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Independent Amico Discussion Thread

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14 hours ago, kevtris said:

The Amico is pretty small time right now (compared to what you want it to be) and while you can control the narrative right now, once it gets bigger that will become impossible.  So far it seems that when a small youtuber posts something deemed "negative" or wrongthink, the current solution is to post a comment, then send them t-shirts and hats, and then they make a more positive video afterwards.  I have seen this several times now. Whether this is what really happens or not, it sure looks like it.  While this is good viral marketing, it makes me wonder what will happen when larger outlets start reporting on it that can't be so easily swayed with swag. 

"Wrongthink" is a pretty horrible, nearly damning word. I wouldn't use it here. What I think we're dealing with, and you can disagree freely, is the CEO of a company sending out free swag to promote his product with the hardcore crowd before any real marketing begins for the casual sector. And I don't think that's out of the norm for any company. In fact that's par for the course. It would be odd if at this point no one was getting any promotional material on Youtube. It would almost be remiss of the company.


What's happened, pretty much exactly, is no one is really sure what to make of the Amico. I wasn't. I had no idea and was really confused. At first glance it looks like it may be another flop "retro game console" to add to the pile. Of course that sounds better on Youtube, too. Youtube sensation = makes negative clickbait video = make money on ad revenue.


I think Tommy is recognizing the lack of marketing out there, and going to these people and saying "Hey this is actually what it is." People are then saying "okay, I thought it was something else entirely." If he's got the free time and it's HIS product, this early on in the development, let him have at it.


I don't know if you watch CUPodcast but Pat and Ian are the most egregious examples of what happens when negative thinking is allowed to fester. It is LITERALLY "wrong think." What they think about Amico is wrong and they won't discuss otherwise. They've gone from saying Amico won't sell, to now saying that Amico has no audience because anyone can buy and use a PS4. And everyone in their comment section all repeat what they say because they say it. Like gospel. You can surely understand how Tommy, or anyone working at Intellivision, may want to curb that right now if it's within their ability.


Again, this is entirely the fault of the lack of marketing. Tommy knows, so that's why he's seeking out smaller youtubers in the hardcore crowd himself. That's also why he's here.

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10 hours ago, kevtris said:

It isn't an "easy response".  It's just the facts. 


Again... you're wrongly assuming that you're personal experiences are the same for everyone.

You're incorrect.





10 hours ago, kevtris said:


If your project hangs on the balance of having absolutely no negative press anywhere on the internet, maybe it isn't as solid as you think it is.  A truly great product doesn't need to have everything slightly to the right of 100% blowout fawning praise scrubbed from the internet.   There will be many more "Pats" to deal with that won't play ball when it comes to correcting the record.


I never said that... or at least I didn't mean it like that.  I'm just saying "in general" and I feel we've done a really good job of clearing up confusion about what the console is and what makes it different.  You're under the impression that we just send these folks t-shirts and they change their minds (which for the most part we do not... most YouTubers I've seen with the exception of 3 actually BOUGHT the merchandise on their own).  But you couldn't be farther from the truth.  To say something like that is an insult to these folks and they would fight you tooth and nail if you asked them.  Having a conversation with someone and having them change their minds because of the interview or because they actually find out more information and understand it better doesn't fall into "pay off" category. 



10 hours ago, kevtris said:


I understand fully what goes into making a modern videogame product, and how much money it costs. 


I'm sure in the retro world you do... but unless you are in big box retailers and have had to manufacture over 100K units and hire hundreds of people to continue producing software for your hardware... then again... with all due respect... there are different and more complex things.



10 hours ago, kevtris said:


I am on the fourth one in 5 years.   It is very expensive, and it takes a long time.  I estimate you're going to need to go into production by mid-July at the latest if you want to get it in stores by 10/10. 


This statement displays the point Im trying to make.  Now you may be reading my responses in some kind of combative or smart ass way (seems to be a lot of that going around here)... but I'm only trying to have a respectful dialog.  I'm sure the stuff you have done was an amazing journey and you definitely have my respect from going from a thought in your head to delivering to customers.  You definitely know more than most.  But you are way off in thinking that our product has to be in production by mid-July to get in the stores by 10/10.  You're not even close.  Maybe if we were only doing about 5,000 - 10,000 consoles.  But not the amount that we have orders for.



10 hours ago, kevtris said:


Fortunately the games don't need to be done in a few months, but the hardware will need to be finalized by then for sure if there's a hope of getting is done in time.


