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1 minute ago, 1001lives said:

Tommy said every game they make is exclusive to the Amico. He never once said other games are barred from the platform. He has said multiple times if he brings ports of other games he ideally wants them to have unique features. 


You're creating a non-existent "problem" because that's what you guys do.


You think you've arrived at a "Gotcha!" moment and you haven't.


He deliberately put those in the trailer - he's aware of what he's said in the past, and what he's showing off. You're obviously not aware of how many times he's said they'll port other games if they're Amico appropriate. 

You are defining the problem wrong. The problem being people being upset at ported games. The general blanket statement from IE is all games are exclusive.


Therefore when people see literal footage from two games YouTube advertisements they get mad because it isn't exclusive since they are ports. If the blanket statement was either exclusive or exclusive content/features there wouldn't be people upset. But saying either all games are exclusive or have exclusive content/features is wordy and not great for a quick slideshow/video talking about the system, which is why IE doesn't I'm sure.


🤡🔦🤡🔦🧙‍♀️(anyone got a guess yet)





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6 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

You are defining the problem wrong. The problem being people being upset at ported games. The general blanket statement from IE is all games are exclusive.


Therefore when people see literal footage from two games YouTube advertisements they get mad because it isn't exclusive since they are ports. If the blanket statement was either exclusive or exclusive content/features there wouldn't be people upset. But saying either all games are exclusive or have exclusive content/features is wordy and not great for a quick slideshow/video talking about the system, which is why IE doesn't I'm sure.


🤡🔦🤡🔦🧙‍♀️(anyone got a guess yet)


I'm going to level with you because it's probably possible you don't follow all the interviews like some of us do. I can see where things may get confusing since all we have are interviews to go off really.


The general blanket statement from Tommy is that all the games they make are exclusive for Amico, and when asked in multiple interviews about porting games, he said he wants them to have unique features.


But he has never gone as far as saying "We will not accept ports" and I think even clearly stated with Castle Crashers that's just his ideal situation but he still wants the port no matter what and thinks it's perfect for Amico as is, more or less.


I believe they have always had the idea that some mobile games are perfect for TV play/multiplayer that are trapped on phones with a crappy phone touch screen as a controller. So giving you the ability to play multiplayer on your TV with your friends/family not all glued to their phones is already an exclusive ability of the Amico to begin with. That's where I could see a lot of this going when it comes to mobile games that are single player experiences locked on tiny phone screens.

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10 minutes ago, 1001lives said:

I'm going to level with you because it's probably possible you don't follow all the interviews like some of us do. I can see where things may get confusing since all we have are interviews to go off really.


The general blanket statement from Tommy is that all the games they make are exclusive for Amico, and when asked in multiple interviews about porting games, he said he wants them to have unique features.


But he has never gone as far as saying "We will not accept ports" and I think even clearly stated with Castle Crashers that's just his ideal situation but he still wants the port no matter what and thinks it's perfect for Amico as is, more or less.


I believe they have always had the idea that some mobile games are perfect for TV play/multiplayer that are trapped on phones with a crappy phone touch screen as a controller. So giving you the ability to play multiplayer on your TV with your friends/family not all glued to their phones is already an exclusive ability of the Amico to begin with. That's where I could see a lot of this going when it comes to mobile games that are single player experiences locked on tiny phone screens.

Once again I didn't say he wouldn't accept ports and I do follow most of the interviews. Since you are such a good detective you would know I want it to have Pac-Man Vs on it. Which would be a port.


It was originally on Gamecube and came packed with Pac-Man World 2. Fun games and PMvs has been ported to other systems too.


So yeah not sure where you are getting your info. You might want to check your sources. 🤷‍♀️

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5 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Once again I didn't say he wouldn't accept ports and I do follow most of the interviews.


27 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

You are defining the problem wrong. The problem being people being upset at ported games. The general blanket statement from IE is all games are exclusive.


What does "The general blanket statement from IE is all games are exclusive" mean to you, then, if it doesn't mean they are generally not accepting ports in your words?


