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Tommy Tallarico

Intellivision Amico - Tommy Tallarico introduction + Q&A

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14 minutes ago, Stillagamer said:

I already told you what i thought, if you want to go back and read one of the million times ive repeated myself you have the ability to do so

You said they are wasting their time on these “old” and/or simple games, and instead should focus on more new IP’s. 


20 minutes ago, Stillagamer said:

And since youre dipping your toe into the insult waters

Please, don’t be ridiculous, it was a question due to your childish comment about “cool” games.


29 minutes ago, Stillagamer said:

Dont get upset when someone has a different opinion than yours.

Ok, so I’m the upset person in this conversation?


35 minutes ago, Stillagamer said:

You collect video games its not like your a bastion of maturity.

I don’t collect video games, nor did I grow up in the 70’s, but I wouldn’t hold it against you for thinking that since it is probably rather common for people in this forum. Like I said in previous comment, I have never played any Intellivision game, I’m only here because I’m interested in the Amico.


45 minutes ago, Stillagamer said:

I hope Tommy and his team delivers, and i really hope he spends less time listening to a bunch of guys stuck in a time where calculators were all the rage.

At least we can agree on something (the “hope they deliver”), the last half of the sentence, again, you expect people to take your arguments seriously and as an adult, ok, good luck with that, you will not get any more “insults” from me at least. 

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32 minutes ago, Stillagamer said:

I dont disagree with you. But this can be more than that. You guys used to entertain yourself with sticks lets be honest youll take anything you can get.

Ahh, yes. I remember the long days with sticks. Good times. If someone came along with a hoop we could roll in the street (okay, more of a dirt trail) you knew you were in for a sweet afternoon. 

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3 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

Okay enough with the damn Shark! Shark! LOL. Lets say youre 100% correct even though i seriously doubt it. 4 year old maybe. 7 year olds have big imaginations they like minecraft and things like that. My point is the hypothetical 7 year old doesnt care about the difference in a B- Shark! Shark!, and an A+ one. The only one who does is YOU. So wouldnt that time be better spent on making new IPs, beautiful games with beautiful soundtracks and unique Amico mechanics? I remember i played the Zelda game on the DS and i had to blow into the microphone to blow out a candle or make a windmill spin. Or games like Drawn to life that the Amico could do and more. Would you rather have your 7 year old playing something cool like that or would you force them to play games like they were "in the good old days"? The former right? In my opinion too much time and energy has been spent on the retro games and the lineup is lackluster as a result. With the team around this and the neat things about the Amico, thats inexcusable. And im helping out my brother Tommy by telling him the truth and waking him up from you retro cultists lmao

No offense but I doubt you are 7 years old and can honestly know what they like.  Also thats provided that even if ALL children in north America play games. I know quite a few families that dont because of the cost. So no mindcraft. Mt friends have a xbox 1 and they let their son play it once and a while mainly because its the fathers console.  But his wife brought out a heavy sixer 2600 woth space invaders that same kid that had played the xbox 1 was really getting into space invaders couldn't pull him from it. Hes about 10 years old. Also just for your information my son who recently turned 21 and is clearly not the target audience for the Amico has alot of fun on the old intellivision.  Heres how it plays out in my house. HEs currently playing fortnite.  But everyday he plays galaga and dig dug, no joke on a arcade1up. And this weekend we were playing the original b17 bomber for the 1st time because we never had it. He was literally amazed on how well it was made. Kept saying our 2600 could never do this. He loves astro smash and tron deadly disks.  So dont be soo quick to think what younger ones wont be interested.  

