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18 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Much cheaper games on the Switch.  Of course the attach rate is going to be higher.  You can literally buy games on the Switch for .49 cents.



Sure, but this chart is showing Switch is outpacing Wii in terms of software sales per unit sold.  People are spending more money on software per Switch purchase than they did for Wii.  I only bring this up because you brought up Switch not selling as many hardware units as Wii and I'm just saying considering the trends of more software sold per Switch sold it wont have to sell as many units to be as or more successful overall.



Edited by SegaSnatcher
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Just now, Tommy Tallarico said:

 Yes... in your world... I'm not allowed to respectfully answer someone's question who says the things I'm saying are untrue.

The reason it bothers you so much?  Because I continue to destroy your narrative and you just can't stand it?


Last time I checked... no one is forcing you to come in here.

Defensive meltdown indeed.

Okay Tommy. I will tell you my motivations, so you don't have to guess at them and make further assumptions about a person you've never met. 

I don't have a "narrative." I might have opinions, as do we all. 

You, however, have an unreleased product to promote, which you have done at every conceivable opportunity, at great length, repetition, and at the expense of normal discourse between adults. You don't need to behave like an always-on infomercial, but have chosen to do so. 

We have already seen your "Switch has adult content" screed already; it was mentioned because it wasn't a good argument in the first place. Rehashing it doesn't make it more compelling the second time around. 


You have repeatedly accused others of "hating" on your project and yourself. You and your proxies have posted links to obscure videos that "show what we are dealing with" as if we should feel sorry for you. You have exploited the good will of the moderators of this site. You have accused others of stirring up drama while using ad hominem attacks against others for their opinions, experiences, even manner of speech. 

It seems clear that you are here to stay. I have attempted to make the best of it with liberal use of the "ignore" button, and encourage like-minded people to do the same. We won't be missing much, because we can judge the actual Amico from its performance in the real world, not the promises from its spokesperson. 

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4 minutes ago, SegaSnatcher said:

Sure, but this chart is showing Switch is outpacing Wii in terms of software sales per unit sold.  People are spending more money on software per Switch purchase than they did for Wii.  



Because Switch games are also a lot more expensive then games on the Wii 14 years ago when it came out.

Because of the huge price disparity and amount of cheap games available... you are going to get those kinds of results.  Even just with inflation over 14 years (which that chart doesn't seem to take into account).

I'm not saying the Switch isn't popular.  It is!  Kicked Microsofts butt this gen too! 

All I'm saying is that it is not appealing to the same market and is not as popular as the Wii was. 


Money and software doesn't have anything to do with my statement.  I'm talking sheer amounts of hardware units sold and the people who they attracted.

Non-gaming moms and nursing homes were buying and playing Wii.  Those same folks are not purchasing Switches.

The other last point I'll make is that the software for the Wii overall was TERRIBLE.  So much crappy shovelware.  The reason for this is because the Indie game development market didn't exist and all the game publishers had their A & B teams on the PS, XBOX & PC.  No one (including me) thought the Wii would be as big as it was.


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10 minutes ago, Tommy Tallarico said:

Because Switch games are also a lot more expensive then games on the Wii 14 years ago when it came out.

1st party AAA games on the Switch are still in the $50 - $60 range as found on Wii 14 yrs ago, so I'm confused by this statement.  If you are talking about the addition of limited edition sets, sure there might be more on the Switch, but that's optional. 

Edited by SegaSnatcher
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The Switch attach rates are indeed calculated differently, to reflect the change to more digital games with varying prices. 

Instead of counting games, they count the cumulative software sales (in money, not games) per hardware unit sold. So it's not as if the dollar games are skewing the attach rates in a particularly unfair way. 





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42 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

Okay Tommy. I will tell you my motivations, so you don't have to guess at them and make further assumptions about a person you've never met. 


It's clear what they are from an outsider standpoint... but yes.. lets continue...





I don't have a "narrative." I might have opinions, as do we all. 



You've made your "opinions" very clear... which have now become your narrative (as proven by your post here).




You, however, have an unreleased product to promote, which you have done at every conceivable opportunity, at great length, repetition, and at the expense of normal discourse between adults.