Why even bring up the "general blanket statement" when talking about ports then? Because it sounds like you are saying they have made it seem like they don't want ports.


So which is it? You're not being clear at all.


I checked my sources: you. You're the only source and it's your post in this thread.

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I think MrBeefy just pointed out that the choice of showing two games that exist on mobiles in the trailer may give fuel for haters unfortunately, even though I understand Tommy wanted to show something different than the reimagined classics for a change.


I'm pretty sure most of us remember Tommy said multiple times he was not against ports but wanted them to offer exclusive features. The difficulty is that the general audience (not necessarily casual gamers but people who don't follow Amico like we do) tends to simplify and deform what they hear, and won't always make any effort to get better informed as I said in the other thread.

For instance, I remember that when the Wii U was revealed, it was obvious to me it was a new system since the whole presentation was about revealing Nintendo's next gen system. And yet, even some hardcore gamers claimed they thought it was a peripheral for Wii. I suspect a lot of them were dishonest and only looking for a reason to bash the console. But when the majority of the audience has the wrong idea about something, it is really hard to change their minds about it. :(


I'm not sure a traditional trailer is the better way to convey the strengths of Amico anyway; remember when Nintendo made it mandatory that every Wii screenshot should also show a picture of people playing...

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16 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

I think MrBeefy just pointed out that the choice of showing two games that exist on mobiles in the trailer may give fuel for haters unfortunately, even though I understand Tommy wanted to show something different than the reimagined classics for a change.


I'm pretty sure most of us remember Tommy said multiple times he was not against ports but wanted them to offer exclusive features. The difficulty is that the general audience (not necessarily casual gamers but people who don't follow Amico like we do) tends to simplify and deform what they hear, and won't always make any effort to get better informed as I said in the other thread.

For instance, I remember that when the Wii U was revealed, it was obvious to me it was a new system since the whole presentation was about revealing Nintendo's next gen system. And yet, even some hardcore gamers claimed they thought it was a peripheral for Wii. I suspect a lot of them were dishonest and only looking for a reason to bash the console. But when the majority of the audience has the wrong idea about something, it is really hard to change their minds about it. :(


I'm not sure a traditional trailer is the better way to convey the strengths of Amico anyway; remember when Nintendo made it mandatory that every Wii screenshot should also show a picture of people playing...

My whole thing is, if he wants to show displeasure with the two mobile ports, joking around about how he's downloading them and playing them now, and making a bunch of emojis and saying "Guess!" isn't the way to do it. So I called him out on that. Seems like he's really happy about them, if he's downloading them to play them now.


Then, after that, he went on to bring in that the "general" statement is there's no ports - while also trying to say he never said there would be no ports...


I don't think he's trying to point out much of anything, honestly. I think he's just trying to poke fun and use his emojis instead of gifs of bacon sizzling to troll.


I gave him the benefit of the doubt until he responded telling me to check my sources which, I did, and when I told him, he just stopped responding.


There are a certain group of posters on this board who don't ever post anything positive or what they're looking forward to - it's literally only criticisms, jokes, memes, and gifs. They almost overran the Amico Q+A thread with the announcement of the original pre-order.


So they don't strike me as particularly interested in the system beyond negativity - they just seem interested in dealing with the controversy and involving themselves when there's potential controversy. I don't know what the reason is. I can only assume the Atari VCS and Coleco Chameleon brought out these types of individuals. 

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On 12/25/2019 at 11:08 AM, MrBeefy said:

I'd still avoid the punch as there seems to be shit in it apparantly. 


So split screen games like Pac Man Vs are a possibility then?


On 10/27/2019 at 11:46 AM, MrBeefy said:

What about split screen for a PacMan vs or Lock n Chase vs type game? The split screen is what made PMvs fun and intense.


Now PMvs is not the same graphics intensive as a CoD.


On 6/25/2019 at 6:00 PM, MrBeefy said:

As far as types of games? Maybe get something like Pac-Man Vs on the system. Not sure who owns Lock n Chase but a game where one person is the their and the others cops chasing him around would be a blast.