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8 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

I think thats a very optimistic way of looking at it. Maybe im off the mark but i dont think outside of the IE or Atari fanbase anyone wanted remakes of these games. To people who didnt grow up with them, we all played some variation of them for free as flash games in the 90s and early 2000s, so thats what we get reminded of when we see asteroids or astrosmash. The retro reimagined titles could have been made 1 or 2 at a time instead of all at once. I dont know how long it took for them to be made, but its hard not to look at the games reel and think some of that energy could have gone to a new release as the showpiece. Im thinking a game that would get a high score with reviewers like earthworm jim 4. You need one of those out of the gate IMO or at least in the launch window. I would have liked ALL of those games to be games like that, and Skiing, Breakout and such to be the "We have the retro stuff too". Its what was missing from that. I want the high quality Disney feel I know the Amico can produce, because Tommys team literally made those amazing Disney games for the Genesis and Snes that shit on any Atari or Intellivision game, no offense lol. There are a lot of developers now who make games in that same spirit and really the Amico seems like a hand in glove fit. I think the retro games work best as a complimentary piece like the Virtual Console. Not the steak part of the dinner IMO. Tommy is wasting his genius on Astrosmash come on man thats not right! But i get why you and others here would be so excited for this because its so over the top and unnecessary for such simple games hahaha

I'm a big fan of Missile Command, Asteroids, and Tempest but I'm not looking for new versions when I can emulate the original arcade games; as I've been doing for a long time now.  I do think it's good that more people will get to experience a version of these great games that's designed for the controllers.  A modern game controller ruins an emulated Missile Command. Plus, the multi-player modes should be fun.  And I don't think the name recognition of those licenses should be underestimated.  Every license will impact a certain demographic more than others.  The Earthworm Jim license would also appeal to a specific demographic.  We'll probably see more licenses in the coming months, hitting different demographic groups.  


As has been said, they are targeting only 20% of their library in the retro-reimagined category.  But if they launch with lets say fifty games that means only ten retro titles and forty of them will not be retro titles.   That also means ten educational titles.  I know it's just a rough guideline so we'll see how that works out.  We've seen so little of the games, it's hard to say, but I'm seeing more remake than re-imagining than I was expecting.  Looks like Earthworm Jim on Amico will be different; more like an original game.  Work on the new Earthworm Jim game hasn't even started yet, but since it's an important title to the developers you're probably right that it will be high quality.  It's hard to say what games will sell the systems.  Maybe it will be Cornhole.  And what would be wrong if their biggest system seller comes out a year or two later.  Especially considering that it looks like they won't be able to manufacture the number of units they would like this year.


8 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

Im not against the controller or the disc even. I just know there are going to be games that require a high level of precision. I would rather there be a controller with face buttons for those games than attachable sticky buttons. The disc probably is better for games like skiing but will it be better for games like platformers? Tommy said the best platformers are games like metroid, megaman, castlevania etc. Those games would just be better on a Nintendo/Turbo Grafx/Sega/Ps1 style controller. When i think of highly praised 2D games, its games that require that precision and skill or as Miyamoto would say, "athletic" aspect. Those games need exact precision! Anyone who tries to play a hard platformer or fighting game with an analogue stick immediately wants the "no miss" precision of a good dpad.


7 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

In one of the interviews he said that initially people do use the sticky buttons for the touch screen but some take it off and prefer tapping on the screen because its faster. If people are playing a game using their phone its probably a simple party game not an arcade or sidescroller game. I just dont see why the option for a conventional controller is like a taboo subject

I agree that a game designed for an 8-way controller is best with an 8-way controller.  The Intellivision disc works great as a 4-way controller but not so much as an 8-way controller.  Maybe they can with do it with an Amico disc; but why would you design an 8-way Amico game when the controller disc has 64 directions.    Amico platform games will be programmed and optimised for the Amico disc, and touchpad just as platform games of the 1990s were optimised for the 8-way dpad.


