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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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15 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

I get some of the Switch talk but how is that any different than people here buying two FE, or a FE and VIP, or probably two FE and the upcoming VIP?


Those who have bought two FE are already at Microsoft and Sony numbers for this upcoming gen or multiple Switches. 😂


What percentage of the Amico install base will have multiple units?

Edited by mr_me

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3 minutes ago, mr_me said:

What percentage of the Amico install base will have multiple units?

Ask for people to raise their hands? Right now there is probably a high percentage from how some people have bought two FE, or going to get a VIP to go with their FE. I'm sure it will drop (% of multi machines) once VIP opens but right now the retro crowd seem to be buying a lot into the casual machine that isn't directed at them. So kudos on that and hopefully the other demographics follow suit.


Honestly, multi machines seem like a pointless thing to do for Amico. If it is suppose to bring families together why would they need more than one? 🤣


How much of the 3 billion user base is people who can afford to buy a home console? Who aren't just using a cheap cell phone and just downloading free games and casually playing?

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I think we're  talking about the  requirement to play a game that would need each player to have a private screen.  That's  one Amico vs two Switches; unless the switch supports smartphones as controllers.  The people jumping on the founders edition is hardly representative  of what will be the Amico install base, if things go as they expect.  Whatever subset of the three billion you're talking about is plenty.

Edited by mr_me
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Other than the pack in games I wonder if requirement to have internet for new games will be a turn off for the older grandparents? I'm sure setting up their console to the internet won't be a huge priority for them, or if they buy the physical media of say...shuffleboard are they going to get frustrated they still need internet?


On a less fun note COVID 19 here in my town so it was nice knowing everyone! Had a friend send me an appropriate morning after St. Patty's breakfast. Don't fret it isn't bacon but just as yummy.






Stay home and play some retro games! Time for me to go out and interact with hundreds of people! 🤧



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Yes, the requirement to have internet for one time authorisation of physical media will be a turn off for anyone that doesn't have internet.  For grandparents it will be far easier than alternatives like calling in and getting authorisation codes to type in or using the physical media like a copy protection dongle.  That still leaves the question of the distant future when the authorisation servers are history and someone tries to restore their backup of games on a replacement amico.

Edited by mr_me

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2 hours ago, mr_me said:

Yes, the requirement to have internet for one time authorisation of physical media will be a turn off for anyone that doesn't have internet.  For grandparents it will be far easier than alternatives like calling in and getting authorisation codes to type in or using the physical media like a copy protection dongle.  That still leaves the question of the distant future when the authorisation servers are history and someone tries to restore their backup of games on a replacement amico.

Authorization codes should be super easy to type on the Amico controller!


If the Intellicards (physical media) don't have the game on them they probably will be of no use other than to collect and look at in the future. Hopefully, server problems are a distant concern, but it will be interesting to see what happens. IE has mentioned SD backup but that also makes me think it would be easy to hack it too.

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9 hours ago, Hwlngmad said:

Yes, I totally understand that the Amico and the others (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) are going for and/or toward different audiences.  And, I believe that the Amico definitely brings a more casual, pick and up play (looking) feel to the games it is going toward.  However, while I definitely think and wish the Amico success, others have tried and failed in and around this area before.  Of course, they (like the Ouya and Amazon with its Fire TV 1st and 2nd editions) did things on a lot more open ended, less cultivated, and ambiguous gaming focus, they still took serious shots at the "micro console" type arena that the Amico seems to be more align toward.  But, again, those efforts did have some (big) flaws that the Amico looks to address, and seems to be capable of delivery some really good casual, family fun experiences.  Still, at $225 to $250, I just can't help to wonder if Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft might have products in and around this price range that the Amico might get drowned out a bit.  Just my thoughts.  This all being said, I do sincerely wish Tommy, Intellivision, and the Amico well in order to help moving the gaming dynamic back toward less hard-core and more 'easy to play, difficult to master' gaming like it was once before.

Thanks!  I appreciate the well wishes and the dialogue.


The fact that others have tried and failed means nothing to me.  In fact... it just makes the "win" even that much better.  And look at who "failed" exactly.  Julie (creator and CEO of Ouya) sold ad's on IGN and now works for Playboy.  She was great at raising money... but completely fell short because she wasn't a game maker.  Same with AtariVCS.  NONE of them have made a game... and are really as passionate about them as we are.  Passion, experience and the ability to be a game creator are the things ALL those who failed were clearly missing.  And those are the exact reasons we won't.   :)


Like I mentioned earlier.  Doesn't matter if Sony, Microsoft & Nintendo GAVE AWAY their systems... non-gamers will still not play them or spend money on software.  Most of them wouldn't even be able to hook them up, turn them on and navigate through the menus and firmware upgrades.  I'm totally being serious... my dad can NOT turn the PS4 on.  And I always forget which side the ON button is as well.  And that should tell you a LOT!  Gaming machines have become SO complicated that the average person can't even TURN THEM ON!  Insanity.




Thanks again for the discussion and for the good vibes towards hoping for our success.