On 6/24/2019 at 6:32 PM, MrBeefy said:


For me this isn't true. I have a Intv sure but got it randomly and not because i had fond memories of it. Yeah I had a 2600 but I'm mainly a product of NES and SNES. I would venture to guess I am on the younger side on average (mid 30s) as well.


Do I know if this will be a success? No clue but I know I am extremely interested in what the vision for this console is. I think the new Ataribox is a better example of backers taking whatever they can get. Honestly, I am surprised I haven't heard more, "can it play my old carts?" Or, "No legacy cart slot, no buy."


Someone asked about raising kids. I have experience with 3 younger siblings, one of which I semi helped raise, have a kid of my own, and work with kids on a daily basis. I have a big family and out of all the systems (Atari 2600 -XboxOne) which systems have provided the most family fun? NES and SNES early on with multiplayer games like Caveman Games, Original Mario Kart, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and Goof Troop. Then games like PacMan vs on NGC, and Smash. Then on Wii there was a plethora of games we all play.


What about the the Ps2 or XboxOne? Not nearly as much. Even a good game like Rocket League which we can do split screen on two Xboxes? Not so much. And what is funny my mother use to have the Pitfall map memorized, played NES, SNES, and Wii. I couldn't convince her to play any Xbox game if I tried. I turn on the SNES and put in Goof Troop or ZAMN she will play.


Don't get me started on what I think games like Fortnite are doing to kids, or them using a cellphone.


I am excited to see what more is coming. If it is remotely close to what I hope it is I will probably get one. However, I am not just going to get one because I will take anything at this point. That sounds more like rabbid Sega fans who would just be happy to get a modern Sonic game worthy of a grade higher than D+. 😜

Geeze I've mentioned PacMan Vs a lot! Honestly, I don't think IE should do PMvs. If I was them I would do Pac-Family Vs. You could play as PM, Mrs, Jr, or Baby Pac (make sure she's a girl). That makes 4 Pac characters and you could have 4 ghosts. 8 player awesome with large maps from all the pac arcade games. Or you could do variations 2vs4 1vs6 etc.


Breakfast also got me hoping for another game.



I would love to see a new Magical Kingdom game. I think it would be best for only 4 players and could include Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy. At the end of each level they could dance to They Might Be Giants, 'Hotdog' song. Magical Kingdom games were always great to play as a family. It stinks that the third one didn't get a US release except for GBA.



Edited by MrBeefy
Forgot to add that I'm crazy. Honk honk.
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18 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

I think MrBeefy just pointed out that the choice of showing two games that exist on mobiles in the trailer may give fuel for haters unfortunately, even though I understand Tommy wanted to show something different than the reimagined classics for a change.


I'm pretty sure most of us remember Tommy said multiple times he was not against ports but wanted them to offer exclusive features. The difficulty is that the general audience (not necessarily casual gamers but people who don't follow Amico like we do) tends to simplify and deform what they hear, and won't always make any effort to get better informed as I said in the other thread.

For instance, I remember that when the Wii U was revealed, it was obvious to me it was a new system since the whole presentation was about revealing Nintendo's next gen system. And yet, even some hardcore gamers claimed they thought it was a peripheral for Wii. I suspect a lot of them were dishonest and only looking for a reason to bash the console. But when the majority of the audience has the wrong idea about something, it is really hard to change their minds about it. :(


I'm not sure a traditional trailer is the better way to convey the strengths of Amico anyway; remember when Nintendo made it mandatory that every Wii screenshot should also show a picture of people playing...

Roots is there a game that has been ported a gazillion times that you can't help but keep playing? A game you keep playing despite knowing you should just hate it by the amount you've played it?

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36 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Roots is there a game that has been ported a gazillion times that you can't help but keep playing? A game you keep playing despite knowing you should just hate it by the amount you've played it?