Maybe in your experiences for your consoles.  Not for ours.


10 hours ago, kevtris said:


Sony/MS probably get some consideration for their logistics and manufacturing that you won't get, allowing them more time for production and less time wending its way through the system to final retail endpoints.  I totally understand what you are trying to build and all the hassles that go with it- I have been there multiple times!   You just need to concentrate on building stuff and writing games, and less time spent constantly looking for the glitches in the youtube Matrix. IMO.  


Again... you are mischaracterizing what me and my team are doing.  To say we need to just concentrate on building stuff is insulting to some extent.  Taking a few minutes here and there to respond to critics or to positive folks isn't taking our eye off the ball... especially when we work 20 hours a day... 7 days a week.  There have been a LOT more folks to appreciate that we take the time... then don't.  Most of the "dont's" appear here actually.



10 hours ago, kevtris said:


Feel free to disagree, but I am probably the other most qualified person here that knows all the trials and tribble-ations that go into it.




I have disagreed with you and tried to communicate it as respectfully as I could.  I once again commend you for your journey's and successes... but you shouldn't assume that your experiences and products are the same as ours.

Now I'm curious... which products have you created?  Would love to purchase a few in support of what you're doing (if I don't already own them).

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6 hours ago, JeffVav said:

If your investors are the type to have their confidence swayed by a random troll potshot on YouTube, you have my sympathies. :)


This being the Internet, the abusive juvenile potshots come with the territory. In my 27 years in the business I can only think of one project that was completely devoid of troll commentary (so far).

Pouring energy into combatting the unreasonable is exhausting and not good for your morale. (Plus there's the Streisand Effect.) The most constructive thing to do is just to forge ahead, and refute them by focusing on your "show don't tell" campaign. Discussion about the actual content will render this sort of nonsense a blip hardly worth a passing thought by your investors. 

(No guarantee all discussion will be positive. There may be legitimate gripes. But I've found in our projects that pouring time into addressing the reasoned criticisms to be way more productive. It's a win-win: it pushes one to make a better product and, if the reasonable critics feel heard, they can become some of your best advocates.)

No... investors aren't watching YouTube or coming in here to check out what people are saying.  I was just trying to communicate "in general". 

The rest of this post is not intended specifically for you... just giving more info to the folks here.

A perfect example would be the AtariVCS project.  They are looking for investors to help with manufacturing.  How do you think that is going for them?  Or imagine if Stadia needed to raise another round for bigger marketing or manufacturing, etc.  I would guess that over 95% of the things that are written online or social media or YouTube about the AtariVCS are super negative.  When we first announced Amico it was probably around 80% negative.  If I never did anything and only engaged with the 20% who liked it... it wouldn't have helped.  Instead... I went right to the sources of the confusion or negativity and asked to talk to them a little more so I can give them more info and describe our vision and dream and goals.  It has worked extremely well and we have really turned the perception around.  I would say that we probably have 80+% positive now.  Where would we be if we never did anything and took the route of Atari where they only do a handful of friendly interviews a year, don't really allow anyone to play the machine, put out controlled posts and pictures every few months, go dark for months at a time, etc.


Anyone comparing us to Sony, Microsoft & Nintendo would be off.  Anyone comparing us to crowdfunded projects like Ouya or the VCS would be off.  Anyone comparing us to smaller retro projects would be off. 

We have lots of things in common with all of them... and lots of things different with all of them. 


We are unique and have our very own unique set of challenges and advantages and our own unique ways to deal with them.  Clearly these methods rub some folks in here the wrong way.  And frankly... I don't care.

Some of you are purposely overly rude because you don't like me or our methods or what we're trying to accomplish with Intellivision.  It is what it is.  That's fine.  I only spend more time at AA because I've found a LOT of amazing like minded people who grew up in the same era as I did and have a really positive connection to Intellivision.  Some folks here keep repeating the same stupid mantra that I'm only here to "shill my products".  What a joke.  What an uniformed ridiculous and biased statement.  I come here because I enjoy the conversation as a human being and fan of retro & Intellivision.  But instead of focusing on that and having respectful conversations... you'd rather throw the "CEO" title in my face and tell me how unprofessional I'm being.  That's fine... totally your decision.  Guess what... I don't have to like you either.







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1 minute ago, 1001lives said:

ColecoJoe remains the sworn enemy of IntellivisionTommy


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Just now, 1001lives said:

... ColecoVision vs Intellivision. 🤡 

I don't remember that battle. Wasn't it Atari vs. Intellivision? Although it was never a fair fight in my eyes. INTV WON!