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8 hours ago, Swami said:

For casuals, Apple TV is possibly more competition than the consoles as they are getting into the motion control and casual games market using your phone as a controller. Some may be lured in by the 100's of games, subscription service and multi-functionality, although the reality is it may not be family friendly and involve a lot of up-selling. Of course, your still limited to only iphones for most gameplay functionality.

Agreed.  Board games and Apple TV is more competition to us than Nintendo.


Also... folks may not realize is that the U.S. is the only place where Apple somewhat competes in the mobile market.  Outside of the U.S. Android dominates by 2 and 3 times. 

Just trying to make the point that folks who have iPhones are a small market compared to everything else.  Don't get me wrong... 750 million devices on the planet is AMAZING!  But 2.5 BILLION Androids.  So Apples market is limited to about 30% of the market we can try to reach. 


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3 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Honestly, multi machines seem like a pointless thing to do for Amico. If it is suppose to bring families together why would they need more than one? 🤣


Our research shows that people would buy multiple units to GIFT to family & friends.  So not to have in their own homes... but to give to others.



3 hours ago, MrBeefy said:


How much of the 3 billion user base is people who can afford to buy a home console? Who aren't just using a cheap cell phone and just downloading free games and casually playing?


It's kinda like asking... how many of them can afford to go to Disneyland.  If people like something and they know it will provide family entertainment... they will make it happen.  We are selling memories and good times with friends and family.  Not the next 1st person shooter or lifelike graphics.  Are you aware how much the "average" person spends on mobile games each year?  It's STAGGERING!!!!!!!   The AVERAGE is around $80!!!  And that takes into account the folks you mentioned who have never paid for a single game on mobile.  :)



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40 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Authorization codes should be super easy to type on the Amico controller!


If the Intellicards (physical media) don't have the game on them they probably will be of no use other than to collect and look at in the future. Hopefully, server problems are a distant concern, but it will be interesting to see what happens. IE has mentioned SD backup but that also makes me think it would be easy to hack it too.

Who needs to type complicated codes when you can easily just TAP the RFID!   :)


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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Authorization codes should be super easy to type on the Amico controller!


If the Intellicards (physical media) don't have the game on them they probably will be of no use other than to collect and look at in the future. Hopefully, server problems are a distant concern, but it will be interesting to see what happens. IE has mentioned SD backup but that also makes me think it would be easy to hack it too.

Although amico games are relatively small, there's still people with lower quality internet service and download limits.  So transferring the game program from their physical media even with online authorisation is still helpfull.  They could do it so it runs without authorization for a set period.  Having it work completely offline would be nice but doesn't look like it's going to happen.


Yeah backing up the Amico storage to a thumb drive would also save you having to download everything again should there be some failure.  But without a backup I would expect all could be restored by downloading.  The concern for the future when Amico servers are no longer there is far away but it's still a concern.

Edited by mr_me
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13 hours ago, Swami said:

For casuals, Apple TV is possibly more competition than the consoles as they are getting into the motion control and casual games market using your phone as a controller. Some may be lured in by the 100's of games, subscription service and multi-functionality, although the reality is it may not be family friendly and involve a lot of up-selling. Of course, your still limited to only iphones for most gameplay functionality.

Very true.  Also, I find it interesting that Apple now wants to dive into this arena when before when the 4k TV first came out, devs wanted to be able to develop a lot of games for the system but not using the standard remote and Apple squashed that.  I bet they wish they could turn back time in regards to that decision now.  Of course, hindsight is 20/20.

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4 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Thanks!  I appreciate the well wishes and the dialogue.


The fact that others have tried and failed means nothing to me.  In fact... it just makes the "win" even that much better.  And look at who "failed" exactly.  Julie (creator and CEO of Ouya) sold ad's on IGN and now works for Playboy.  She was great at raising money... but completely fell short because she wasn't a game maker.  Same with AtariVCS.  NONE of them have made a game... and are really as passionate about them as we are.  Passion, experience and the ability to be a game creator are the things ALL those who failed were clearly missing.  And those are the exact reasons we won't.   :)


Like I mentioned earlier.  Doesn't matter if Sony, Microsoft & Nintendo GAVE AWAY their systems... non-gamers will still not play them or spend money on software.  Most of them wouldn't even be able to hook them up, turn them on and navigate through the menus and firmware upgrades.  I'm totally being serious... my dad can NOT turn the PS4 on.  And I always forget which side the ON button is as well.  And that should tell you a LOT!  Gaming machines have become SO complicated that the average person can't even TURN THEM ON!  Insanity.




Thanks again for the discussion and for the good vibes towards hoping for our success.

You are most welcome for the well wishes and dialogue.  Definitely you, Intellivision and the Amico have something that no other company is gearing toward, and I hope that it all can make a lot of noise to where gaming (in general) can become more accessible to people such as your dad, or heck even my own 72 year old father at that.  But, if not, there will be the Amico, and that is not a bad thing at all 😉  Take care and keep up the great work! 

