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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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4 hours ago, dj_convoy said:

Once again, if you don't openly support Tommy and the Amico, you're a troll. Wonderful. 

Because hopefully you understand that someone who has supported this forum for a long time isn't merely naysaying Amico for the fun of it.


I'm glad Amico brought you (and a number of new people) here, but there is SO MUCH more to this place than Amico. Some of us posters who have been here a long time are concerned about this forum becoming a place for advertising. Some of us are actively concerned about new, niche consoles, because we have been burned more than once. Some of us think the Amico might be a cool thing but have been turned off by the behavior of others. Obviously, some long timers are excited, and are into the possibilities the Amico offers. Some long timers here are actually WORKING on this thing, which is cool. 


I think a number of you would benefit from the realization that it's OKAY if someone else doesn't dig the same things you do. As long as the questions are respectful, it's okay to disagree, or hell just flat out QUESTION things. I'm sick of long time forumites being written off for concern trolling or whatever, particularly by new folks who are here to cheerlead for a new product that they're excited about. Not everything is "trolling," not all concern is bad, and we don't need more drama or sales pitches all day long.  


I've let my subscription to AtariAge lapse over the way the drama that has been infused to our little corner of the world has been handled. I'm not a mod, and don't ever wish to be, but it's the only way I feel I can let my voice be heard about how poorly the inter-forum drama has been handled. To some of us, this constant Amico nonsense is quite trying, especially to those of us who may have been interested in the damn thing at first. I used to be a fan of the main drivers behind this thing! Now, after the interactions here, not so much. I certainly never used to care about which particular mods were assigned to what section, but again, now I feel I have to keep an eye out. It's really all too bad. 


Love Amico if you want. Cheerlead it. But have a touch of respect for others who might have a different, or even opposing viewpoint. 

If you don't like the Amico, why not just go to another part of the forum where you feel comfortable. Why spew the hate here? Its like being a non smoker who walks into a bar that is a smoking establishment, then complains about the patrons smoking in the bar. If you don't like it, then find another place that is non smoking. Its not difficult. You can't do that though, because people like you have to have your point heard! You seem to need the attention of others for recognition. 

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14 hours ago, Lathe26 said:

Following up on earlier MJR comments: he has had an early look at the Amico.  He is currently cautious and taking a wait-and-see attitude (not raving or bashing it).  He he's being interviewed on another channel and talks about the Amico around 10 minutes in (at 9:54)



Ugh.  This fall rights in line with this absurd notion of 'influencers'.  Not sure why anything MJR or Pat the NES PUKE has to say has any added depth (or girth) than any other momo.  An idiot yelling at the top of a mountain may be heard more than someone in a cave, but he's still an idiot. 

Edited by LCF_93
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11 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Here's an interesting video that was uploaded today.

In case it's deleted, here's a record of the video.


TITLE:  The Intellivision Amico is a scam. False "sold out" hype and youtubers shilling & selling the story.


Description:  Tommy Talerico we know your cock is small. Quit selling junk to autistic beta male adults and work on cock enlargement.  This system is no different than the marketing scheme for Revenge of the Bird King. Take notice of which ebay seller(s) end up selling and relisting, relisting, relisting... Not sold out not limited just a marketing hype scheme. False sense of rarity and demand. Intellivision is GAY, TOMMY.

The video itself is just some random thing they uploaded.  But the name of the video, the video description and their comments say it all.




As a CEO of a corporation you should just ignore these things.  This is like the most obvious lame attempt at trolling.  I would give it a 0/10 for effort.  When I saw it, the video had like 50 views.  I doubt the CEO of Mcdonalds searches youtube every 10 minutes for videos bashing mickeyd's.   If I posted in my thread about every single little affront to my stuff I'd be posting non stop every day about it.  You just need to let it go and not bring it up in multiple threads every time it happens.   They posted a video in an attempt to get a rise out of you, and judging by the posts they sure as heck got it.


The Amico is pretty small time right now (compared to what you want it to be) and while you can control the narrative right now, once it gets bigger that will become impossible.  So far it seems that when a small youtuber posts something deemed "negative" or wrongthink, the current solution is to post a comment, then send them t-shirts and hats, and then they make a more positive video afterwards.  I have seen this several times now. Whether this is what really happens or not, it sure looks like it.  While this is good viral marketing, it makes me wonder what will happen when larger outlets start reporting on it that can't be so easily swayed with swag. 