7 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

I agree and I did say that this imaginary controller would have all the functions of the standard one, just a different layout. The reason would be so I dont have to use the sticky buttons for a game that requires a more tactile feel. If im turning the controller sideways and putting sticky buttons on the touch screen, whats the difference except a worse experience? Even if the game is just move, run, attack like an nes game. The Wiis main audience i would assume played Wii Sports the most, but how much software did they sell outside of those type of games?  The reason Nintendo moved on is because that business model wasnt sustainable because you cant rely on non gamers to keep buying new games. Their huge hardware sales werent indicative of software sales if memory serves me right. The Wii was a fad. If the Amico is just about selling a console one time to that type of person then cool. But from what ive heard in the interviews the Amico will be more than that. We both know platformers are the pinnacle of 2D gaming but you wont get that opinion on here even if its a widely held opinion everywhere else. The controller im talking about would have shoulder 2 buttons, an "a" button, a "b" button, maybe 2 turbo buttons/switches on top and a dpad. Screen in the middle. Call it the "action controller". Wouldnt that be 100x better than turning the controller sideways and putting on sticky buttons? I would rather play Earthworm Jim like that and i doubt any non gamers are going to be interested in games like that.

I was playing games on PC in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  There was such a variety of different types of games on PC that I hardly spent any time with 2D platformers.  If Amico didn't have any side scrolling platformers, I wouldn't notice.


The touch screen in the middle won't work.  It has to be on the side to be properly accessible; the touchpad will be a primary interface for many games.  Since the Amico controller has shoulder buttons, it's obviously designed to be held sideways.  But we'll see if any Amico games are designed for the controller in vertical orientation, some might work both ways. The Amico Earthworm Jim game will be designed for this controller (without sticky buttons).  You won't be playing the Earthworm Jim you know on Amico (as far as I know).  Worse experience?  Have to try it first before I can comment.


As has been said, Amico has bluetooth and USB ports.  An Amico game can be programmed to make use of a regular controller with an 8-way dpad.  They could even market an Amico branded controller as you described with an 8-way dpad.  The problem is that developers don't want to develop a game for a subset of the install base and limit their sales; they'll prefer to program for the disc controller.


8 hours ago, RetroAdvisoryBoard said:

There is absolutely nothing about a cross d-pad that makes it more fitting a solution to platformers than a well-made disc overlaying a directional array of inputs.  In some ways, it can even be worse than this proposed disc.


Yes, our beloved platformers may not have the absolute best input device in the d-pad.

With the disc, you can restrict the inputs to 4 quadrants, just like your standard d-pad.  Your thumb rests of a disc mounted to a central ball bearing or pivoting joint.  No different from the Genesis or other era Sega controllers.


Now, Amico’s control disc rotates, and unintended rotation can be problematic IF not accounted for in design.  The solution is enough friction to reduce inadvertent rolling in an undesired direction.  The original Intellivision pucks didn’t do this, they were so early in design.  These controls however have a custom silicon gel that can detect pressure.  I.E user intent.

And if their testing can accpunt for unintended slipping out of position (reads of various pressure inputs when going through rote exercises with the disc), they can factor in what counts as a “ move lower left” and what doesn’t register as a “move lower left” in instructions for the developers going out with that controller API.  What’s a more sensitive control scheme vs a less sensitive control scheme. 

There also should be enough contact so not to slip much, so I don’t see it as a great detractor.  But I do see the inherent way reading “intent” is better handled using a disc that CAN MEASURE INTENT using the pressure applied and 64 input array.  I played through Contra with my dad for the first time in a few years - i play it every year or so, but it was his first time breaking out the classic NES controller in a while.  Reflexes were quick, but there were a dozen cheated deaths because you TRIED to turn and duck at the same time as a running alien popped up behind you, but slight misplacement meant I turned and stood.  My fingers were on both the left arrow and the down arrow and the control should have picked up one thing.  However my weight was certainly not properly placed to register the down arrow.  Result, a precision turn and duck wasn’t executed because of user error.  So as no-miss precision goes.. it’s debatable.  Yea, every contact is a Yes/No Was Contact Made binary relay.  But those perfect jumps are 100% dependent on your honed mastery of finger placement, and there’s no room for intent or a hint of a shift. Is that the sole solution?