Not really, because I'm a very curious guy and tend to move on as soon as I've finished a game, which doesn't mean I don't like arcade games; I actually prefer them to narrative games (I don't like RPGs). The games I bought the biggest amount of times (mainly because of compilations) must be Metal Slug and Altered Beast, but it doesn't mean I played them each time, even though I love both of them. And it's the same for movies. I always prefer watching films I've never seen, and there are not a lot of films I've watched more than 3 times - even among my favorite ones!

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This is what the official Amico website has to say about ports.


"I heard all Amico game are exclusive - does this mean we won’t see some of our favorite games from other systems on Amico?"

"All games coming to Amico will have exclusive features just for the Amico system – including ports from other systems. That may mean special family-friendly content, new levels or bosses, or features that take advantage of our unique controllers. We want the *best* version of any game to be the one on Amico"

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5 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Yeah. I think part of the problem is that Intellivision said all games are exclusive when as someone said in the other thread that it will have exclusive content, or controller features. Obviously there will be exclusive games too, but I wouldn't say the two games in question are exclusive because they aren't. They may have extra content that is exclusive, but the game,? Nope it is on multiple platforms.


That sounds like hardcore folks looking to get super granular and nit-picking words. 


Changing graphics, audio, level design, controls, vehicles, ability to play co-op, etc. are things that make the experience "EXCLUSIVE" to Amico. 

You wrongly state that it's just "extra content".  No it isn't.  Adding 1 or 2 levels is extra content.  Adding different art, music, level design, controlability, abilities to play those levels in a different way (co-op, etc.), adding different vehicles to play on certain levels... is all exclusive and different.  Not just tacking on a level or two.  And no... this new experience will not be on multiple platforms.

Funny that this has now become a "thing".

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5 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

You are defining the problem wrong. The problem being people being upset at ported games. The general blanket statement from IE is all games are exclusive.


Therefore when people see literal footage from two games YouTube advertisements they get mad because it isn't exclusive since they are ports. If the blanket statement was either exclusive or exclusive content/features there wouldn't be people upset. But saying either all games are exclusive or have exclusive content/features is wordy and not great for a quick slideshow/video talking about the system, which is why IE doesn't I'm sure.

Lets ask ourselves WHO is getting mad though.  Is it people who are interested in buying the system?  Or folks who are trying to find things to tear us down.

A direct port with adding an extra level is one thing.  A big redesign of almost every aspect of a game is something completely different.

For example... if the Evel Knievel game was a "port" it would take them a few weeks tops to get on our system (as it was originally created in Unity and already has a version based on the Android OS).  But that isn't the case with this title.  The entire team is spending 6 more quality months of redesign. 


From someone who has been making games for over 30 years...


Huge difference.



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4 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

I think MrBeefy just pointed out that the choice of showing two games that exist on mobiles in the trailer may give fuel for haters unfortunately, even though I understand Tommy wanted to show something different than the reimagined classics for a change.


I'm pretty sure most of us remember Tommy said multiple times he was not against ports but wanted them to offer exclusive features. The difficulty is that the general audience (not necessarily casual gamers but people who don't follow Amico like we do) tends to simplify and deform what they hear, and won't always make any effort to get better informed as I said in the other thread.

For instance, I remember that when the Wii U was revealed, it was obvious to me it was a new system since the whole presentation was about revealing Nintendo's next gen system. And yet, even some hardcore gamers claimed they thought it was a peripheral for Wii. I suspect a lot of them were dishonest and only looking for a reason to bash the console. But when the majority of the audience has the wrong idea about something, it is really hard to change their minds about it. :(


I'm not sure a traditional trailer is the better way to convey the strengths of Amico anyway; remember when Nintendo made it mandatory that every Wii screenshot should also show a picture of people playing...

The funniest thing to me is that these "folks" complained when we said all games would be exclusives.  Folks said we're signing our death certificate... that no one will ever want to make games for us.  Then... when we show that it isn't necessarily the way they thought.... they end up complaining about that as well.   :)


Just to be clear... I'm not referring to anyone in here.  I'm just saying some of the haters out there who are going out of their way because they think they've found a GOTCHA moment.  They dissect every word and phrase to try and find some new way to call us out as liars or whatever.  Passionate folks.  Good times.   :D



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2 hours ago, mr_me said:

This is what the official Amico website has to say about ports.