And you talk about mistruths and repetition??  Anyone paying attention (and you CLEARLY are) knows this is complete nonsense and major exaggeration.  Again... the same things you love accusing others of.

Self-awareness... it's a thing.






You don't need to behave like an always-on infomercial, but have chosen to do so. 

No.  That's how you have chosen to paint me.  In your mind I have no right to be here and to comment.  You would prefer I'm gone as you've made it clear in your dumbass taco thread (for which I tried having serious conversations about Atari).  One time I posted the Amico Breakout gameplay as I thought I could join in on the fun others were having at Atari's expense.  But you and your pals got all pissy because in your elitist mind... you and your ilk can only bash stuff and I can't be a part of your crew because I'm an evil CEO looking to shill his wares.



We have already seen your "Switch has adult content" screed already; it was mentioned because it wasn't a good argument in the first place. Rehashing it doesn't make it more compelling the second time around. 

This is the most ignorant statement of your post (which is indeed a treasure).  The person I was responding to CLEARLY hadn't seen or heard it to the point of calling my claims "outrageous" and basically calling me a liar (sorry... that I wasn't being honest.... uh... same thing folks).





You have repeatedly accused others of "hating" on your project and yourself. You and your proxies have posted links to obscure videos that "show what we are dealing with" as if we should feel sorry for you.


No.  Not to feel sorry.  Unlike you... you'll never see me playing the "victim".  Stuff like that is posted to show the utter low depths people are willing to go because of a new video game system thats goal is to bring people of all skill levels together.  OH NO!!!  THE HORROR!!!  I shouldn't be allowed to do such a thing!




You have exploited the good will of the moderators of this site.


You mean... because you broke forum rules and were banned from certain threads?  Nah... you did that all by yourself.  You didn't need my help. 





'You have accused others of stirring up drama while using ad hominem attacks against others for their opinions, experiences, even manner of speech. 


Remember folks... everyone can call me a liar but how DARE I respond respectfully and show facts and data that tell a different story.  HOW DARE I!!!


It seems clear that you are here to stay. I have attempted to make the best of it with liberal use of the "ignore" button, and encourage like-minded people to do the same.

YES!!! For the love of God!!  Just do it and stop talking about it.  Stop your complaining and just IGNORE me.  You've been told multiple times, yet you still continue to complain every chance you get.

Just do it.  Problem fixed.

I prefer not to IGNORE the naysayers OR folks with legitimate gripes or concerns or questions as I have no problem making intelligent or informative responses and having respectful dialogue... even if its a different opinion than my own.

You on the other hand... clearly can't handle that.  EVERYTHING that comes from you is negative.  Have you EVER said anything POSITIVE in your nearly 20,000 posts on this board?  I've been here a year and have read hundreds of your posts (some of which are funny) and most everything is in some way tearing something down.


You should ask yourself why that is.




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Just now, m-crew said:

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Just now, save2600 said:


Perfect fit,  I hope when the come out with Rock Band type of accessories/game for the Amico they have this tune on the playlist .. They Rock!!!  

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I think this might be a good time to remind everyone of Rule #2 in the rules of conduct.  More often than not, responding in kind to another person is counterproductive: it only perpetuates the argument, and instead of persuading anyone, it only reinforces and causes both sides to double down on their points of view.


I should also say that it would make life a LOT easier for everybody if certain people could learn to simply and respectfully state their opinion and then keep their peace afterward, or at the very least, have the discipline to use the "Ignore" button for its intended purpose and avoid threads that they have recurring and fundamental disagreements with.  A few people today have demonstrated that they are incapable of doing that, and consequently had to be kicked out of these threads.  Again, I don't enjoy doing this, but I've been placed in the predicament of having no choice.

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7 hours ago, mr_me said:

I think that's correct they are trying to be the "Apple" of videogames, don't think, just buy.  I don't see nostalgia being much of a factor to most of their target market but licensing definitely is.


You can think of parents putting the TV on the treehouse or disney channel.  They do it because they know they don't have to worry about the content.  They are trusted.  They want to develop the same kind of trust with Amico.

Disclaimer: I'm not implying that Amico has a singular type of customer or singular intended use, but...