And there’s nothing a d-pad can do to alter that.  There aren’t enough inputs to have detected intent.  There’s no silicon layer to spread out and hit more contacts, again, indicating intent.  And would I had wanted to slightly adjust my position on a d-pad, I can’t roll slightly upward without depressing, because you only have your four directions and four combination directions.

the inabilities to perform these precision maneuvers are exactly why we use fighting sticks to give greater flexibility.  But they’re less pixel precision.  The analog stick is not ideal clearly because any shift of weight with a placed thumb on top is going to waggle, and they’re greater for operating in free space but not for precision.


The disc has merit, if handled correctly in game design, there is no reason why it should be a worse platforming experience - people just haven’t used a sophisticated modern disc design.  No offense to the team at APh Consulting who made the original, but precision and user intent weren’t the drivers to do what it needed to do.


And if as much care has been put into it as Tommy and J. Alvarado have shown, it looks like the disc will more than hold its own.  With some programming, could perform better than a traditional cross shaped d-pad. 



Of course that caveat that should go without saying: we have to feel the thing and see it in action.  But in theory and real-life examples, the scheme works.

I appreciate all that you write.  Just wanted to say that the Intellivision controllers were engineered at Mattel.

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7 hours ago, vongruetz said:

I've actually never played Shark! Shark!, so this is all new to me as well. I even had an Intellivision growing up, but a lot of the re-imagined games are ones I've never played. Moon Patrol, Astro Smash, Missile Command... while I may have heard of them, they're not games I played. So those are "retro" games that will be completely new to me. 


Night Stalker on the other hand.... I can not wait for that one. It was a blast when I was a kid, and the new one looks just as great. 

I have fond memory of playing frogger, snafu, he-man, night stalker, atlantis, ice trek, sea battle, tron deadly discs, and beauty & the beast as a young lad with my fam, AND I'm excited for them to get re-imagined and re-released, but I've never played the current line up and am excited because they look really fun. Me being an original fan is only a piece of it. I loved playing EWJ on the genesis too and am excited to play 4, but that is just icing on the cake in the long run.


I am probably also mostly excited for Night Stalker. It was so pixelated yet so spooky and intense. 

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6 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

Not necessarily reimagined games they already made, but games that take advantage of the Amicos unique quirks. My point is they should be launch, and too much energy is being spent on the retro side. Obviously that didnt go over well here even if it is good advice. Not that anyone here would agree its good advice. Apparently the pinnacle of gaming was Atari 2600 and i missed it...

I think while everyone's entitled to their opinion and this forum appreciates questions and challenges you're opinions come off as you think Tommy and team could be making better games, wasted talent, games have limited audience, and basically Amico is doing it all wrong. The reality to the product is that it is meant as a game-changer that will fill the gap of that demographic and audience (family and playing together). Games have gotten complex and amazing over the years and god bless that, but man is it embarrassing trying to keep my gf's attention to a game I think is cool on PS4 or PC for 2 minutes. (Hey Mom check out Diablo and the 15 different buttons I can hit). I love complexity, but a massive amount of could-be gamers will never.


Funny thing you mention Shark! shark! as a gonna-fail game that no one will remember - you'd be surprised. I got He-man as a kid, played it a ton, laughed tons, and is still stuck in my head after over 30 years. It was great and literally 3 levels? (Running towards skeletor, dropping bombs on skeletor, and something else that was silly). Good times.


I would say try to be kind as this thing is exciting for a lot of people and it may not be tailored for you or certain gamer crowds (although they might really enjoy it). I remember me and my friends beat on the WII and we had that one weirdo friend that invested in it. We opened our minds to it and had a blast unexpectedly playing with him. I feel this is going to be like the WII in ways and that excites me. This is all speculation as most of us haven't actually touched it yet - we are just eagerly awaiting launch. Its actually great timing for something so positive coming out in such dark times.