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8 minutes ago, ColecoJoe said:


He doesn't know that you are a Tommy sock puppet account. 


We are legion....


Man remember those days? The ones in which people were calling us Tommy. Because we liked the Amico. Because we (Tommy) were a part of a hit operation. An operation to undermine everything Atari. Do you remember those day?


I feel like we have been missing a few of the other Tommy Legionnaire Sock Puppets though. Weren't there at least like 4 more of us Tommys?

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15 minutes ago, ColecoJoe said:

I don't remember that battle. Wasn't it Atari vs. Intellivision? Although it was never a fair fight in my eyes. INTV WON!

I think you just won the Biffy of the day with that one.

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1 minute ago, MrBeefy said:

I feel like we have been missing a few of the other Tommy Legionnaire Sock Puppets though. Weren't there at least like 4 more of us Tommys?

Banned but never forgotten :)



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16 minutes ago, ColecoJoe said:

I don't remember that battle. Wasn't it Atari vs. Intellivision? Although it was never a fair fight in my eyes. INTV WON!

I think Coleco vs Intv was a much more fair battle. Those consoles always struck me more as a "2.5 generation" whereas the 2600 was more outdated. Of course, the 2600's stranglehold kept it around longer though.


1 minute ago, MrBeefy said:

He doesn't know that you are a Tommy sock puppet account. 


We are legion....


Man remember those days? The ones in which people were calling us Tommy. Because we liked the Amico. Because we (Tommy) were a part of a hit operation. An operation to undermine everything Atari. Do you remember those day?


I feel like we have been missing a few of the other Tommy Legionnaire Sock Puppets though. Weren't there at least like 4 more of us Tommys?

Really? That happened? What the heck haha

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1 minute ago, 1001lives said:

Really? That happened? What the heck haha

Go back a few hundred pages in the Taco thread. I was famous once!



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8 minutes ago, ColecoJoe said:

Go back a few hundred pages in the Taco thread. I was famous once!

I'll have to check that out closer after work. That's crazy. 

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17 minutes ago, 1001lives said:

I think Coleco vs Intv was a much more fair battle. Those consoles always struck me more as a "2.5 generation" whereas the 2600 was more outdated. Of course, the 2600's stranglehold kept it around longer though.


Really? That happened? What the heck haha

Yeah there would be no Amico for you to love if us Tommys didn't go behind Atari enemy lines. We distracted them from work with our ever so delicious tacos. In stead of getting combative with the Tommy Legion of Tacoricos maybe you should thank us. Without us destroying Atari your friend Amico would not be able to make it into your living room. You should apologize and thank @Flojomojo for his part in the tacos wars. Us vets are often forgotten and under appreciated by those who haven't fought but have reaped the rewards of our service.


To my fellow members of Tacorico Squad, I salute you. 



In bacon and tacos we trust.


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8 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Yeah there would be no Amico for you to love if us Tommys didn't go behind Atari enemy lines. We distracted them from work with our ever so delicious tacos. In stead of getting combative with the Tommy Legion of Tacoricos maybe you should thank us. Without us destroying Atari your friend Amico would not be able to make it into your living room. You should apologize and thank @Flojomojo for his part in the tacos wars. Us vets are often forgotten and under appreciated by those who haven't fought but have reaped the rewards of our service.


To my fellow members of Tacorico Squad, I salute you. 



In bacon and tacos we trust.


You're speaking to a veteran of the Cat-Bun wars. Which was much more intense than the Taco Wars.


Image result for cat bun wars"


That's a picture of me in the middle for proof. (real footage)

Edited by 1001lives
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1 hour ago, ColecoJoe said:

No thanks :)


38 minutes ago, 1001lives said:

I think Coleco vs Intv was a much more fair battle. Those consoles always struck me more as a "2.5 generation" whereas the 2600 was more outdated. Of course, the 2600's stranglehold kept it around longer though.

You're not wrong, Intellivision has some advanced features that Colecovision doesn't have.  But Intellivision is low resolution, in some ways even lower with fewer colours than the atari 2600.  For three years, 1980-82, it was Atari 2600 vs Intellivision.  Then in 1982/83 the higher resolution colecovision and atari 5200 demoted the Intellivision and Atari 2600 to discounted budget system.  At the time resolution was everything.    Colecovision and Atari 5200 were considered third generation but the winner of that battle was the Commodore 64.