It's worth noting that hands off "fire and forget" electronic babysitting wasn't how Amico was being marketed. Rather it is being positioned as family-friendly with the family social experience of couch coop as a selling point. 

To the extent that the family (parents) take an active interest in participating, curation of a "safe" game library becomes an easier proposition on any platform. 

Switch has access to mature content, but so does a TV. So, in your analogy, any old console more plays the role of the TV and the publisher the role of the channel. In that context, you could achieve similar results by Amico just being a software developer that's marketed as being trusted to provide a family-friendly experience. 

Price point and ergonomics are the thing that will or won't justify it being its own hardware. 

I wish them nothing but success, but it does sound like if the hardware fails to gain traction in the marketplace, the fallback of going the Sega route of turning into a software publisher to repurpose their IP while serving the same market will be somewhat thwarted by the difficulty translating the custom control designs to other platforms. 

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9 hours ago, spoonman said:

I've been hearing that the PS4 and Switch just don't have many family oriented games. Not enough couch co-op games, and one outrageous claim that the Nintendo Switch has, and I quote "full genitalia, Child rape and molestation" source in their games! This is either a huge exaggeration or Nintendo is about to be shut down. And again, when I asked which commercial Nintendo games had that content... Nothing. No proof. Because it isn't true. 



2011–2016 Gal Gun series Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Nintendo Switch, PC Inti-Creates The Gal Gun series has been criticized by western critics due to allowing players to sexually exploit underage women. Inti-Creates was forced by Microsoft to censor the Xbox 360 version due to players being able to look up the girls' skirts, while the PlayStation 3 version remained completely uncensored.[134] The sequel, Gal Gun: Double Peace, which was released internationally, was banned in New Zealand for the same reason.[135]


2014 South Park: The Stick of Truth Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC Obsidian Entertainment,
South Park Digital Studios
The game was censored (by Ubisoft's decision) in Europe and Australia due to its depiction of an anal probing by aliens and the player-character performing an abortion. In their place, the game displays a still image of a statue holding its face in its hand, with an explicit description of events depicted in the scene. The German version was specifically censored because of the use of Nazi- and Hitler-related imagery, including swastikas and Nazi salutes, which in that country are outlawed outside of the context of "art or science, research or teaching".[155] The PC version remains completely uncut in Europe.[156]


2015 Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number PC Dennaton Games The sequel, like the first Hotline Miami, incorporates a large amount of violence as the player sets to kill off agents of the local mafia, but a preview build for the sequel includes a scene that is set up wherein the player's character then appears to rape a female antagonist, though this is later presented in the context of being part of a staged movie scene. Journalists felt that even though the game made it clear of the scene's setup, the inclusion of this scene went too far in taste levels.[157] Despite some changes and assurances made by the developer, the scene in the game caused the Australian Classification Board to refuse to classify the game, effectively preventing legal sale of the title in that country.[158]


2018 Agony PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch Madmind Studio A dark fantasy survival horror video game that puts players into the perspective of a tormented soul within the depths of Hell devoid of any memories whatsoever about its past. The special ability to control people on their path, and possess weak-minded demons, gives players the necessary measures to survive in the extreme conditions they are in.[179] Agony is infamous for being one of only four games to have received the "Adults Only" rating from ESRB due to violence and other extreme graphic content (including gay and lesbian sex scenes and genital physics), following The Punisher, Manhunt 2, and Hatred. The game was re-rated "Mature" after the developers agreed to tone down the violence, which also led to PEGI rating the game 18. A planned "Adults Only" unrated patch for PC was later dropped due to "legal issues".[180] However, on June 6, 2018, the developers said they were "talking with Steam representatives" about offering Agony Unrated as "a separate title produced and published by Madmind Studio and without the involvement of any publishers." For those who already own the original game, this version will be either free DLC or a separate purchase at 99% off, which currently is the highest possible discount on Steam's platform.[181] After announcing the financial problems of the company and canceling the Unrated version of the game, the basic game docked on August 1, 2018, with a considerable amount of updates on the platforms on which it debuted.[182]
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9 hours ago, spoonman said:


And one more thing.. He talks about the Amico not being aimed at the PS5 / Xbox Series X crowd, but then comparisons are made on those consoles compared to the Amico. "Play a game with your buddies on the PS5...it will cost you $800".


