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Tommy Tallarico

Intellivision Amico - Tommy Tallarico introduction + Q&A

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8 minutes ago, Relicgamer said:

Lol wouldn't it be something if I got 2601 🤣🤣🤣

It's possible ! There are buildings without the 13th floor ! 😀

So maybe ... 😉😆

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1 hour ago, GrudgeQ said:

As Tommy as pointed out several times, the Switch is an amazing success and has moved 55 million units so far. I wouldn't doubt they hit 75 or 100 million some day - but why isn't that number hundreds of millions? Maybe it is because it *really* doesn't match the needs of the most common casual gamer. Maybe it really isn't just about cost and maybe the 'friction' isn't just about boot times or wanting the games to be mobile. Maybe it is the complexity of the games, the complexity of the systems, the play length to make any real progress & the controllers themselves.


We know a lot of nuances of why and have spent a lot of money to test what we felt the data showed. 

It really comes down to simplicity, safe/family content and the ability for everyone to play together.  There are lots of other things as well.... but those are the 3 main things the research, data and testing shows.



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50 minutes ago, LePionnier said:

Maybe Tommy could give us some help for some developers missing in this list. ( Those that he can tell us ! )

Like who is making Missile Command and Sideswipers !? 😊

More developer info coming in July.


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47 minutes ago, Intellivision Master said:

That's a pretty good list there.  Those are titles I would grab too.  It would be cool if Tommy could show us a video trailer of Lode Runner.

Nothing to show for that one just yet.  Haven't started and won't be available on launch.

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1 hour ago, Jake67 said:

Thinking about it, I think I’d like #2600. (I see TJ mentioned that, too.) The 2600 was my first game system, then the Intellivision. The number would represent a nice merger of the two. 


I understand that Tommy wants and gets #1, but that might have made a nice auction item among the FE buyers with the money going to some charity. Might work with #2600, too.

Myself, I’d be ecstatic for #2601 :(

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19 minutes ago, GrudgeQ said:

I really think the Atari folks were banking on something like that happening with the VCS. A white knight investor or company was going to swoop in and take this “great start” at launching a game console and fund/manufacturing it. Atari would just sitting back and get a nice chunk of the profits and somebody else doing the work. However they got a hard “nope” because people knew how hard it would be to sell more than the 10,000 or so of them, develop a software library, set up distribution, create and fund a marketing campaign, do manufacturing and get all of the certifications needed, etc.

Yeah.. they are really in a strange place right now I think.  They need to manufacture at least 12,000 machines at about $250 a pop.  So that's $3M just in manufacturing.  That's what they raised to create the machine.  So where is the manufacturing money coming from?  I'm guessing that is the thing they are trying to figure out.  But I have no idea.  Just a total guess on my part.  Hoping they find the money!


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19 minutes ago, Intellivision Master said:

You know what would be interesting?  Is if the Running Man was a playable character in the new Lode Runner re-imagined.

Wouldn't that be something?


But of course!!!



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17 minutes ago, LePionnier said:

Ok ! Here is the list I am the most excite about, but I will probably buy them all !




B-17 Bomber




Cloudy Mountain

Demon Attack

Earthworm Jim

Evel Knievel


Horse Racing

Lock 'N' Chase*

Lode Runner ( If more like the original game, small character kind of same size as the one in Skiing )


Missile Command

Moon Patrol

Night Stalker


Shark! Shark!








So 26 games and I have make difficult decisions ! ( No sports game like Hockey' football and Baseball ... )

That's a lot of games ! How many game should I be excited for PS5 ? That's one of the reason (And the price) I will wait at least a year or two to buy one ! )

Imagine buying 26 games for the new systems?  Will probably set ya back around $1,700 with tax.  Yikes!  And don't forget to throw in the $500 machine. 



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18 minutes ago, LePionnier said:

Ok ! Here is the list I am the most excite about, but I will probably buy them all !




B-17 Bomber




Cloudy Mountain

Demon Attack

Earthworm Jim

Evel Knievel


Horse Racing

Lock 'N' Chase*

Lode Runner ( If more like the original game, small character kind of same size as the one in Skiing )


Missile Command

Moon Patrol

Night Stalker


Shark! Shark!








So 26 games and I have make difficult decisions ! ( No sports game like Hockey' football and Baseball ... )

That's a lot of games ! How many game should I be excited for PS5 ? That's one of the reason (And the price) I will wait at least a year or two to buy one ! )

For me, its easier if I just  list the ones i’m not interested in; see list below:





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1 hour ago, Intellivision Master said:

That's a pretty good list there.  Those are titles I would grab too.  It would be cool if Tommy could show us a video trailer of Lode Runner.

If Tommy showed us a video of Lode Runner, I don’t think any of us could handle that!