Edited by mr_me
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On 2/4/2020 at 9:25 AM, m-crew said:

Same few with the same tactics , 

Disguised as a discussion thread but with the same undertones and innuendo’s.  This  A playground thread for trolls and a place to play another taco game. 

A Independent Amico Discussion Thread this is not. who’s kidding who. 
it’s a thread for the trolls and Amico bashing by those trolls. To gather together and play there game with our community. 

Just people who like to bring others down.  


So only people who are diehard cheerleaders for Amico should be posting?


Before I begin, I want to make it clear that I am absolutely not a troll. I have been a member in here for many years, though not particularly active until recently. I am very excited for this system. I came very close to backing the founder's edition but financially it was bad timing for me with Christmas bills factored in.


But having said that, I, like many, have reservations and questions about the system. The Amico is very different from what we've seen before, and it's natural that people will have their doubts after seeing things like the Ouya fail. Of course, the average non-gamer like the Amico is being marketed to has never heard of the Ouya. But people in general will be cautious of any new system like this that requires you to buy into it's ecosystem. I'm behind this system because I think it has huge potential. But you can never truly predict how the public will accept something new.


To be honest, I'm rather disappointed in how Tommy has been reacting to some of the negativity or cynicism. Those who are obviously just attacking the Amico and wanting it to fail should just be ignored by Tommy. Yet Tommy engages them in online squabbles and fires insults back at them like a common poster. But Tommy is not a common poster - he's the CEO of a company trying to sell a new product. And I'm not referring to Tongtgd. I'm talking about things like that Youtube video "The Intellivision Amico is a scam". That's obviously 100% false and the poster of that video should be ashamed. Tonytgd has been fairly cynical with his questions, but has remained civil imo. I've seen how things can go down in forums - his posts were tame. He just asked lots of questions and posted cynical opinions the Amico followers and Tommy didn't like. So he was met back with hostility.


If I didn't know better, I would not believe that Tommy is the CEO of a company that is trying to get a brand new system launched. Of course I want to see the head of a company engage their customers. I think that's important and something the Atari VCS is immensely lacking - a relationship with their customers. But the way Tommy reacts to any negative or even doubtful posts is concerning to me. IMO he should not even be engaging with Youtube posters like the one who posted that "Amico is a scam" video. There are obviously those who just want to see the system fail, because that's how some people are on the internet these days. But it's not professional to see a CEO get into back-and-forth squabbling matches throughout the day in forums and Youtube comments. Focus on answering questions. When a discussion starts going the wrong way, stop responding and leave it at that.


And just because people ask difficult questions doesn't mean they want to see the system fail. I asked in the other thread about my concerns with the controllers and specifically how batteries factor in. That doesn't mean I'm a "hater" or "troll" or want to see the system fail. I'm behind this 100%. But I'm old enough to have seen plenty of new products not go as planned and with a system like this where everything from the ground up seems to be doing things differently, of course I am cautiously optimistic. I think it would do well for Tommy to remember that it's only natural for people to have doubts about a product like the Amico. That doesn't make them haters. Ignore the obvious haters like the one who posted that Youtube video - don't get caught up in the back-and-forth arguing because it looks unprofessional. Those who generally want to take the time to come in and ask questions or have a discussion with you - I think it would look better for the company and to others if you remained a bit more reserved with a touch of humility, and remain willing to be patient with the cynical posters. Cynical posters aren't necessarily haters. Many have just been burned before and are more likely to play it safe with new products.


I'm hoping this doesn't come across the wrong way, because I am very excited to see what this system has in store for us, and this is the first video game system in a long time that I am hoping to own for Christmas.



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25 minutes ago, fiudr said:

Tonytgd has been fairly cynical with his questions, but has remained civil imo. I've seen how things can go down in forums - his posts were tame. He just asked lots of questions and posted cynical opinions the Amico followers and Tommy didn't like. So he was met back with hostility.


Thanks for the post.  Not sure if you read my recent posts on the subject matter, but I believe it addresses some of your thoughts/concerns/comments and I appreciate your openness and respectful dialogue.

I would like to address the comment above though because it's important for you (and probably others) to know this.  That Tony guy was banned from my Q&A thread and then banned in this thread as well.  A LOT of his posts (that I saw) were deleted.  He was NOT civil or tame... the posts that still exist may be... but to characterize him as just cynical (based only on the posts that still exist) just isn't accurate IMO.