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2 hours ago, martianman2012 said:

I think while everyone's entitled to their opinion and this forum appreciates questions and challenges you're opinions come off as you think Tommy and team could be making better games

Now that i think about it... nah everyone else is right. This is all its gotta be. Maybe 1 "good" game, but who even cares about what "critics" and "gamers" think. This is all it ever had to be. This right here. Gaming should have stayed dead in 1983. Before the japanese came with their doohickies and thingamabobbers and whatsits. I tell ya it took 40 years but we're back on track... back on track... We're going to make gaming great again and the soccer moms are gonna pay for it! 

2 hours ago, martianman2012 said:

 games have limited audience, and basically Amico is doing it all wrong.

You dont even have to paraphrase, thats exactly what i said.

2 hours ago, martianman2012 said:

The reality to the product is that it is meant as a game-changer that will fill the gap of that demographic and audience (family and playing together).

Yeah definitely... and you know what. The best way to do that is literally with 40 year old games. I heard it here so it must be true. New games make my brain hurt. I dont like learning new things. And everyone who ive talked to here is 100% in agreement what are the odds of that. Its a fucking gold mine if you ask me. 

2 hours ago, martianman2012 said:

 Games have gotten complex and amazing over the years and god bless that, but man is it embarrassing trying to keep my gf's attention to a game I think is cool on PS4 or PC for 2 minutes. (Hey Mom check out Diablo and the 15 different buttons I can hit). I love complexity, but a massive amount of could-be gamers will never.

Are you sure? How can a game be good if its not on ps4 or pc? Youre messing with me. I have to look into this.

2 hours ago, martianman2012 said:

Funny thing you mention Shark! shark! as a gonna-fail game that no one will remember - you'd be surprised. I got He-man as a kid, played it a ton, laughed tons, and is still stuck in my head after over 30 years. It was great and literally 3 levels? (Running towards skeletor, dropping bombs on skeletor, and something else that was silly). Good times.

Youre right man, im totally the one who first brought up Shark! Shark! here (every time too including this time) and i love bringing it up first whenever i need a game to talk shit about. Gets my blood pumping like nothing else... I hate sharks in general. It all started when I saw Jaws as a little kid and the guy goes, "Smile you son of a bitch" I was like yeah... fuck that shark. I havent gone swimming since. Eventually my hatred evolved to "Fuck all sharks and every appearance they make in any licensed property" so thats where im at now man i fly off the handle sometimes

2 hours ago, martianman2012 said:

I would say try to be kind as this thing is exciting for a lot of people and it may not be tailored for you or certain gamer crowds (although they might really enjoy it). I remember me and my friends beat on the WII and we had that one weirdo friend that invested in it. We opened our minds to it and had a blast unexpectedly playing with him. I feel this is going to be like the WII in ways and that excites me. This is all speculation as most of us haven't actually touched it yet - we are just eagerly awaiting launch. Its actually great timing for something so positive coming out in such dark times.

Thanks for the info i didnt know that but it was a good ass story. I heard a rumor at school that there are some good games that arent on ps4 or pc. They said A lot of them are made just for kids too. Youre weird friend mightve heard about them. Wait heres the scary part, you ready? Come closer you really have to hear this, the Wii had some kids games that are some of the highest scoring games ever! For real... Your weirdo friend might have played them. How did he know that shit was so good. Crazy. I heard you can only know about them if an italian guy with a big moustache visits you at night. He gives you these mushrooms that really fuck you up and youre so high you feel like youre on another planet! Scary but i heard its true. I bet thats why your friend was so weird man you should ask him.

Edited by Stillagamer
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On 6/15/2020 at 1:05 PM, LePionnier said:




I thought this console already got released in 2005...




So yeah, I haven't read through everything since my last post yet. I've been kind of distracted by Xenoblade, the Langrisser remakes, my recently acquired Sega Saturn, and Command and Conquer, so I've not really been paying attention to what's been happening in here or basically anywhere else on this website.