"I heard all Amico game are exclusive - does this mean we won’t see some of our favorite games from other systems on Amico?"

"All games coming to Amico will have exclusive features just for the Amico system – including ports from other systems. That may mean special family-friendly content, new levels or bosses, or features that take advantage of our unique controllers. We want the *best* version of any game to be the one on Amico"

Sounds pretty reasonable and makes sense to me! 




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41 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Lets ask ourselves WHO is getting mad though.  Is it people who are interested in buying the system?  Or folks who are trying to find things to tear us down.

A direct port with adding an extra level is one thing.  A big redesign of almost every aspect of a game is something completely different.

For example... if the Evel Knievel game was a "port" it would take them a few weeks tops to get on our system (as it was originally created in Unity and already has a version based on the Android OS).  But that isn't the case with this title.  The entire team is spending 6 more quality months of redesign. 


From someone who has been making games for over 30 years...


Huge difference.



It has been suggested that this post is not a correction of any misinformation and is therefore a violation of Rule #1 of this thread.  For whatever it's worth, I disagree.  The "misinformation" in this case is the indirect assertion—made here and elsewhere—that the Evel Knievel game mentioned is a direct port from an existing mobile game, the implication being that this is somehow a contradiction of previous statements about ports on the Amico.  As I see it, Tommy is simply stating his reasons why this isn't so.  If someone finds his explanation unsatisfactory, that's another issue, but that does not mean that the explanation itself is a violation of the rule.  Just wanted to post this clarification for anyone who might be wondering.

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54 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Lets ask ourselves WHO is getting mad though.  Is it people who are interested in buying the system?  Or folks who are trying to find things to tear us down.

A direct port with adding an extra level is one thing.  A big redesign of almost every aspect of a game is something completely different.

For example... if the Evel Knievel game was a "port" it would take them a few weeks tops to get on our system (as it was originally created in Unity and already has a version based on the Android OS).  But that isn't the case with this title.  The entire team is spending 6 more quality months of redesign. 


From someone who has been making games for over 30 years...


Huge difference.



So was the footage in the Intellivision Entertainment video of both games taken from the mobile or Amico versions?

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So who is excited for the Cloudy footage? I wish the main character was less generic looking, but I liked the speed of how it looked like it played.


I wonder if there would be any weapons beyond the arrows? I do think this has potential to start a Zelda like IP for them. But I think it would help to give the main character some personality in design. Wonder if there are towns and interactions with NPCs?

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9 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

And where am I bashing the game exactly?


Is it when I said this?


Nailed it, you hater!

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7 minutes ago, dj_convoy said:

Nailed it, you hater!

Shouldn't you be commenting on Pat and Ian's videos with your incredible business insight? You don't have time to be discussing Amico on AtariAge.

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IMO, the mobile game griping is about on the level with the pothead rambling about $5 games means it’s all shovel ware. 

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15 minutes ago, Swami said:

IMO, the mobile game griping is about on the level with the pothead rambling about $5 games means it’s all shovel ware. 

I think the emoji one looks fun personally. It's nice that they will be adding categories and pictures in the Amico version.

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10 minutes ago, Spriggy said:




We can throw some bacon on that hold on let me see if I can find some.



Whew, found some. So how is the land down under at this fun time with COVID19?

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19 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

We can throw some bacon on that hold on let me see if I can find some.



Whew, found some. So how is the land down under at this fun time with COVID19?



COVID19 down here?  Idiots galore.   I talk about it over on the Coronavirus Thread.   Nuff said really.


On 3/17/2020 at 5:04 PM, Spriggy said:

Oz Population: Nearing on 25 million.

Current Covid-19 Deaths: 5

5 deaths in the entire continent!? .... and no toilet paper or mince???


My suburb is full of Costanza's. That's what it is! 




It's now 6 deceased.  No change in the idiocy.


Now back to the Amico ................


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