He's simply stating a way that it is different from these consoles that he thinks will make it more attractive to non-hardcore gamers. And it was mostly baited by people saying you can play couch co-op on these systems, but failing to mention you need to buy a bunch of extra controllers for your family members.

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39 minutes ago, JeffVav said:

Price point and ergonomics are the thing that will or won't justify it being its own hardware. 

See I think the feature creep and rising price point will make it a little more difficult for it to get a hold in the market. Mainly because at the $180 range it was a complete no brainer. Extreme value with the core co-op, family friendly etc. The now around $230 mark makes it less appealing.


Is there still value there? Definitely, but now you will be competing with the likes of the Switch in terms of making it a second device in the household. Nintendo has many years of being in the game.


Now I do think there is a market outside of us who may be looking for a second game box. We just don't know if they will buy it yet so I don't think we can say it will or won't flop. But going back to the price point. I think it would be best for Amico on many fronts to keep it below Switch prices. Nintendo has a family friendly reputation even if they are starting to or have already have abandoned it.


October is going to be fun and I've seen enough retro stuff (minus Cloudy) and want to see the other games that should appeal to that casual crowd. 

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41 minutes ago, Swami said:

He's simply stating a way that it is different from these consoles that he thinks will make it more attractive to non-hardcore gamers. And it was mostly baited by people saying you can play couch co-op on these systems, but failing to mention you need to buy a bunch of extra controllers for your family members.

I don't see why anybody (pro,con, or neutral Amico) keeps bringing up the PS5 and the next Xbox when you can play a bunch of couch co-op games on the Switch, PS4, and Xbox One TODAY.   An Xbox One S can be bought for $175.   Bundles with games, Game Pass memberships, or extra controllers are plentiful.  I picked up a One S for my parents (who still love Hexic, Bejewelled, Peggle, Trivial Pursuit, and needed a blu-ray player for the living room) that threw in two controllers for the normal MSRP.  For $225, you can get a One S with a Ultra HD blu-ray player included.   They have HUNDREDS of couch co-coop, indie, family friendly right now in the $5-$10 range.   You don't have to wait to play a game "like" Overcooked or Castle Crashers or Trivial Pursuit or Monopoly, you can just play those games TODAY.  As for party games that four+ people can play for no extra cost- pick up any of the "Just Dance" games (and I'm sure the older ones can be found for dirt cheap) and everyone can use their phone as the controller.   Switch, Xbox, PS4 already are in the price range of the Amico and a $200+ games-only device is not an impulse buy to a family just to play casual family games.  A lot of real board games could be bought for that.   Meanwhile the PS4 and Xbox can do Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, etc and physical discs.  The Switch doubles as a handheld.  The "casual family buyer" are going to do some research, so the Amico's unique features have to overcome more powerful consoles,with thousands of titles, more features, and a massive retail presence.  Maybe the exclusively family-friendly content is enough to overcome all that, but I'm not optimistic that will happen.

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4 minutes ago, atm94404 said:

I don't see why anybody (pro,con, or neutral Amico) keeps bringing up the PS5 and the next Xbox when you can play a bunch of couch co-op games on the Switch, PS4, and Xbox One TODAY.   An Xbox One S can be bought for $175.   Bundles with games, Game Pass memberships, or extra controllers are plentiful.  I picked up a One S for my parents (who still love Hexic, Bejewelled, Peggle, Trivial Pursuit, and needed a blu-ray player for the living room) that threw in two controllers for the normal MSRP.  For $225, you can get a One S with a Ultra HD blu-ray player included.   They have HUNDREDS of couch co-coop, indie, family friendly right now in the $5-$10 range.   You don't have to wait to play a game "like" Overcooked or Castle Crashers or Trivial Pursuit or Monopoly, you can just play those games TODAY.  As for party games that four+ people can play for no extra cost- pick up any of the "Just Dance" games (and I'm sure the older ones can be found for dirt cheap) and everyone can use their phone as the controller.   Switch, Xbox, PS4 already are in the price range of the Amico and a $200+ games-only device is not an impulse buy to a family just to play casual family games.  A lot of real board games could be bought for that.   Meanwhile the PS4 and Xbox can do Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, etc and physical discs.  The Switch doubles as a handheld.  The "casual family buyer" are going to do some research, so the Amico's unique features have to overcome more powerful consoles,with thousands of titles, more features, and a massive retail presence.  Maybe the exclusively family-friendly content is enough to overcome all that, but I'm not optimistic that will happen.