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43 minutes ago, LePionnier said:

Okay okay ...  I know that somewhere Tommy said it's impossible to do this kind of little attention,it will take too long, and time is money ! lol

But for the pleasure to do it like you are doing, I will ask # 1971 ( my year of birth ) and # 2012 ( My son's year of birth ).

Thank You Tommy ! 😆


Ok, LePionnier, this is just nuts. My year of birth is 1971 and my son’s is 2012!!!  

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21 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Yeah.. they are really in a strange place right now I think.  They need to manufacture at least 12,000 machines at about $250 a pop.  So that's $3M just in manufacturing.  That's what they raised to create the machine.  So where is the manufacturing money coming from?  I'm guessing that is the thing they are trying to figure out.  But I have no idea.  Just a total guess on my part.  Hoping they find the money!

Me too. My pet theory is this whole 500 unit production run business is because they are funding manufacture out of what little money they got left over and will attempt to deliver in dribs & drabs calling them “betas” or “user feedback” deploys to early backers. That way they can drag manufacturing and deliver out over months and months hoping that White Knight will still appear or unit orders/accessory/store sales will pick up after they prove they can ship a few units and that will fund production. I believe they setup the VCS project as a separate company (Atari Gamebox, LLC) so they aren’t obligated to pay out of non VCS operations but maybe they will and just take a loss on the project if that doesn’t occur. Really a make or break time coming up this year, I wish I had more faith in a good outcome for backers. :(

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26 minutes ago, Starpaddler said:

Myself, I’d be ecstatic for #2601 :(

I take it you missed the pre-order for the FE? 

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23 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Yeah.. they are really in a strange place right now I think.

From just a neutral outsider perspective, all I see is an under powered steam machine with a atari 2600 inspired shell with a bunch of old atari games packed on.  I fail to see a demographic or market for this.  Toss in they seem to have some real financial liquidity issues and while I wish them the best of luck, I dont forsee this really being a viable consumer product.

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41 minutes ago, LePionnier said:

It's possible ! There are buildings without the 13th floor ! 😀

So maybe ... 😉😆

I thought of it because the 2600 had already sold out and I got in on it after. But in reality theres always a few that get a refund and I'm likely replacing one of those. But a guy can dream right lol

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... well, as FE #1 and #2600 are spoken for; I guess I would put in for #1977 (or #1979)

It seems to me I recall something about those years and Intellivision? :D

Also, if we are dropping our wishlists of games I would love at some time to see an Amico Bubble Bobble game(s)!

Edited by Tavi
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43 minutes ago, bigdaddygamestudio said:

From just a neutral outsider perspective, all I see is an under powered steam machine with a atari 2600 inspired shell with a bunch of old atari games packed on.  I fail to see a demographic or market for this.  Toss in they seem to have some real financial liquidity issues and while I wish them the best of luck, I dont forsee this really being a viable consumer product.

Yeah... I've always said they should just own it and do a deal with Steam so that anyone who buys one will always get a certain percentage off of Steam games.



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For some reason I'm starting to like the XBOX SERIES X a lot more today!





Not real... but what if it was!


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3 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Yeah... I've always said they should just own it and do a deal with Steam so that anyone who buys one will always get a certain percentage off of Steam games.



Sure but they would need to have a vcs section because alot of games in steam wont work on their system.  

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4 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


It is a special Linux/Android hybrid that we've created internally.


Stability of Android and the flexibility of Linux.


An Android & Linux hybrid you say?  Soooo.. Anux?  Which sounds Latin for a*shole, but looks like it might be available?  No relevant players have copyrighted it, so it's all yours I guess?  As is the potential title for the Record & Talkback game: RecTal, and the also a title for a concept game where you Associate online Haters by their Amico quotes: AssHat.  


Yeah, I may have some marketing experience, but think you're gonna want to run these by the advisors, if not legal, just in case... ;-)

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5 minutes ago, RetroAdvisoryBoard said:


An Android & Linux hybrid you say?  Soooo.. Anux?  Which sounds Latin for a*shole, but looks like it might be available?  No relevant players have copyrighted it, so it's all yours I guess?  As is the potential title for the Record & Talkback game: RecTal, and the also a title for a concept game where you Associate online Haters by their Amico quotes: AssHat.  


Yeah, I may have some marketing experience, but think you're gonna want to run these by the advisors, if not legal, just in case... ;-)

Good god man that was awesome lol never a dull moment on here. 

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11 minutes ago, RetroAdvisoryBoard said:

Yeah, I may have some marketing experience, but think you're gonna want to run these by the advisors, if not legal, just in case..

funny stuff,  buy as far as marketing experience I think we all still shake our heads at what gets through these experts... for me, I still shake my head at every Ford " Super Duty" commercial.  I mean naming your truck after something that sounds to the ear like a Superhero turd...  SMH.....   at least they didnt use the catch phrase from Vacation...  You think you hate it now, wait 'til you drive it.

Edited by bigdaddygamestudio
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