I get the feeling that it's been a slow time for Amico announcements lately, so I'm looking forward to this press release.


I'm also waiting for Tommy's review of the TurboGrafx-16 mini!


As for that Clubhouse Games thing, it's still selling very well here on Amazon and is currently in the #5 position as of this post. I'm not home right now, but I'll go check the eshop when I get home to see how it's doing digitally. It seems Amico might have a decent chance in Japan, if this is representative enough of what the software library will look like after the console launches in other countries and before that possible Japan launch.


Such a hypothetical launch almost reminds me of the PS4. We got it after most of the rest of the world, even though somehow the number of launch titles seems to not be that different from what the rest of the world got.

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I don't know what happened to you in your childhood Stillagamer?  Maybe you ate too many paint chips or something?  The Amico isn't for everyone.  The Amico isn't being made to compete with the PS or the Switch.  It's made for those who enjoy simple gaming without having to read a novel just to learn how to play it.  It's for those who don't want to spend most of their day downloading firmware and game updates.  If that's not something that doesn't interest you, then maybe the Amico isn't for you.  Stop trying to make it something it isn't and let the folks at IE do their thing.  They are giving the gaming world something it needs more than a high tech gaming system.  They are giving it a simple, yet fun co-op gaming system that families can play together in the same room, not isolated and online like all the others do.  One size doesn't fit all and your mileage may vary...

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Any-who, after the last few valuable pages of someone trying to save a management team with hundreds of years of cumulative gaming experience from itself, I thought I might bring it around to some actual Amico news. Tommy mentioned some interesting stuff in this latest PM in the PM.

The first is they are still working on the DnD license for Cloudy Mountain. For me personally, it would be nice to have, but as one of my most anticipated games, it doesn’t need it. Also Cloudy Mountain will be up to 3 way multiplayer - just because of the amount of players they can fit into the screen real estate and still maintain the play feel. Also, mentioned elsewhere, Tommy said you will need to play a mini game on the controller to revive your fallen comrades. Personally I love that it’s not just “click on the revive potion Icon”.


In addition IE has been on a hiring spree lately, adding several staff including another graphical artist (unnamed but who has a long pedigree in game art) as part of their pre launch ramp up.


Finally Tommy said they are preparing to open a new branch office  in a state “near California”. That will make offices in Cali, Germany, Dubai and now the mystery state.

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12 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

Aside from the fact i have a lot of nieces and nephews and my family finds any excuse to get together all the time, just look at the sales of games. Without looking i can tell you Minecraft is the best selling game of all time. And without looking im going to say the Nintendo DS is the best selling video game console of all time. And the 3DS is probably up there as well. Ive already said enough, but lets not pretend the majority of kids wants an update to Shark! Shark! more than they want to play something that offers a novel experience and gets their imagination going. Most parents dont even know what it is.

Actually, the best selling console is the PS2, the DS is second & the 3DS doesn't even crack the top ten. (I did look.) Just becuase Minecraft is the top selling game doesn't mean my 6 year old niece will play it- I'm not sure she could figure out how. Perhaps your nieces & nephews are a game-savvy bunch who need something more substantial than old-school button mashing. Mine don't typically play games, and as such need that simplicity. They struggled with Mario Kart, for crying out loud!


This isn't a console trying for top of the mountain. This isn't aiming for the kids already engrossed in modern consoles. It's a CASUAL system. It's the plus one of the entertainment center. It will be similar to my old Wii that migrated to my parent's family room TV- a source of party entertainment, especially when folks with kids show up. It's not going to replace one of the major consoles for someone inclined to play on such a system. It's an alternative for someone who'd like some casual play without dropping $500+ dollars for a machine and 1 or 2 games. I'm not looking for the next Breath of The Wild on this thing- I'd be stoked if Jackbox came over.


