . Once again it was not about YOU or others who have concerns or negative feelings about the Amico, How about you back off with your attitude , Get off your high horse brother and leave it alone...    


Here Ill qoute myself again for you ;


"Disguised as a discussion thread but with the same undertones and innuendo’s.  This  A playground thread for trolls and a place to play another taco game. 

A Independent Amico Discussion Thread this is not. who’s kidding who. 
it’s a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls. To gather together and play there game with our community. 

Just people who like to bring others down."


And I was trying to point out that this is not true - that this thread is not just "a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls."


And as far as your last sentence, it's called an opinion. I have as much of a right to post my opinions in here as you do as long as I remain civil.

Edited by m-crew
spelling error

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FFS. 🙄  If you going to turn Beefy's thread into a pissing contest,  just Get The F#ck Out!  Go and argue in the Q&A thread.  That's where all this crap started!  I have opinions, which have been voiced elsewhere (Q&A thread).  But to pay respect to what @MrBeefy wanted in this thread, I'm keeping my big trap shut.  My usual occasional jovial pisstakes not with-standing ... which mind you ... I respectfully asked Beefy if it was OK first.  




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5 hours ago, kevtris said:

I purposely didn't mention what I do because I didn't want to be seen as advertising, but since you asked...


Unfortunately I can't talk about numbers but they are quite good.   We got our stuff on all the big videogame journalist sites, all the big youtubers, and seen by millions.  My thread over in classic gaming general on here has over 1.3 million views.   Here's some videos.   I did all of the electronics, programming, PCB design, firmware and HDL code.   These systems have a pretty decent amount of relatively modern hardware in them, and are not some simple clone boxes.  They are a ground-up recreation that I have done by reverse engineering the original hardware using custom fixtures and such.


So far, I have done the Analogue NT Mini,  Super nt, Mega SG, and currently the Pocket.  These are NES (and 17 other things), SNES, Genesis/SMS/game gear, and Gameboy/GBC/GBA respectively.  What sets them apart is modern HDMI with zero lag scaling, various enhancements, and no compromises on quality.   These are ground-up and do not use clone chips or anything like that.  It's a 100% new recreation by me.  The pocket is the world's first handheld FPGA system with an extremely insane LCD, which can be docked to output HDMI.


Super nt:




Mega SG:









Some of these videos have over half a million views, and there's tons and tons more of them on youtube.  I just picked some of the ones at the top of the list.  If you search, these products have been featured on dozens and dozens of the top news sites, and the Mega SG made it into Time magazine's top inventions of 2019.  These products have appeared in several print publications also.



Very cool.  Congrats on your success!  I actually have the Genesis one that I purchased at a convention (I forget which one it was?)  Not sure if it was from you directly... so we may have met. 

It's amazing that you are pretty much a one man show, but I hope you can appreciate and understand the vast differences of what we are doing and although there may be some similarities... it's a very different project in many ways.

Continued success to you.

Have you ever thought about doing a new portable Genesis or SNES?  Like the Nomad back in the day?   That would be amazing.



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