My understanding was that he was warned on multiple occassions and actions were taken against him because of his inability to be civil or tame.  I've been told that it's not easy to get booted from a thread.

I have NEVER asked for the removal of anyone (the mods will back me up 100% on that) and any bannings or post deletions are made 100% by them.  I've certainly had a few of my own posts deleted as well.  They play NO favorites.


But they also have a LOT of clean up to do in this thread, the one they had to shut down previously and in the Q&A thread as well. 

So you're not seeing the entire behavior or things that are said to me and others.

Just wanted you to be aware.  I'm sure some of the mods here may be able to shed more light on the Tony situation as I wasn't even aware he got booted until CPUWIZ mentioned it a few pages ago.




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13 hours ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

It's an easy response that makes sense to a lot of folks I'm sure.

But with all due respect, you aren't privy to specifics of this project... so comparing it to others is not the same.


Try putting yourself in the shoes of something with big investors and retailers hanging on everything that is written or said in order to gauge how much more they are considering to put behind the project.  Social media, YouTube, etc. does matter for a project like this at this stage.  This is why it is important to get as much info our there as we can at this stage.  We've shared a thousand things that Sony & Microsoft have not... and they are in the same release time as we are.  This project is much different than anything else because we're not crowd funded and we don't have billions in the bank like the others.  I wish people could understand and respect that a little more when considering what we're trying to build and how we're trying to build it.



I don't see how getting into back-and-forth squabbling matches with Youtube and forum posters will impress investors and retailers. If anything it may cast more doubt. You cannot stop people from hating. People who come in to ask questions or who have doubts but act civil - fine, engage them if you wish. I think it's great that you are willing to to have an open discussion with us. But haters like that "scam" video you referred to - no investor is going to care that some Youtube troll posted a video like that. It does more harm than good engaging that kind of thing. Don't lower yourself to their level by casting insults back. There's no need to be so aggressive/defensive against posters you don't agree with either.


There's going to be negative press out there because it can't be avoided. People will have opinions you don't agree with, and some will just be flat-out factually wrong, but you still can't avoid it. When Amico is in stores and the pro reviews start flooding in and owners start posting about their hand-on experience with it, you're going to see everything from glowingly positive to disappointment to outright hate. That's what happens when anything new is released, no matter how good the product is.


Also remember that these days it's in people's nature to point out anything they find as a negative in a product. It doesn't mean overall they hate the product. I have lots of things that I really enjoy but wish things were improved in a certain area. Electronics that are overall great but have some frustrating design elements, great software that has annoying bugs or UI issues, board games that are tons of fun and well-designed but suffer from one particularly poor component. That doesn't mean I'm a hater if I bring up those negatives hoping to see them addressed in the future.



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3 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


Thanks for the post.  Not sure if you read my recent posts on the subject matter, but I believe it addresses some of your thoughts/concerns/comments and I appreciate your openness and respectful dialogue.

I would like to address the comment above though because it's important for you (and probably others) to know this.  That Tony guy was banned from my Q&A thread and then banned in this thread as well.  A LOT of his posts (that I saw) were deleted.  He was NOT civil or tame... the posts that still exist may be... but to characterize him as just cynical (based only on the posts that still exist) just isn't accurate IMO.

My understanding was that he was warned on multiple occassions and actions were taken against him because of his inability to be civil or tame.  I've been told that it's not easy to get booted from a thread.

I have NEVER asked for the removal of anyone (the mods will back me up 100% on that) and any bannings or post deletions are made 100% by them.  I've certainly had a few of my own posts deleted as well.  They play NO favorites.


But they also have a LOT of clean up to do in this thread, the one they had to shut down previously and in the Q&A thread as well. 

So you're not seeing the entire behavior or things that are said to me and others.

Just wanted you to be aware.  I'm sure some of the mods here may be able to shed more light on the Tony situation as I wasn't even aware he got booted until CPUWIZ mentioned it a few pages ago.




Thanks for the reply. I hope you don't take my posts the wrong way because I am behind what you're doing here 100%. I haven't been this excited about a product in long time. I'm pretty much into physical board games these days and haven't been playing much for video games other than some emulation and some small games. But this system has me excited to get back into some TV gaming.


I just don't want people to start getting the wrong impression of what you're trying to achieve here. As far as Tony, yeah, I'm guessing I may have missed some of his deleted posts, so maybe he was more aggressive than what I had been seeing.