I agree that this is going to be a potential barrier, especially if the price point continues to climb beyond $230.  I mean for holiday 2019, Microsoft was selling the digital Xbox One S at $149 including several games and as you point out, controllers were $40 new and less used.  There are also tons of cheap older games and digital games that are family friendly on all three of the major platforms.  I personally am interested in Amico as a classic gamer, but as a parent of kids of varying ages from 6 thru 12, I know that they aren't going to be interested in it and they already have an Xbox One and a Switch, just like most of their friends do.  They also play lots of local multiplayer games from Battlefront to Just Dance to many other party games, so that isn't going to be a selling point for them.  I suspect when I bring one home, they're going to see Amico as another one of Dad's consoles which is fine, but it makes me wonder how long Amico can stay on the market and releasing new titles before it all ends and makes my $230 purchase obsolete.  

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28 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

See I think the feature creep and rising price point will make it a little more difficult for it to get a hold in the market. Mainly because at the $180 range it was a complete no brainer. Extreme value with the core co-op, family friendly etc. The now around $230 mark makes it less appealing.


Is there still value there? Definitely, but now you will be competing with the likes of the Switch in terms of making it a second device in the household. Nintendo has many years of being in the game.


Now I do think there is a market outside of us who may be looking for a second game box. We just don't know if they will buy it yet so I don't think we can say it will or won't flop. But going back to the price point. I think it would be best for Amico on many fronts to keep it below Switch prices. Nintendo has a family friendly reputation even if they are starting to or have already have abandoned it.


October is going to be fun and I've seen enough retro stuff (minus Cloudy) and want to see the other games that should appeal to that casual crowd. 

I agree.  Under $200 seems ideal from my perspective.  I personally think $230 is too high and really don't get the whole $280 limited edition consoles as I can't imagine casual customers spending an extra $50 or more from a different color paint job, especially when the big three generally don't charge extra for their limited edition consoles.

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24 minutes ago, atm94404 said:

I don't see why anybody (pro,con, or neutral Amico) keeps bringing up the PS5 and the next Xbox when you can play a bunch of couch co-op games on the Switch, PS4, and Xbox One TODAY.   An Xbox One S can be bought for $175.   Bundles with games, Game Pass memberships, or extra controllers are plentiful.  I picked up a One S for my parents (who still love Hexic, Bejewelled, Peggle, Trivial Pursuit, and needed a blu-ray player for the living room) that threw in two controllers for the normal MSRP.  For $225, you can get a One S with a Ultra HD blu-ray player included.   They have HUNDREDS of couch co-coop, indie, family friendly right now in the $5-$10 range.   You don't have to wait to play a game "like" Overcooked or Castle Crashers or Trivial Pursuit or Monopoly, you can just play those games TODAY.  As for party games that four+ people can play for no extra cost- pick up any of the "Just Dance" games (and I'm sure the older ones can be found for dirt cheap) and everyone can use their phone as the controller.   Switch, Xbox, PS4 already are in the price range of the Amico and a $200+ games-only device is not an impulse buy to a family just to play casual family games.  A lot of real board games could be bought for that.   Meanwhile the PS4 and Xbox can do Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, etc and physical discs.  The Switch doubles as a handheld.  The "casual family buyer" are going to do some research, so the Amico's unique features have to overcome more powerful consoles,with thousands of titles, more features, and a massive retail presence.  Maybe the exclusively family-friendly content is enough to overcome all that, but I'm not optimistic that will happen.

There is also that *all* games will be couch co-op, many that were not before. There will be several more 4+ available games than only Just Dance. There will be many motion control games, which has not been common since the Wii, which had a lot of bad ones from 3rd party developers. Hopefully, they will do better with the Amico. I brought this up to Tommy several times. I know "another" modern console has motion control games, but only a couple good ones. As someone who owns a lot of consoles from 5 to 40 years old, I can agree old consoles can be a lot of fun and the games can be a steal.