I have been at ground zero of three console launches of my hardware/software/HDL design so far, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  There's plenty of "haters" and true haters out there to go around, but the difference is I. Just. Don't. Care.  At the end of the day, my stuff has to stand on its own merits, and no amount of hand wringing or wishful thinking will change that.  Like the Amico, my stuff was a huge gamble too, and the livelihoods of many people hinged on how well it did in the market.  There's no real way to know how well something will do until it's released and for sale.  I can say that the projects I worked on have vastly exceeded my wildest dreams.


Instead of worrying about what some random person thinks about my stuff, I am here every day working on code for 6-8 hours a day (in addition to my day job!) and more like 10-12-14 hours on the weekends.  I haven't even really done a search on youtube for my own stuff!  Maybe 2 or 3 times since it launched.   I certainly don't troll youtube multiple times a day looking for any glitches in the Matrix.   Just relax and let things flow.  If not, you'll end up dying of a heart attack or something when the coverage really gets rolling.


Since this is the bacon thread (right?)  I will provide some!



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2 hours ago, poconojo said:

If you don't like the Amico, why not just go to another part of the forum where you feel comfortable. Why spew the hate here? Its like being a non smoker who walks into a bar that is a smoking establishment, then complains about the patrons smoking in the bar. If you don't like it, then find another place that is non smoking. Its not difficult. You can't do that though, because people like you have to have your point heard! You seem to need the attention of others for recognition. 

This literally is the other place that is non smoking.  The Tommy thread is the smoking establishment.  

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1 hour ago, LCF_93 said:

Ugh.  This fall rights in line with this absurd notion of 'influencers'.  Not sure why anything MJR or Pat the NES PUKE has to say has any added depth (or girth) than any other momo.  An idiot yelling at the top of a mountain may be heard more than someone in a cave, but he's still an idiot. 

To be fair, I don't think MJR said anything unreasonable in that video.  He gave out any criticisms or concerns in a respectful fashion. 

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6 hours ago, Tavi said:

You cannot fault Tommy for playing to his audiences, and sharing tidbits that he feels will generate the most interest for the upcoming console in these various groups.

Oh definitely! This is not the place to start off with showing Horseshoes or whatever. I like both types of games. So now I'm ready to see the casuals. But yeah from an AA standpoint those would not be the ones I would have shown first to this crowd 

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3 hours ago, Lathe26 said:

Why is MrBeefy posting bacon, which is a pork product?  I call shenanigans!  ;-)

Chik-fil-A has the corner on eat more chicken. Getting others to eat more pork saves more beefy lives...

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2 hours ago, poconojo said:

If you don't like the Amico, why not just go to another part of the forum where you feel comfortable. Why spew the hate here? Its like being a non smoker who walks into a bar that is a smoking establishment, then complains about the patrons smoking in the bar. If you don't like it, then find another place that is non smoking. Its not difficult. You can't do that though, because people like you have to have your point heard! You seem to need the attention of others for recognition. 

This is another part of the forum.


If you aren't comfortable with people having concerns or whatever you can go into another part of the forum. It's like being a non smoker walking into a smoking establishment and complaining that the other customers are smoking. If you can't handle people not liking 100% of everything, then go to another place. Its not that difficult....


See what I did there? 




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2 hours ago, LCF_93 said:

Ugh.  This fall rights in line with this absurd notion of 'influencers'.  Not sure why anything MJR or Pat the NES PUKE has to say has any added depth (or girth) than any other momo.  An idiot yelling at the top of a mountain may be heard more than someone in a cave, but he's still an idiot. 

I don't dislike MJR but I felt like their videos are sometimes ways to inflate their cruddy collection by calling everything hidden gems. 😋


I think it is safe to say with the quality control and how they are releasing Amico games in the store, nothing will be hidden.

Edited by MrBeefy

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1 hour ago, kevtris said:




New mascot! 

Should we name him Crisp E B?

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59 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

This is another part of the forum.