Yes, so far, most of what we've seen is the retro lineup. Is that so surprising? It's an easier bunch of games to get to a presentable stage. It suits the demographic of this website. You expect Atariage to get hyped over an edutainment trailer? That's going on the mommy blogs if/when such a thing is made. We get retro- clearly, that's enough for a lot of Atari agers. 

11 hours ago, Stillagamer said:

I dont disagree with you. But this can be more than that. You guys used to entertain yourself with sticks lets be honest youll take anything you can get. The Ps2/xbox had Atari era arcade "greatest hits" im sure they sold well. That doesnt mean thats all there was to offer. The Amico is built to have interactive experiences you guys arent familiar with or even like. 

Don't assume what 'interactive experiences' I've had. I've conversed with a sarcastic fish. I've yelled commands into a microphone to move an army away from a pinballing giant rock. I've used a plush doll as a controller. I've ridden plastic horses. I've dangled 2 stories in the air, dreading the inevitable drop when my balloon would finally get hit. And I STILL enjoy a game that's played with just a knob. 


I'm allowed to be excited for a console that COULD do more, but hasn't yet, if what it's done is enough for me to have fun with it.

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1 hour ago, Steven Pendleton said:
On 6/15/2020 at 6:05 AM, LePionnier said:




I thought this console already got released in 2005...

Yes, but now it comes with the ”red ring..” already preinstalled 😆

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Not too hard hitting but Intellivision has updated their web pages a bit (not sure when this hit, but it was new looking to me):


The "About" page now includes J Allard (Global Managing Director) & Cara Ackard (VP Global Marketing)



Cool to see the addition of the XBox into the stable of consoles the team has worked on and Frozen ain't too slouchy either:



Their Legacy page includes a lot of the OG Intellivision accomplishments. I like the block format, make it easy to digest the various little knowledge nuggets.


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2 hours ago, GrudgeQ said:

Tommy said you will need to play a mini game on the controller to revive your fallen comrades. Personally I love that it’s not just “click on the revive potion Icon”.

This is exciting. I am reminded of Ninja Gaiden for the DS. They used swiping sequences with the stylus. Here Cloudy Mountain could make it so you have to swipe and tap in certain sequences to revive (all while trying to keep alive yourself).

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47 minutes ago, Intellivision Master said:


Snafu was awesome. Someone said it earlier and I agree - Snafu had the best video game music of 80's gaming. IE will knock this out of the park. 

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Does anyone else feel a twinge of excitement when they notice Tommy hasn’t been around for a couple of days because it hopefully means he’s super busy and things are moving forward with big announcements coming soon?


I mean, if he comes back and says he was sick in bed, arrested, or had lost his password to the forum... that would be disappointing. 


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21 minutes ago, Jake67 said:

Does anyone else feel a twinge of excitement when they notice Tommy hasn’t been around for a couple of days because it hopefully means he’s super busy and things are moving forward with big announcements coming soon?


I mean, if he comes back and says he was sick in bed, arrested, or had lost his password to the forum... that would be disappointing. 


I can promise that he's been active in all the company meetings, so no evidence of sick in bed or arrested. 😂

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2 minutes ago, RxScram said:

I can promise that he's been active in all the company meetings, so no evidence of sick in bed or arrested. 😂

Hope all this means 10-10-2020 looks promising 😃

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Some of you guys...  Ugh.


- Minecraft and its popularity is not really relevant because Tommy has said... oh I dunno, a bazillion times that they are aiming for the x billion or whatever the amount of people that are more fans of casual gaming, or fans of games that don't require complex controls, non-hardcore gamers, etc.


- Of course with branding they are going to show off some of the remakes but I believe it was stated previously that there are a lot of titles aimed at those xbillion non-hardcore gamers in development, but they just haven't shown them yet.


Like the advertisement money being foolish to spend right now, showing games to a certain market that can't buy them right now is wasting some time. Showing the current titles that DO cater to the avg retro gamer makes sense because we are who we are, we eat that shit up all the time.

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