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31 minutes ago, bojay1997 said:

I agree.  Under $200 seems ideal from my perspective.  I personally think $230 is too high and really don't get the whole $280 limited edition consoles as I can't imagine casual customers spending an extra $50 or more from a different color paint job, especially when the big three generally don't charge extra for their limited edition consoles.

I don't mind a console adding an extra 10, 20, or 30 dollars to the initial price tag if the price is for additional, beneficial features or hardware. I would prefer spending a little more money for a better product that can have better usability over time. The fact the Amico controllers originally had resisitve touch and have been upgraded to capactive touch is a huge boon. That'll make them feel like modern devices and not 2000's devices. 


If they are inflating the price to just add feature creep, or things that aren't needed, then that's a whole different story obviously. I agree, the additional price tag for limited edition colors may be a bit too steep, unless they include something extra. 


... With that being said I'm still going for Galaxy Purple. 🤡 But I know I'm not the casual market.

Edited by 1001lives
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33 minutes ago, bojay1997 said:

I agree.  Under $200 seems ideal from my perspective.  I personally think $230 is too high and really don't get the whole $280 limited edition consoles as I can't imagine casual customers spending an extra $50 or more from a different color paint job, especially when the big three generally don't charge extra for their limited edition consoles.

Hmmm. And as a Canadian that might put it in around $300 Cdn which is getting a little too high for me.

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What they are saying is that most households don't buy playstations, xboxes, and nintendos; and that the percentage of households that do is getting smaller every year. Whatever the reasons may be.  So they are targeting all the other households, particular those with young children which apparently is at a historical high.  Their marketing hasn't startet yet, we will see it in a few months.  Apparently the retailers are advising that a US$230 price is fine (two controllers included with Amico).  Most people will choose the standard white or black.  Whenever you buy any console, and it was no different in 1981, you have to also consider the cost of the games. 

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I think and have always thought $199 is the sweet spot for this system. I know some people may think extra 30 or 40 bucks isn’t much, but it may cause hesitation. I’ve bought lots of consoles and collect so it won’t make me hesitate, as I went all in on the Founders Edition. But for the causal, Bed Bath & Beyond Mom I think $199 is a system seller price!

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Just now, MarioMan88 said:

I think and have always thought $199 is the sweet spot for this system. I know some people may think extra 30 or 40 bucks isn’t much, but it may cause hesitation. I’ve bought lots of consoles and collect so it won’t make me hesitate, as I went all in on the Founders Edition. But for the causal, Bed Bath & Beyond Mom I think $199 is a system seller price!

I've gotten products in the 150-200 range that feel like they are in the 150-200 range. ... That is, budget POS... The plastic is cheap and creaky when you push on it, the device feels light and airy like you can break it by picking it up... Very obvious manufacturing flaws in the molding like bad connection points (where the plastic pieces of the shell meet). 


I'm sure a lot of you know what kind of cheap chinese plastic products I'm talking about, with really shoddy parts and gummy buttons/d-pads, etc. 

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17 minutes ago, MarioMan88 said:

I think and have always thought $199 is the sweet spot for this system. I know some people may think extra 30 or 40 bucks isn’t much, but it may cause hesitation. I’ve bought lots of consoles and collect so it won’t make me hesitate, as I went all in on the Founders Edition. But for the causal, Bed Bath & Beyond Mom I think $199 is a system seller price!

I'm sure some of the features they've added will be cool once we figure it out, but I don't know (because we just don't know!) if it was worth the extra $50. I would rather buy a $50 cheaper console than one with some flashy gimmicks that costs $50 more (don't know if they are gimmicks yet got to wait for the reveal).


I think a family friendly gaming system priced at $180 is a good and easy price for a mother who doesn't know much to anything about gaming to make an easy purchase. Especially if she doesn't know if her kids will like it.



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30 minutes ago, 1001lives said:

... With that being said I'm still going for Galaxy Purple. 🤡 But I know I'm not the casual market.

I had the wife on board with the Purple one (close to favorite color) and then I said the price and that was a really quick "Heck no." What I once had easily convinced at $150-$180 with my casual gaming wife has been flipped with the $230 mark. Time will tell, but you aren't the only one that likes the Purple!

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