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7 hours ago, mr_me said:

Yes, the requirement to have internet for one time authorisation of physical media will be a turn off for anyone that doesn't have internet.  For grandparents it will be far easier than alternatives like calling in and getting authorisation codes to type in or using the physical media like a copy protection dongle.  That still leaves the question of the distant future when the authorisation servers are history and someone tries to restore their backup of games on a replacement amico.

It's a huge turnoff for me and I am very tech savvy and an early adopter who has super fast broadband.  I would hope that there is a solution for people who would rather buy true physical media and not have an Internet connection at all for the Amico.  

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Anyone who was excited about the Evel Knieval game can wer their appetites early for $2 on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.barnstormgames.evelknievel&hl=en_US


Or Free on IOS https://apps.apple.com/us/app/evel-knievel/id944985743


Looks fun and I might try it out while in quarantine.



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So did Tommy change his tune about direct ports or are these ports going to do something special that other platforms can't do?  

Very interested in that Bomberman game.  Is that actual Bomberman or a clone?



Edited by SegaSnatcher
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3 hours ago, ColecoJoe said:

Hey @Tommy Tallarico, is this the same game that's coming out for the Amico?

The Q&A thread is the other one.


2 hours ago, bojay1997 said:

It's a huge turnoff for me and I am very tech savvy and an early adopter who has super fast broadband.  I would hope that there is a solution for people who would rather buy true physical media and not have an Internet connection at all for the Amico.  

Well they could have the rfid read every time the game is run without any server authorisation.  The authorisation with the server is up to them obviously to protect against piracy.  Any other ideas besides exchanging codes over the telephone?


23 minutes ago, SegaSnatcher said:

So did Tommy change his tune about direct ports or are these ports going to do something special that other platforms can't do?

All games are exclusive to Amico, as far as I know.  You can have a port as long as it has exclusive features.  The clip in the trailer might have just been from the developer's application submission.  The game still has to meet their quality standards, like all their other projects.  We've already seen some Amico games that have changed.

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9 minutes ago, mr_me said:
3 hours ago, ColecoJoe said:


The Q&A thread is the other one

I don’t post in that thread anymore so this thread will do. Thanks. 

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45 minutes ago, SegaSnatcher said:

So did Tommy change his tune about direct ports or are these ports going to do something special that other platforms can't do?  

Very interested in that Bomberman game.  Is that actual Bomberman or a clone?



I talked to him tonight, I will be addressing this in a video later tonight. I am sure he will respond but figured I would mention it anyway. 

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4 hours ago, ColecoJoe said:

Hey @Tommy Tallarico, is this the same game that's coming out for the Amico?



Nope.   It's based on that though.


As I've always mentioned... we don't do direct ports.

We're working with the developer to make the "dream game" they always wanted to make. 

Upgrading the graphics, audio, design, controls and adding new vehicles and levels.


So lets be clear... people will make fun of us and call us stupid because we have all exclusives.  Then... those same people will call us stupid because they think we don't have all exclusives.


So once again... folks are quick to over-react and try to tear us down without actually knowing the real story.





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12 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Ask for people to raise their hands? Right now there is probably a high percentage from how some people have bought two FE, or going to get a VIP to go with their FE. I'm sure it will drop (% of multi machines) once VIP opens but right now the retro crowd seem to be buying a lot into the casual machine that isn't directed at them. So kudos on that and hopefully the other demographics follow suit.


Honestly, multi machines seem like a pointless thing to do for Amico. If it is suppose to bring families together why would they need more than one? 🤣


How much of the 3 billion user base is people who can afford to buy a home console? Who aren't just using a cheap cell phone and just downloading free games and casually playing?


11 hours ago, mr_me said:

I think we're  talking about the  requirement to play a game that would need each player to have a private screen.  That's  one Amico vs two Switches; unless the switch supports smartphones as controllers.  The people jumping on the founders edition is hardly representative  of what will be the Amico install base, if things go as they expect.  Whatever subset of the three billion you're talking about is plenty.

I've only been hanging around the INTV forum for about a year and a half, but I can tell most of these guys are big time INTV collectors. 125 club, buying boxes for INTV games that were only mentioned once by Mattel and never made, $80-$90 for INTV homebrews ... pretty hardcore.

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59 minutes ago, ColecoJoe said:

I don’t post in that thread anymore so this thread will do. Thanks. 

Thanks for letting me know.  I won't be answering any of your questions in here from now on then either.





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11 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Other than the pack in games I wonder if requirement to have internet for new games will be a turn off for the older grandparents? I'm sure setting up their console to the internet won't be a huge priority for them, or if they buy the physical media of say...shuffleboard are they going to get frustrated they still need internet?


On a less fun note COVID 19 here in my town so it was nice knowing everyone! Had a friend send me an appropriate morning after St. Patty's breakfast. Don't fret it isn't bacon but just as yummy.






Stay home and play some retro games! Time for me to go out and interact with hundreds of people! 🤧



Ever since my sister gave my mom her old ipad, she's been using the internet more and more. She had a laptop, but the ipad seems friendlier for her somehow. She finds old TV shows and reads about celebrities and looks for answers to crossword puzzles. She is 78. 

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