Welcome. This is an archive of the Intellivision Amico mega-thread that was once on the AtariAge forums.

The original thread has been private and hidden from public viewing since November 2021, but as there were many claims, lies, oddities and just a lot of things that shouldn't be lost forever made within it, it's important to have it viewable for both reference, and entertainment.

The pages were originally saved from Archive.org. While that site is incredibly useful and important, it can often be slow to load (understandably), and a pain to find what pages have been saved and which have not.

The original thread reached 1422 pages. Most of them were archived (1248 to be exact) and remain viewable, but unfortunately some of the later ones weren't able to be saved in time before it was hidden.

You can start viewing the first page of the thread by clicking the link below

Page one of the "Intellivision Amico - Tommy Tallarico introduction + Q&A"

The page navigation links work (apart from the few latter pages that weren't saved), so you can click through quite easily, yay!

Another option is to search the saved pages using Google. As the site is very new, Google hasn't indexed the pages yet so there will be no results for a while. But hey, in the future they should!

Bing has started to index pages. Not all of them yet, but some, so you should get some results

Alternatively, you can click directly to one of the pages below.

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