If you aren't comfortable with people having concerns or whatever you can go into another part of the forum. It's like being a non smoker walking into a smoking establishment and complaining that the other customers are smoking. If you can't handle people not liking 100% of everything, then go to another place. Its not that difficult....


See what I did there? 




You have a point.

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10 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

By E3 we'll be showing a bunch of the casual stuff.

If I may can you please consider a world class gamer like me to advertise the game play and tactics?

Not these fat smelly loser wannabe gamer hollytubers ?


Like lets for an example let me destroy Al Burman like I did 4-0 on Shark Shark before he beat me ONCE by 200 points lol

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I could be wrong but I think the INTV was well known for its quality port of BurgerTime.  What are the chances we could possibly get a modern remake?  

Anyone else here love that game?

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13 minutes ago, SegaSnatcher said:

I could be wrong but I think the INTV was well known for its quality port of BurgerTime.  What are the chances we could possibly get a modern remake?  

Anyone else here love that game?

You are definitely not wrong.  The Intellivision port of BurgerTime is universally praised as the best of the bunch, and it's certainly one of the top games ever made for the system.  And yes I love it!  🙂 

As for a remake, I think Tommy would have to secure the license for that, which may not be easy.  But if he reads this, maybe he can shed some light on that for us...

Edited by IntyFanMatt

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19 hours ago, Lathe26 said:

Following up on earlier MJR comments: he has had an early look at the Amico.  He is currently cautious and taking a wait-and-see attitude (not raving or bashing it).  He he's being interviewed on another channel and talks about the Amico around 10 minutes in (at 9:54)



Despite a lot of talk about how the biggest hurdle will be the perception of old Atari and NES players from the 80s having an unforvorable association with the original consoles' controllers, he said he had great fun playing the games and the controllers worked well, so, it sounds like a win for his actual experience.

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1 minute ago, Swami said:

Despite a lot of talk about how the biggest hurdle will be the perception of old Atari and NES players from the 80s having an unforvorable association with the original consoles' controllers, he said he had great fun playing the games and the controllers worked well, so, it sounds like a win for his actual experience.

I like it when these influencers give honest opinions and feedback.


Oh, and I like this Bacon thread. Goes well with my daily dose of Tacos.

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31 minutes ago, IntyFanMatt said:

You are definitely not wrong.  The Intellivision port of BurgerTime is universally praised as the best of the bunch, and it's certainly one of the top games ever made for the system.  And yes I love it!  🙂 

As for a remake, I think Tommy would have to secure the license for that, which may not be easy.  But if he reads this, maybe he can shed some light on that for us...

Amico Burgertime should be available this October.  It was listed in their press release over a year ago.

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8 minutes ago, mr_me said:

Amico Burgertime should be available this October.  It was listed in their press release over a year ago.


Does it have bacon?  I'd buy that.

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I could be wrong but I think the INTV was well known for its quality port of BurgerTime.  What are the chances we could possibly get a modern remake?   

Anyone else here love that game?



Was my third favorite INTV game after Ghost of Christmas presents and Piggy Bank. I think it’s the best port of the game from the original console days. I played it for many hours, and never tired of it.


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14 minutes ago, mr_me said:

Amico Burgertime should be available this October.  It was listed in their press release over a year ago.

Mr. Beefy should add this to OP.  Great to know, thanks!!!

Edit:  Is this going to be a remake, or just the original INTV game?  

Edited by SegaSnatcher

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1 hour ago, SegaSnatcher said:

I could be wrong but I think the INTV was well known for its quality port of BurgerTime.  What are the chances we could possibly get a modern remake?  

Anyone else here love that game?


1 hour ago, IntyFanMatt said:

You are definitely not wrong.  The Intellivision port of BurgerTime is universally praised as the best of the bunch, and it's certainly one of the top games ever made for the system.  And yes I love it!  🙂 

As for a remake, I think Tommy would have to secure the license for that, which may not be easy.  But if he reads this, maybe he can shed some light on that for us...


41 minutes ago, mr_me said:

Amico Burgertime should be available this October.  It was listed in their press release over a year ago.

They have the license to do it. I'm not sure they have confirmed as it being actively worked on. I never appreciated the game really until I played Beef Drop on the 7800.

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