Juts remember to focus on giving us all the best system you can, and don't sweat the negativity too much.


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7 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:


Thanks for the post.  Not sure if you read my recent posts on the subject matter, but I believe it addresses some of your thoughts/concerns/comments and I appreciate your openness and respectful dialogue.

I would like to address the comment above though because it's important for you (and probably others) to know this.  That Tony guy was banned from my Q&A thread and then banned in this thread as well.  A LOT of his posts (that I saw) were deleted.  He was NOT civil or tame... the posts that still exist may be... but to characterize him as just cynical (based only on the posts that still exist) just isn't accurate IMO.

My understanding was that he was warned on multiple occassions and actions were taken against him because of his inability to be civil or tame.  I've been told that it's not easy to get booted from a thread.

I have NEVER asked for the removal of anyone (the mods will back me up 100% on that) and any bannings or post deletions are made 100% by them.  I've certainly had a few of my own posts deleted as well.  They play NO favorites.


But they also have a LOT of clean up to do in this thread, the one they had to shut down previously and in the Q&A thread as well. 

So you're not seeing the entire behavior or things that are said to me and others.

Just wanted you to be aware.  I'm sure some of the mods here may be able to shed more light on the Tony situation as I wasn't even aware he got booted until CPUWIZ mentioned it a few pages ago.




You mean the guy that you and several participants from the Q&A thread literally baited into joining the forums knowing full well he was toxic?  I mean, you literally brought the drama in here as he wasn't even registered or aware of this forum before.  Please take the advice that others have given.  There will be enough challenges along the road to getting Amico launched without picking fights with irrelevant bloggers and Youtubers or trying to sew more drama on this forum.  

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13 minutes ago, bojay1997 said:

You mean the guy that you and several participants from the Q&A thread literally baited into joining the forums knowing full well he was toxic?  I mean, you literally brought the drama in here as he wasn't even registered or aware of this forum before.  Please take the advice that others have given.  There will be enough challenges along the road to getting Amico launched without picking fights with irrelevant bloggers and Youtubers or trying to sew more drama on this forum.  

What are you talking about? I have had absolutely ZERO interaction with Tony. I never shared a single post with him or replied to him in any way. You're off the mark here. I only know what I read in the thread here.


EDIT: my apologies - you weren't addressing me. Sorry.



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3 minutes ago, bojay1997 said:

You mean the guy that you and several participants from the Q&A thread literally baited into joining the forums knowing full well he was toxic?  I mean, you literally brought the drama in here as he wasn't even registered or aware of this forum before.  Please take the advice that others have given.  There will be enough challenges along the road to getting Amico launched without picking fights with irrelevant bloggers and Youtubers or trying to sew more drama on this forum.  

I invited him here because he was spamming the Amico subreddit with hateful comments about censorship and announcing how important he was by being "invited" here to talk to Tommy. Even though I told him to come here and take up his grievances directly. And guess what? The guy aired how hateful he was on here and made it public how silly he was. 


The guy has been all over for months trying to force interviews with Tommy and finding ways to write blogposts negatively about him and the Amico.


You should probably just let people do what they want to do instead of literally, now, commanding someone to do as you will. No one can make anyone stop commenting or responding to vile, hateful posters or commentators. He literally just posted that the initial feedback for Amico was 80% negative until he targeted the haters and figured out how to communicate with them or get through to them. 


Allowing really uneducated hateful vitriol to multiply or get spammed all over without dealing with it is a recipe for disaster for a fledgling company. Social media/PR is part of Tommy's job. 

Edited by 1001lives
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1 minute ago, 1001lives said:

I invited him here because he was spamming the Amico subreddit with hateful comments about censorship and announcing how important he was by being "invited" here to talk to Tommy. Even though I told him to come here and take up his grievances directly. 


The guy has been all over for months trying to force interviews with Tommy and finding ways to write blogposts negatively about him and the Amico.


You should probably just let people do what they want to do instead of literally, now, commanding someone to do as you will. No one can make anyone stop commenting or responding to vile, hateful posters or commentators. He literally just posted that the initial feedback for Amico was 80% negative until he targeted the haters and figured out how to communicate with them or get through to them. 


Allowing really uneducated hateful vitriol to multiply or get spammed all over without dealing with it is a recipe for disaster for a fledgling company. Social media/PR is part of Tommy's job. 

I think we should stop talking about people who aren't allowed to defend themselves here and get back to Amico talk!







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